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Full-Duplex Relay System with Energy Harvesting: Outage and Symbol Error Probabilities

Dung, L.T. and Cao Nguyen, B. and Hoang, T.M. and Choi, S.-G. (2018) Full-Duplex Relay System with Energy Harvesting: Outage and Symbol Error Probabilities. In: 11th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2018, 18 October 2018 through 20 October 2018.

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In this paper, the performance of the full-duplex decode-and-forward relay system with energy harvesting is analyzed in terms of the outage and symbol error probabilities. We consider the energy replenishing using radio frequency (RF) for the source and the relay nodes through the power beacon (PB) combined with the case of imperfect self-interference cancellation (SIC) at the full-duplex relay. Firstly, the closed-form expression of the exact outage probability of the system over Rayleigh fading channel is derived. Then based on that, the exact expression for the symbol error probability of the system is obtained to evaluate the system performance with different modulation schemes. The Monte-Carlo simulation is used to verify the correctness of the mathematical analysis. From the numerical results, the impacts of the residual self-interference, the time duration for harvesting and the types of modulation are studied. © 2018 IEEE.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Divisions: Faculties > Faculty of Radio-Electronic Engineering
Identification Number: 10.1109/ATC.2018.8587594
Uncontrolled Keywords: Communication channels (information theory); Decoding; Energy harvesting; Errors; Fading channels; Intelligent systems; Modulation; Monte Carlo methods; Probability; Rayleigh fading; Decode - and - forwards; Full-duplex relays; Outage probability; Self-interferences; Symbol error probabilities (SEP); Outages
Additional Information: Conference code: 143867. Language of original document: English.
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/9476

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