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Zenkov, I.V. and Le Hung, Trinh and Vovkin, V.N. and Kirushina, E.V. and Latyntsev, A.A. and Kondrashov, P.M. and Pavlova, P.L. and Konov, V.N. and Lunev, A.S. and Skornyakova, S.N. and Maglinets, Yu.A. and Raevich, K.V. (2022) Mining Landscapes Ecological State Study at Deposits of Non-ferrous Metal Ores in the Regions of Siberia and the Far East [ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОГОСОСТОЯНИЯ ГОРНОПРОМЫШЛЕННЫХЛАНДШАФТОВ НА МЕСТОРОЖДЕНИЯХ РУДЦВЕТНЫХ МЕТАЛЛОВ ВРЕГИОНАХ СИБИРИИДАЛЬНЕГОВОСТОКА]. Ecology and Industry of Russia, 26 (1). pp. 42-47. ISSN 1816-0395

Zenkov, I.V. and Le Hung, Trinh and Vovkin, V.N. and Kirushina, E.V. and Latyntsev, A.A. and Kondrashov, P.M. and Pavlova, P.L. and Konov, V.N. and Lunev, A.S. and Skornyakova, S.N. and Maglinets, Yu.A. and Raevich, K.V. (2022) Results of Ecological Remote Monitoring of Disturbed Lands on Polymetal Ore Deposits in the Orenburg Region [РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫДИСТАНЦИОННОГОМОНИТОРИНГА ЭКОЛОГИИНАРУШЕННЫХЗЕМЕЛЬ НА РУДНЫХ МЕСТОРОЖДЕНИЯХ ПОЛИМЕТАЛЛОВ В ОРЕНБУРГСКОЙОБЛАСТИ]. Ecology and Industry of Russia, 26 (1). pp. 36-41. ISSN 1816-0395

Zenkov, I.V. and Le Hung, Trinh and Vokin, V.N. and Kirushina, E.V. and Latyntsev, A.A. and Kondrashov, P.M. and Pavlova, P.L. and Konov, V.N. and Lunev, A.S. and Skornyakova, S.N. and Maglinets, Yu.A. and Raevich, K.V. (2022) Substantiation of Opencast Mining Technology of Deposits of Non-ferrous Metal Ores in the Light of Global Trends to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions [ОБОСНОВАНИЕТЕХНОЛОГИИОТКРЫТОЙРАЗРАБОТКИ МЕСТОРОЖДЕНИЙРУДЦВЕТНЫХМЕТАЛЛОВ СУЧЕТОММИРОВЫХ ТЕНДЕНЦИЙСНИЖЕНИЯ ЭМИССИИПАРНИКОВЫХ ГАЗОВ]. Ecology and Industry of Russia, 26 (1). pp. 48-53. ISSN 1816-0395

Zenkov, I.V. and Le Hung, Trinh and Vovkin, V.N. and Kirushina, E.V. and Latyntsev, A.A. and Kondrashov, P.M. and Pavlova, P.L. and Konov, V.N. and Lunev, A.S. and Skornyakova, S.N. and Maglinets, Yu.A. and Raevich, K.V. (2022) Technology Development for Mining-engineering Recultivation during Opencast Mining at Polymetallic Ore Deposits [РАЗРАБОТКАТЕХНОЛОГИИ ГОРНОТЕХНИЧЕСКОЙРЕКУЛЬТИВАЦИИ ПРИВЕДЕНИИОТКРЫТЫХГОРНЫХРАБОТ НАМЕСТОРОЖДЕНИЯХПОЛИМЕТАЛЛИЧЕСКИХРУД]. Ecology and Industry of Russia, 26 (1). pp. 54-59. ISSN 1816-0395

Zenkov, I.V. and Le Hung, Trinh and Vovkin, V.N. and Kirushina, E.V. and Latyntsev, A.A. and Kondrashov, P.M. and Pavlova, P.L. and Konov, V.N. and Lunev, A.S. and Skornyakova, S.N. and Maglinets, Yu.A. and Raevich, K.V. (2022) Using the Remote Sensing in Studying Ecosystems of Deposits of Nonferrous Metal Ores, Both Opencast and Abandoned, in the Northern Regions of Russia [ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕДИСТАНЦИОННОГОЗОНДИРОВАНИЯ ВИССЛЕДОВАНИИЭКОСИСТЕМНА РАЗРАБАТЫВАЕМЫХ ИОТРАБОТАННЫХ МЕСТОРОЖДЕНИЯХ РУДЦВЕТНЫХ МЕТАЛЛОВВСЕВЕРНЫХ РЕГИОНАХ РОССИИ]. Ecology and Industry of Russia, 26 (1). pp. 30-35. ISSN 1816-0395

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