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Journals peer-reviewed by Scopus

Nguyen, S.T. and Hieu, N.V. and Le-Quoc, H. and Nguyen-Ba, K. and Nguyen, C.V. and Phuc, H.V. and Nguyen, C.Q. (2024) First-principles investigations of the controllable electronic properties and contact types of type II MoTe2/MoS2 van der Waals heterostructures. Nanoscale Advances, 6 (14). pp. 3624-3631.

Thuy, D.V. and Tiep, P.D. and Hieu, N.V. and Thang, P.C. (2024) Influence of loading frequency and relative compaction on liquefaction behavior of reconstituted sand in cyclic triaxial tests 循环三轴试验加载频率和压实度对重塑砂土液化行为的影响. Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics, 45 (6). pp. 1813-1823. ISSN 10007598

Hieu, N.N. and Hieu, N.V. and Le-Quoc, H. and Vi, V.T.T. and Nguyen, C.Q. and Nguyen, C.V. and Phuc, H.V. and Nguyen-Ba, K. (2024) Spin–orbit coupling tunable electronic properties of 1T′-MoS2 and ternary Janus 1T′-MoSSe monolayers: Theoretical prediction. Chemical Physics, 583.

Nguyen, S.-T. and Hieu, N.V. and Le-Quoc, H. and Nguyen-Ba, K. and Nguyen, C.V. and Nguyen, C.Q. (2024) Tunable Electronic Properties and Contact Performance of Type-II HfS2/MoS2 Van der Waals Heterostructure. Advanced Theory and Simulations, 7 (7).

Nguyen, S.-T. and Nguyen, C.Q. and Sin Ang, Y. and Phuc, H.V. and Hieu, N.N. and Hiep, N.T. and Hung, N.M. and Phuong, L.T.T. and Hieu, N.V. and Nguyen, C.V. (2023) Tunable Schottky contact at the graphene/Janus SMoSiN2 interface for high-efficiency electronic devices. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 56 (4).

Nguyen, S.-T. and Nguyen, C.V. and Nguyen-Ba, K. and Le-Quoc, H. and Hieu, N.V. and Nguyen, C.Q. (2022) Electric field tunability of the electronic properties and contact types in the MoS2/SiH heterostructure. RSC Advances, 12 (37). pp. 24172-24177. ISSN 20462069

Do, T.-N. and Nguyen, C.V. and Tan, L.V. and Idrees, M. and Amin, B. and Hieu, N.V. and Hoai, N.T.X. and Hoa, L.T. and Hieu, N.N. and Phuc, H.V. (2021) Effects of La and Ce doping on electronic structure and optical properties of janus MoSSe monolayer. Superlattices and Microstructures, 151: 106841. ISSN 7496036 Fulltext available

Vu, T.V. and Kartamyshev, A.I. and Hieu, N.V. and Dang, T.D.H. and Nguyen, S.-N. and Poklonski, N.A. and Nguyen, C.V. and Phuc, H.V. and Hieu, N.N. (2021) Structural, elastic, and electronic properties of chemically functionalized boron phosphide monolayer. RSC Advances, 11 (15). pp. 8552-8558. ISSN 20462069 Fulltext available

Nhan, L.C. and Nguyen, C.Q. and Hieu, N.V. and Phuc, H.V. and Nguyen, C.V. and Hieu, N.N. and Vu, T.V. and Nguyen, H.T.T. (2021) Theoretical insights into tunable electronic and optical properties of Janus Al2SSe monolayer through strain and electric field. Optik, 238: 166761. ISSN 304026 Fulltext available

Vu, T.V. and Nguyen, C.V. and Phuc, H.V. and Lavrentyev, A.A. and Khyzhun, O.Y. and Hieu, N.V. and Obeid, M.M. and Rai, D.P. and Tong, H.D. and Hieu, N.N. (2021) Theoretical prediction of electronic, transport, optical, and thermoelectric properties of Janus monolayers In2X O (X= S,Se,Te). Physical Review B, 103 (8): 85422. ISSN 24699950 Fulltext available

Pham, K.D. and Nguyen, C.V. and Binh, N.T.T. and Nguyen, C.Q. and Idrees, M. and Amin, B. and Nguyen, S.-T. and Hieu, N.V. and Pham, K.D. (2021) Two-dimensional blue phosphorene-BAs vdW heterostructure with optical and photocatalytic properties: a first-principles study. RSC Advances, 11 (21). pp. 13025-13029. ISSN 20462069 Fulltext available

Pham, K.D. and Nguyen, C.Q. and Nguyen, C.V. and Cuong, P.V. and Hieu, N.V. (2021) Two-dimensional van der Waals graphene/transition metal nitride heterostructures as promising high-performance nanodevices. New Journal of Chemistry, 45 (12). pp. 5509-5516. ISSN 11440546 Fulltext available

Do, T.-N. and Idrees, M. and Amin, B. and Hieu, N.N. and Phuc, H.V. and Hieu, N.V. and Hoa, L.T. and Nguyen, C.V. (2020) Electronic and photocatalytic properties of two-dimensional boron phosphide/SiC van der Waals heterostructure with direct type-II band alignment: a first principles study. RSC Advances, 10 (53). pp. 32027-32033. ISSN 20462069 Fulltext available

Vu, T.V. and Hieu, N.V. and Phuc, H.V. and Hieu, N.N. and Bui, H.D. and Idrees, M. and Amin, B. and Nguyen, C.V. (2020) Graphene/WSeTe van der Waals heterostructure: Controllable electronic properties and Schottky barrier via interlayer coupling and electric field. Applied Surface Science, 507: 145036. ISSN 1694332

Farkous, M. and Bikerouin, M. and Thuan, D.V. and Benhouria, Y. and El-Yadri, M. and Feddi, E. and Erguig, H. and Dujardin, F. and Nguyen, C.V. and Hieu, N.V. and Bui, H.D. and Hieu, N.N. and Phuc, H.V. (2020) Strain effects on the electronic and optical properties of Van der Waals heterostructure MoS2/WS2: A first-principles study. Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 116: 113799. ISSN 13869477 Fulltext available

Nguyen, H.T.T. and Vu, T.V. and Binh, N.T.T. and Hoat, D.M. and Hieu, N.V. and Anh, N.T.T. and Nguyen, C.V. and Phuc, H.V. and Jappor, H.R. and Obeid, M.M. and Hieu, N.N. (2020) Strain-tunable electronic and optical properties of monolayer GeSe: Promising for photocatalytic water splitting applications. Chemical Physics, 529: 110543. ISSN 3010104

Vo, D.D. and Vu, T.V. and Hieu, N.V. and Hieu, N.N. and Phuc, H.V. and Binh, N.T.T. and Phuong, L.T.T. and Idrees, M. and Amin, B. and Nguyen, C.V. (2019) Band alignment and optical features in Janus-MoSeTe/X(OH)2 (X = Ca, Mg) van der Waals heterostructures. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21 (46). pp. 25849-25858. ISSN 14639076

Muoi, D. and Hieu, N.N. and Phung, H.T.T. and Phuc, H.V. and Amin, B. and Hoi, B.D. and Hieu, N.V. and Nhan, L.C. and Nguyen, C.V. and Le, P.T.T. (2019) Electronic properties of WS2 and WSe2 monolayers with biaxial strain: A first-principles study. Chemical Physics, 519. pp. 69-73. ISSN 3010104 Fulltext available

Hien, N.D. and Cuong, N.Q. and Bui, L.M. and Dinh, P.C. and Nguyen, C.V. and Phuc, H.V. and Hieu, N.V. and Jappor, H.R. and Phuong, L.T.T. and Hoi, B.D. and Nhan, L.C. and Hieu, N.N. (2019) First principles study of single-layer SnSe 2 under biaxial strain and electric field: Modulation of electronic properties. Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 111. pp. 201-205. ISSN 13869477 Fulltext available

Hien, N.D. and Duque, C.A. and Feddi, E. and Hieu, N.V. and Trien, H.D. and Phuong, L.T.T. and Hoi, B.D. and Hoa, L.T. and Nguyen, C.V. and Hieu, N.N. and Phuc, H.V. (2019) Magneto-optical effect in GaAs/GaAlAs semi-parabolic quantum well. Thin Solid Films, 682. pp. 10-17. ISSN 406090 Fulltext available

Qkhoa, D. and Nguyen, C.V. and Bui, L.M. and Phuc, H.V. and Hoi, B.D. and Hieu, N.V. and Nha, V.Q. and Huynh, N. and Nhan, L.C. and Hieu, N.N. (2019) Opening a band gap in graphene by C-C bond alternation: A tight binding approach. Materials Research Express, 6 (4). ISSN 20531591 Fulltext available

Pham, K.D. and Hieu, N.V. and Bui, Le.M. and Ershov, I.V. and Hieu, N.N. and Phuc, H.V. and Hoi, B.D. and Phuong, L.T.T. and Duc, Le.M. and Idrees, M. and Amin, B. and Nguyen, C.V. (2019) Strain engineering and electric field tunable electronic properties of Ti2CO2 MXene monolayer. Materials Research Express, 6 (6): 65910. ISSN 20531591

Le, P.T.T. and Nguyen, C.V. and Thuan, D.V. and Vu, T.V. and Ilyasov, V.V. and Poklonski, N.A. and Phuc, H.V. and Ershov, I.V. and Geguzina, G.A. and Hieu, N.V. and Hoi, B.D. and Cuong, N.X. and Hieu, N.N. (2019) Strain-Tunable Electronic and Optical Properties of Monolayer Germanium Monosulfide: Ab-Initio Study. Journal of Electronic Materials. ISSN 3615235 (In Press) Fulltext available

Le, P.T.T. and Bui, L.M. and Hieu, N.N. and Phuc, H.V. and Amin, B. and Hieu, N.V. and Nguyen, C.V. (2019) Tailoring electronic properties and Schottky barrier in sandwich heterostructure based on graphene and tungsten diselenide. Diamond and Related Materials, 94. pp. 129-136. ISSN 9259635 Fulltext available

Vu, T.V. and Hieu, N.V. and Thao, L.T.P. and Hieu, N.N. and Phuc, H.V. and Bui, H.D. and Idrees, M. and Amin, B. and Duc, L.M. and Nguyen, C.V. (2019) Tailoring the structural and electronic properties of an SnSe2/MoS2 van der Waals heterostructure with an electric field and the insertion of a graphene sheet. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21 (39). pp. 22140-22148. ISSN 14639076 Fulltext available

Pham, K.D. and Vi, V.T.T. and Thuan, D.V. and Phuong, L.T.T. and Hoa, L.T. and Hieu, N.V. and Nguyen, C.V. and Phuc, H.V. and Jappor, H.R. and Cuong, N.Q. and Hoi, B.D. and Hieu, N.N. (2019) Tunable electronic properties of InSe by biaxial strain: From bulk to single-layer. Materials Research Express, 6 (11): 115002. ISSN 20531591 Fulltext available

Pham, K.D. and Vi, V.T.T. and Thuan, D.V. and Hieu, N.V. and Nguyen, C.V. and Phuc, H.V. and Hoi, B.D. and Phuong, L.T.T. and Cuong, N.Q. and Lu, D.V. and Hieu, N.N. (2019) Tuning the electronic properties of GaS monolayer by strain engineering and electric field. Chemical Physics, 524. pp. 101-105. ISSN 3010104 Fulltext available

Pham, K.D. and Nguyen, C.V. and Phuc, H.V. and Vu, T.V. and Hieu, N.V. and Hoi, B.D. and Nhan, L.C. and Nha, V.Q. and Hieu, N.N. (2018) Ab-initio study of electronic and optical properties of biaxially deformed single-layer GeS. Superlattices and Microstructures, 120. pp. 501-507. ISSN 7496036 Fulltext available

Nguyen, C.V. and Hieu, N.V. and Nhan, L.C. and Phuc, H.V. and IIyasov, V.V. and Hieu, N.N. (2018) First-principles study of electronic properties of AB-stacked bilayer armchair graphene nanoribbons under out-plane strain. Indian Journal of Physics, 92 (4). pp. 447-452. ISSN 9731458

Phuc, H.V. and Hieu, N.N. and Hoi, B.D. and Hieu, N.V. and Thu, T.V. and Hung, N.M. and Ilyasov, V.V. and Poklonski, N.A. and Nguyen, C.V. (2018) Tuning the Electronic Properties, Effective Mass and Carrier Mobility of MoS2 Monolayer by Strain Engineering: First-Principle Calculations. Journal of Electronic Materials, 47 (1). pp. 730-736. ISSN 3615235

Phuc, H.V. and Tuan, V.V. and Hieu, N.N. and Ilyasov, V.V. and Fedorov, I.A. and Hoi, B.D. and Phuong, L.T.T. and Hieu, N.V. and Feddi, E. and Nguyen, C.V. (2018) Tuning the Electronic and Optical Properties of Two-Dimensional Graphene-like C 2N Nanosheet by Strain Engineering. Journal of Electronic Materials, 47 (8). pp. 4594-4603. ISSN 3615235

Nguyen, C.V. and Hieu, N.N. and Duque, C.A. and Poklonski, N.A. and Ilyasov, V.V. and Hieu, N.V. and Dinh, L. and Quang, Q.K. and Tung, L.V. and Phuc, H.V. (2017) Linear and nonlinear magneto-optical absorption coefficients and refractive index changes in graphene. Optical Materials, 69. pp. 328-332. ISSN 9253467

Phuc, H.V. and Hieu, N.N. and Hoi, B.D. and Phuong, L.T.T. and Hieu, N.V. and Nguyen, C.V. (2017) Out-of-plane strain and electric field tunable electronic properties and Schottky contact of graphene/antimonene heterostructure. Superlattices and Microstructures, 112. pp. 554-560. ISSN 7496036 Fulltext available

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