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Journals peer-reviewed by Scopus
Vu, T.V. and Anh, N.T.T. and Hoat, D.M. and Tran, D.P. and Tong, H.D. and Luong, H.L. and Hieu, L.M. and Nguyen, C.V. and Phuc, H.V. and Binh, N.T.T. and Hieu, N.N. (2020) Electronic, optical and photocatalytic properties of fully hydrogenated GeC monolayer. Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 117: 113857. ISSN 13869477
Nguyen, H.T.T. and Vu, T.V. and Binh, N.T.T. and Hoat, D.M. and Hieu, N.V. and Anh, N.T.T. and Nguyen, C.V. and Phuc, H.V. and Jappor, H.R. and Obeid, M.M. and Hieu, N.N. (2020) Strain-tunable electronic and optical properties of monolayer GeSe: Promising for photocatalytic water splitting applications. Chemical Physics, 529: 110543. ISSN 3010104
Vu, T.V. and Anh, N.T.T. and Tran, D.P. and Hoat, D.M. and Binh, N.T.T. and Tong, H.D. and Hoi, B.D. and Nguyen, C.V. and Phuc, H.V. and Hieu, N.N. (2020) Surface functionalization of GeC monolayer with F and Cl: Electronic and optical properties. Superlattices and Microstructures, 137: 106359. ISSN 7496036