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Journals peer-reviewed by Scopus
Mao, Y. and Le, B.T. and Xiao, D. and He, D. and Liu, C. and Jiang, L. and Yu, Z. and Yang, F. and Liu, X.
Coal classification method based on visible-infrared spectroscopy and an improved multilayer extreme learning machine.
Optics and Laser Technology, 114.
pp. 10-15.
ISSN 303992
Le, B.T. and Xiao, D. and Mao, Y. and He, D. (2018) Coal analysis based on visible-infrared spectroscopy and a deep neural network. Infrared Physics and Technology, 93. pp. 34-40. ISSN 13504495
Le, B.T. and Xiao, D. and Mao, Y. and He, D. and Zhang, S. and Sun, X. and Liu, X. (2018) Coal exploration based on a multilayer extreme learning machine and satellite images. IEEE Access, 6: 8421221. pp. 44328-44339. ISSN 21693536
Le, B.T. and Xiao, D. and Okello, D. and He, D. and Xu, J. and Doan, T.T.
Coal exploration technology based on visible-infrared spectra and remote sensing data.
Spectroscopy Letters, 50 (8).
pp. 440-450.
ISSN 387010