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Number of items: 45.


Nguyen, X.H. and Tran, C.T. and Bui, L.T. (2022) Improve Performance of Pareto Corner Search-based Objective Reduction in Many-Objective Optimization. Evolutionary Intelligence. ISSN 18645909

Phan, A.V. and Nguyen, K.D.T. and Bui, L.T. (2022) Semi-supervised multitask learning using convolutional autoencoder for faulty code detection with limited data. Applied Intelligence. ISSN 0924669X

Truong Vu, V. and Bui, L.T. and Nguyen, T.T. (2020) A Competitive Co-Evolutionary Approach for the Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms. IEEE Access, 8: 9043554. pp. 56927-56947. ISSN 21693536 Fulltext available

Nguyen, X.H. and Bui, L.T. and Tran, C.T. (2020) Improving many objective optimisation algorithms using objective dimensionality reduction. Evolutionary Intelligence, 13 (3). pp. 365-380. ISSN 18645909 Fulltext available

Phan, A.V. and Chau, P.N. and Nguyen, M.L. and Bui, L.T. (2018) Automatically classifying source code using tree-based approaches. Data and Knowledge Engineering, 114. pp. 12-25. ISSN 0169023X Fulltext available

Phan, A.V. and Nguyen, M.L. and Nguyen, Y.L.H. and Bui, L.T. (2018) DGCNN: A convolutional neural network over large-scale labeled graphs. Neural Networks, 108. pp. 533-543. ISSN 8936080

Tran, C.T. and Zhang, M. and Andreae, P. and Xue, B. and Bui, L.T. (2018) Improving performance of classification on incomplete data using feature selection and clustering. Applied Soft Computing Journal, 73. pp. 848-861. ISSN 15684946 Fulltext available

Tran, C.T. and Zhang, M. and Andreae, P. and Xue, B. and Bui, L.T. (2018) An effective and efficient approach to classification with incomplete data. Knowledge-Based Systems, 154. pp. 1-16. ISSN 9507051 Fulltext available

Bui, L.T. and Truong Vu, V. and Huong Dinh, T.T. (2018) A novel evolutionary multi-objective ensemble learning approach for forecasting currency exchange rates. Data and Knowledge Engineering, 114. pp. 40-66. ISSN 0169023X Fulltext available

Phan, A.V. and Nguyen, M.L. and Bui, L.T. (2017) Feature weighting and SVM parameters optimization based on genetic algorithms for classification problems. Applied Intelligence, 46 (2). pp. 455-469. ISSN 0924669X Fulltext available

Bui, L.T. and Thi Thanh Binh, H. (2016) A survivable design of last mile communication networks using multi-objective genetic algorithms. Memetic Computing, 8 (2). pp. 97-108. ISSN 18659284 Fulltext available

Bui, L.T. (2015) Preface. Proceedings of the 2014 7th IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications, CISDA 2014: 7035620.

Nguyen, L. and Bui, L.T. and Abbass, H.A. (2014) DMEA-II: the direction-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm-II. Soft Computing, 18 (11). pp. 2119-2134. ISSN 14327643

Bui, L.T. (2013) The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Vietnam chapter's report. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 8 (3): 6557051. pp. 8-9. ISSN 1556603X Fulltext available

Bui, L.T. and Michalewicz, Z. and Parkinson, E. and Abello, M.B. (2012) Adaptation in dynamic environments: A case study in mission planning. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 16 (2): 6095344. pp. 190-209. ISSN 1089778X

Bui, L.T. and Abbass, H.A. and Barlow, M. and Bender, A. (2012) Robustness against the decision-maker's attitude to risk in problems with conflicting objectives. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 16 (1): 5557781. pp. 1-19. ISSN 1089778X Fulltext available

Bui, L.T. and Liu, J. and Bender, A. and Barlow, M. and Wesolkowski, S. and Abbass, H.A. (2011) DMEA: A direction-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm. Memetic Computing, 3 (4). pp. 271-285. ISSN 18659284 Fulltext available

Conference or Workshop Item

Bui, L.T. and Vu, V.T. and Pham, B.V. and Phan, V.A. (2022) A multi-population coevolutionary approach for Software defect prediction with imbalanced data. In: onference of 14th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, KSE 2022, 19 October 2022 Through 21 October 2022, Virtual, Online.

Dinh, T.T.H. and Vu, V.T. and Bui, L.T. (2020) An ensemble multi-objective particle swarm optimization approach for exchange rates forecasting problem. In: 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing, ICMLSC 2020, 17 January 2020 through 19 January 2020. Fulltext available

Nguyen, H.T. and Garratt, M. and Bui, L.T. and Abbass, H. (2019) Apprenticeship Learning for Continuous State Spaces and Actions in a Swarm-Guidance Shepherding Task. In: 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2019, 6 December 2019 through 9 December 2019.

Nguyen, X.H. and Bui, L.T. and Tran, C.T. (2019) Clustering method using Pareto Corner Search Evolutionary algorithm for objective reduction in many-objective optimization problems. In: 10th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2019, 4 December 2019 through 6 December 2019. Fulltext available

Vu, V.T. and Bui, L.T. and Nguyen, T.T. (2019) A multi-objective competitive co-evolutionary approach for classification problems. In: 6th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science, NICS 2019, 12 December 2019 through 13 December 2019. Fulltext available

Vu, V.T. and Bui, L.T. and Nguyen, T.T. (2019) A multi-objective cooperative coevolutionary approach for remote sensing image classification. In: 11th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, KSE 2019, 24 October 2019 through 26 October 2019.

The Nguyen, H. and Bui, L.T. and Garratt, M. and Abbass, H. (2018) Apprenticeship bootstrapping: Inverse Reinforcement learning in a multi-skill UAV-UGV coordination task. In: 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2018, 10 July 2018 through 15 July 2018.

Nguyen, H.T. and Garratt, M. and Bui, L.T. and Abbass, H. (2018) Supervised deep actor network for imitation learning in a ground-air UAV-UGVs coordination task. In: 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2017, 27 November 2017 through 1 December 2017. Fulltext available

Phan, A.V. and Nguyen, M.L. and Bui, L.T. (2017) SibStCNN and TBCNN + kNN-TED: New models over tree structures for source code classification. In: 18th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, IDEAL 2017, 30 October 2017 through 1 November 2017.

Tran, C.T. and Zhang, M. and Andreae, P. and Xue, B. and Bui, L.T. (2017) An ensemble of rule-based classifiers for incomplete data. In: 21st Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, IES 2017, 15 November 2017 through 17 November 2017. Fulltext available

Vu, V.T. and Bui, L.T. and Nguyen, T.T. (2017) A modified dual-population approach for solving multi-objective problems. In: 21st Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, IES 2017, 15 November 2017 through 17 November 2017. Fulltext available

Nguyen, L. and Xuan, H.N. and Bui, L.T. (2016) Performance Measurement for Interactive Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms. In: 7th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, KSE 2015, 8 October 2015 through 10 October 2015. Fulltext available

Nguyen, L. and Tran, A.Q. and Bui, L.T. (2015) DMEA-II and its application on spam email detection problems. In: 7th IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications, CISDA 2014, 14 December 2014 through 17 December 2014. Fulltext available

Bui, L.T. and Hoang, T.T.H. (2014) CROCADILE's crowd modeling: An investigation from social network analysis perspective. In: 2013 3rd World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, WICT 2013, 15 December 2013 through 18 December 2013.

Vu, M.T. and Tran, Q.A. and Ha, Q.M. and Bui, L.T. (2014) A multi-objective approach for Vietnamese spam detection. In: 5th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, KSE 2013, 17 October 2013 through 19 October 2013.

Nguyen, L. and Bui, L.T. (2014) A ray based interactive method for direction based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. In: 5th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, KSE 2013, 17 October 2013 through 19 October 2013.

Long, N. and Bui, L.T. and Abbass, H. (2013) A new niching method for the direction-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. In: 2013 4th IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making, MCDM 2013 - 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2013, 16 April 2013 through 19 April 2013, Singapore. Fulltext available

Vu, C.C. and Bui, L.T. and Abbass, H.A. (2012) DEAL: A direction-guided evolutionary algorithm. In: 9th International Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning, SEAL 2012, 16 December 2012 through 19 December 2012, Hanoi. Fulltext available

Bui, L.T. and Hoang, V. (2012) A multi-objective approach for master's thesis committees scheduling using DMEA. In: 9th International Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning, SEAL 2012, 16 December 2012 through 19 December 2012, Hanoi. Fulltext available

Nguyen, L. and Bui, L.T. (2012) A multi-point interactive method for multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. In: 4th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, KSE 2012, 17 August 2012 through 19 August 2012, Danang. Fulltext available

Abello, M.B. and Michalewicz, Z. and Bui, L.T. (2012) A reactive-proactive approach for solving dynamic scheduling with time-varying number of Tasks. In: 2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2012, 10 June 2012 through 15 June 2012, Brisbane, QLD. Fulltext available

Abello, M.B. and Bui, L.T. and Michalewicz, Z. (2011) An adaptive approach for solving dynamic scheduling with time-varying number of tasks - Part II. In: 2011 IEEE Congress of Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2011, 5 June 2011 through 8 June 2011, New Orleans, LA. Fulltext available

Abello, M.B. and Bui, L.T. and Michalewicz, Z. (2011) An adaptive approach for solving dynamic scheduling with time-varying number of tasks - Part i. In: 2011 IEEE Congress of Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2011, 5 June 2011 through 8 June 2011, New Orleans, LA. Fulltext available

Bui, L.T. and Baker, S. and Bender, A. and Abbass, H.A. and Barlow, M. and Saker, R. (2011) A grid-based heuristic for two-dimensional packing problems. In: 2011 IEEE Congress of Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2011, 5 June 2011 through 8 June 2011, New Orleans, LA. Fulltext available

Vu, C.C. and Nguyen, H.H. and Bui, L.T. (2011) A parallel cooperative coevolution evolutionary algorithm. In: 2011 3rd International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, KSE 2011, 14 October 2011 through 17 October 2011, Hanoi. Fulltext available

Pham, V.V. and Bui, L.T. and Alam, S. and Lokan, C. and Abbass, H.A. (2010) A Pittsburgh Multi-Objective Classifier for user preferred trajectories and flight navigation. In: 2010 6th IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2010 - 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2010, 18 July 2010 through 23 July 2010, Barcelona. Fulltext available

Bui, L.T. and Michalewicz, Z. (2010) A computational framework for adaptation in military mission planning. In: 2nd International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, KSE 2010, 7 October 2010 through 9 October 2010, Hanoi. Fulltext available

Bui, L.T. and Michalewicz, Z. (2010) An evolutionary multi-objective approach for dynamic mission planning. In: 2010 6th IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2010 - 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2010, 18 July 2010 through 23 July 2010, Barcelona. Fulltext available

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