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Journals peer-reviewed by Scopus
Van Pham, K. and Tran, H.T. and Nguyen, D.T. and Le, A.D. and Nguyen, Q.D. and Pham, D.T. (2024) Delayed detached eddy simulation for wake flow analysis of axisymmetric boattail models under low-speed conditions. Physics of Fluids, 36 (3).
Nguyen, D.T. and Nguyen, T.M.H. and Nguyen, T.T. and Nguyen, T.B.N. and Nguyen, T.N. and Nguyen and Nghiem, T.H.L. (2024) Effects of size on silver nanoparticle stability and inhibition of Vibro parahaemolyticus bacterial cell growth in high chloride media. Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15 (2).
Pham, P.H. and Nguyen, D.T. and Hoang, K.T. (2024) Single mask and low voltage electrothermal micromotor. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 374.
Vu, D.Q. and Nguyen, D.T. and Chu, V.H. and Nguyen, H.T. and Nguyen, A.T. and Nguyen, Q.H. (2024) Study on the Effect of Internal Pressure and Axial Feed in Tube Hydrostatic Forming Process of T-shaped Joints. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. pp. 379-391. ISSN 21954356
Nguyen, D.T. and Pham, P.H. and Hoang, K.T. (2023) Improving displacement of silicon V-shaped electrothermal microactuator using platinum sputter deposition process. Microelectronics International.
Nguyen, D.V. and Bui, V.Q. and Nguyen, D.T. and Uong, Q.S. and Truong, H.T. (2023) Studying the thermo-gas-dynamic process in a muzzle brake compensator. Archive of Mechanical Engineering, 70 (2). pp. 311-328. ISSN 00040738
Nguyen, M.T. and Tran, X.N. and Duc, N.V. and Trinh, Q.K. and Nguyen, D.T. and Vu, T.A. (2023) Sub-optimal Deep Pipelined Implementation of MIMO Sphere Detector on FPGA. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, 10 (1). ISSN 24100218
Pham, V.H. and Vo, T.H. and Vu, D.D. and Choi, J. and Park, S. and Nguyen, D.T. and Lee, B.-I. and Oh, J. (2022) Development of Scanning Acoustic Microscopy System for Evaluating the Resistance Spot Welding Quality. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation. ISSN 09349847
Nguyen, M.T. and Tran, X.N. and Ngo, V.-D. and Nguyen, D.T. and Vu, T.A. and Trinh, Q.-K. (2022) An Effective Design Approach to Implementation of MIMO-SDM-PNC Relay Stations on FPGA. In: Conference of 11th International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2022, 21 November 2022 Through 24 November 2022, Hanoi.
Nguyen, T.N. and Do, Q.H. and Vu, T.T.D. and Nguyen, T.T. and Nguyen, D.T. and Nguyen, T.B.N. and Tran, T.T.H. and Vu, T.K.O. and Nghiem, T.H.L. and Hoa, T.M.T. and Nguyen, T.M.H. and Bui, P.N. and Nguyen, M.H. and Pham, D.M. and Tran, T.C.T. (2022) Enhancement of antibacterial activity by a copper(II) and zinc(II) in chelation with ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid and urea complex. Chemical Papers. ISSN 03666352
Van Vo, B. and Macko, M. and Nguyen, D.T. and Nguyen, P.D. and Nguyen, H.T. and Bui, T.T. (2021) Dynamic simulation analysis and optimization of firing rate of rocket launchers on wheeled vehicles. Advances in Military Technology, 16 (1). pp. 159-175. ISSN 18022308
Nguyen, T.N. and Nguyen, T.T. and Nghiem, T.H.L. and Nguyen, D.T. and Tran, T.T.H. and Vu, D. and Nguyen, T.B.N. and Nguyen, T.M.H. and Nguyen, V.T. and Nguyen, M.H.
Optical properties of doxorubicin hydrochloride load and release on silica nanoparticle platform.
Molecules, 26 (13): 3968.
ISSN 14203049
Chau, M.Q. and Nguyen, X.P. and Huynh, T.T. and Chu, V.D. and Le, T.H. and Nguyen, T.P. and Nguyen, D.T. (2021) Prospects of application of IoT-based advanced technologies in remanufacturing process towards sustainable development and energy-efficient use. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects. ISSN 15567036 (In Press)
Nguyen, D.T. and Hoang, V.B. and Le, T.N. and Nguyen, T.H. and Truong, X.T. (2021) Social Hybrid Reciprocal Velocity Obstacle-Based Socially Aware Mobile Robot Navigation Framework. In: 7th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, INISCOM 2021, 22 April 2021 through 23 April 2021.
Le, V.T. and Banh, T.L. and Nguyen, D.T. and Le, V.T.
Wire arc additive manufacturing of thin-wall low-carbon steel parts: Microstructure and mechanical properties.
International Journal of Modern Physics B, 34 (22-24): 2040154.
ISSN 2179792
Nguyen, D.T. and HorĂ¡k, V. and Tran, H.T. and Nguyen, L.T. and Hoang, C.Q. (2020) A motion model of a complex-shaped remotely operated underwater vehicle. Advances in Military Technology, 15 (2). pp. 343-353. ISSN 18022308
Khoa, D.Q. and Nguyen, D.T. and Nguyen, C.V. and Vi, V.T.T. and Phuc, H.V. and Phuong, L.T.T. and Hoi, B.D. and Hieu, N.N.
Modulation of electronic properties of monolayer InSe through strain and external electric field.
Chemical Physics, 516.
pp. 213-217.
ISSN 3010104
Duong, H.T. and Kadokami, K. and Trinh, H.T. and Phan, T.Q. and Le, G.T. and Nguyen, D.T. and Nguyen, T.T. and Nguyen, D.T.
Target screening analysis of 970 semi-volatile organic compounds adsorbed on atmospheric particulate matter in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Chemosphere, 219.
pp. 784-795.
ISSN 456535
Duc, C.K. and Hoang, V.-P. and Nguyen, D.T. and Dao, T.T.
A low-cost, flexible pressure capacitor sensor using polyurethane for wireless vehicle detection.
Polymers, 11 (8): 1247.
ISSN 20734360
Duong, H.C. and Pham, T.M. and Luong, S.T. and Nguyen, K.V. and Nguyen, D.T. and Ansari, A.J. and Nghiem, L.D.
A novel application of membrane distillation to facilitate nickel recovery from electroplating wastewater.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26 (23).
pp. 23407-23415.
ISSN 9441344
Nguyen, C.V. and Hieu, N.N. and Nguyen, D.T. (2015) Dispersion-Corrected Density Functional Theory Investigations of Structural and Electronic Properties of Bulk MoS2: Effect of Uniaxial Strain. Nanoscale Research Letters, 10 (1): 433. pp. 1-8. ISSN 19317573