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Wearable device to support stroke patient during lower limb rehabilitation

Vu, T.A. and Duong, B.D. and Quang, T.M. and Duong, N.T. and Kien, N.P. and Huy, H.Q. and Huong, P.T.V. and Cuong, N.M. (2023) Wearable device to support stroke patient during lower limb rehabilitation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

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IoMT (Internet of Medical Things) is the combination of data from health measuring devices and mobile applications with a health management system, enabling remote disease treatment by healthcare professionals. This research aimed to design an IoMT system that can evaluate the rehabilitation of stroke patients through active range of motion exercises and send the data to physiologists to remotely assess the patient's recovery. The system was developed using gyroscope sensors to calculate the range of motion (ROM) when patients perform rehabilitation exercises by sitting in a chair and extending their legs in front of them. It also utilizes microcontrollers for the purpose of displaying the completed repetitions on an LCD screen and transmitting data to the supervisor through the Blynk application. The initial test results were quite promising, as the system accurately tallied the number of completed repetitions, displayed it on the LCD screen, and alerted patients with a buzzer upon each exercise completion. Additionally, it measured and stored data regarding various angles of motion, which were then displayed in real-time on both the application and the LCD screen. (The number of degrees may be adjusted by the physiotherapist based on each patient's condition. © 2023 IEEE.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (UNSPECIFIED)
Divisions: Offices > Office of International Cooperation
Identification Number: 10.1109/ICCAIS59597.2023.10382324
Uncontrolled Keywords: Information management; Liquid crystal displays; Patient rehabilitation, IMU; Internet of medical thing; KOA; LCD screens; Lower limb; Range of motion; Range-of-motion; Stroke; Stroke patients; Wearable devices, Wearable technology
Additional Information: cited By 0; Conference of 12th IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2023 ; Conference Date: 27 November 2023 Through 29 November 2023; Conference Code:196337
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/11099

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