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Convolutional Neural Network for Convolution of Aerial Survey Images

Trong, Nguyen Van and Fedorovich, Pashchenko Fedor and Tiep, Le Duc and Cong, Vu Chien (2021) Convolutional Neural Network for Convolution of Aerial Survey Images. In: 20th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture, and International Stability TECIS 2021, 14 September 2021through 17 September 2021, Moscow.

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The article presents a neural network for convolution of aerial survey images to search and localize objects. When developing a convolutional neural network for convolution of aerial survey images, it is advisable to use the power of cloud technologies, by deploying the CNN on a cloud server. In this article, to construct a convolutional neural network with a full-scale network strategy, we used ResNet, of which architecture is bas. For traditional convolutional functions, neural networks in the process of convolution are characterized by a local receptive field, which can lead to the generation of local features. Encoding long-range contextual information is not performed properly, and the resulting local features can lead to significant potential disagreements between the features under study, which correspond to pixels with the same tags, resulting in inconsistencies within the class. pixels, eventually leading to low recognition efficiency. To solve this problem, the article improved the convolutional neural network for convolution of aerial survey images. © 2021 The Authors. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Divisions: Faculties > Faculty of Control Engineering
Identification Number: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.10.513
Uncontrolled Keywords: Aerial photography; Antennas; Convolutional neural networks; Image enhancement; Pixels; Surveys, Aerial imagery; Aerial survey image; Aerial surveys; Convolutional neural network; Convolutional neural network recognition system; Local feature; Neural network recognition; Neural-networks; Power; Recognition systems, Convolution
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/10261

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