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Journals peer-reviewed by Scopus
Doan, T.P. and To Van, N. and Nguyen Van, K. and Ngo, Q.Q. and Nguyen Van, T. and Tran, C.T.K. and Nguyen, T.-T. and Nguyen, H.N. and Van, N.N. and Ngo Thi, L. (2024) Development of Sodium-Lithium-Manganese-Cobalt Oxide with B Doping or B/F Dual Doping as Cathode Electrode Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries. ACS Omega, 9 (47). pp. 46916-46928.
Van, A.-L. and Nguyen, T.-T. (2024) Machine Learning-Based Optimization of Diamond Burnishing Parameters in Terms of Energy Efficiency and Quality Indexes. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. ISSN 2193567X
Doan, T.-K. and Nguyen, T.-T. and Van, A.-L. (2024) Multi-performance Optimization of the Rotary Turning Operation for Environmental and Quality Indicators. Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 70 (1-2). pp. 40-54. ISSN 00392480
Van, A.-L. and Nguyen, T.-C. and Bui, H.-T. and Dang, X.-B. and Nguyen, T.-T. (2024) Multi-response Optimization of GTAW Process Parameters in Terms of Energy Efficiency and Quality. Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 70 (5-6). pp. 259-269. ISSN 00392480
Van, A.-L. and Nguyen, T.-T. and Nguyen Huu, P. and Dang, X.-B. (2024) Neural Network-Based Optimization of the Electrical Discharge Drilling Process Parameters. Tehnicki Vjesnik, 31 (4). pp. 1101-1110. ISSN 13303651
Nguyen, N.-M. and Do, K.-D.C. and Dinh, C.T. and Pham, G.-D. and Tran, T.-T. and Vu, D.-M. and Nguyen, T.-T. and Le, D.-A. and Nguyen, A.T. (2024) Parametric Studies of Fan-Shaped Pin-Fins on Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Rectangular Channel—Part II. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. pp. 287-295. ISSN 21954356
Le, V.T. and Nguyen, T.-T. and Nguyen, V.C. (2024) Wire and arc-based additive manufacturing of 316L SS: predicting and optimizing process variables using BRFFNN, NSGA-GP and TOPSIS approach. Neural Computing and Applications. ISSN 09410643
Van, A.-L. and Nguyen, T.-A. and Dang, X.-B. and Nguyen, T.-T. (2024) A sustainable approach-based optimization of internal diamond burnishing operation. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, 72 (6). ISSN 02397528
Nguyen, T.-T. and Van, A.-L. and Dang, X.-B. and Huu, P.N. (2023) Experiments and optimization of the hole EDM electrode’s parameters. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. ISSN 02683768
Le, M.-T. and Van, A.-L. and Nguyen, T.-T. (2023) Impacts of Burnishing Variables on the Quality Indicators in a Single Diamond Burnishing Operation. Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 69 (3-4). pp. 155-168. ISSN 00392480
Khoa-Doan, T. and Van, A.-L. and Nguyen, T.-T. (2023) MULTI-RESPONSE OPTIMIZATION OF THE ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE DRILLING OPERATION: A TRADE-OFF RELATION BETWEEN THE QUALITY AND EFFICIENCY. Journal of Applied Engineering Science, 21 (4). pp. 1203-1214. ISSN 14514117
Le Thi, T. and Phan Van, T. and Nguyen Van, B. and To Van, N. and Nguyen Van, T. and Doan, T.P. and Ngo, T.L. and Vu, N.H. and Nguyen, T.-T. and Nguyen, H.N. and Anh Duy, N.V. and Dang, M.T. (2023) Modified Coprecipitation Synthesis of Nickel-Rich NMC (Li1.0Ni0.6Mn0.2Co0.2O2) for Lithium-Ion Batteries: A Simple, Cost-Effective, Environmentally Friendly Method. ACS Omega, 8 (48). pp. 45414-45427.
Van, A.-L. and Nguyen, T.-T. (2023) Multi-Response Optimization of Burnishing Variables for Minimizing Environmental Impacts. Tehnicki Vjesnik, 30 (1). pp. 169-177. ISSN 13303651
Van, A.-L. and Nguyen, T.-T. and Dang, X.-B. and Huu, P.-N. (2023) Multi-objective optimization of MQL system parameters for the roller burnishing operation for energy saving, product quality and air pollution. Soft Computing. ISSN 14327643
Nguyen, T.-T. and Nguyen, T.-A. and Dang, X.-B. and Van, A.-L. (2023) Multi-performance optimization of the diamond burnishing process in terms of energy saving and tribological factors. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering. ISSN 09544089
Van, A.-L. and Nguyen, T.-T. and Dang, X.-B. (2023) Optimization of Rough Self-Propelled Rotary Turning Parameters in terms of Total Energy Consumption and Surface Roughness. Tehnicki Vjesnik, 30 (6). pp. 1728-1736. ISSN 13303651
Nguyen, C. and Bui, M.-Q. and Do, D.-T. and Le, N.-K. and Nguyen, D.-H. and Nguyen, T.-T. and Nguyen, H.-T. and Tran, V. and Nguyen, L.-M. and Le, N.-C. and Le, T.-T. and Nguyen, M.-P. and Dang, T.-B. and Nguyen, T.-S. and Phan, V.-A. and Vuong, T.-H.-Y. and Nguyen, M.-T. and Le, T. and Nguyen, T.-H. (2022) ALQAC 2022: A Summary of the Competition. In: Conference of 14th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, KSE 2022, 19 October 2022 Through 21 October 2022, Virtual, Online.
Nguyen, T.-T. and Tran, V.-T. and Le, M.-T. (2022) Comprehensive Optimization of the Electrical Discharge Drilling in Terms of Energy Efficiency and Hole Characteristics. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing. ISSN 22347593
Nguyen, T.-T. and Van, A.-L. (2022) Machining and optimization of the external diamond burnishing operation. Materials and Manufacturing Processes. ISSN 10426914
Van, A.-L. and Nguyen, T.-T. (2022) Optimization of Friction Stir Welding Operation Using Optimal Taguchi-based ANFIS and Genetic Algorithm. Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 68 (6). pp. 424-438. ISSN 00392480
Nguyen, T.-T. and Nguyen, C.-T. and Van, A.-L. (2022) Sustainability-based optimization of dissimilar friction stir welding parameters in terms of energy saving, product quality, and cost-effectiveness. Neural Computing and Applications.
Van, A.-L. and Nguyen, T.-T. (2022) An energy efficiency-based optimization of the rough honing process of hardened 5150 alloy. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering. ISSN 09544089
Nguyen, T.-T.
Analytical approach-based optimization of the actively driven rotary turning for environmental and economic metrics considering energy footprint of materials.
Neural Computing and Applications, 33 (18).
pp. 11937-11950.
ISSN 9410643
Azizur Rahman, M. and Bhuiyan, M.S. and Sharma, S. and Kamal, M.S. and Musabbir Imtiaz, M.M. and Alfaify, A. and Nguyen, T.-T. and Khanna, N. and Sharma, S. and Gupta, M.K. and Anwar, S. and Mia, M.
Influence of feed rate response (FRR) on chip formation in micro and macro machining of al alloy.
Metals, 11 (1): 159.
pp. 1-21.
ISSN 20754701
Nguyen, T.-T. and Nguyen, K.D. (2021) Multi-attribute optimization of the wedm process for surface characteristics and productivity. Tehnicki Vjesnik, 28 (2). pp. 473-480. ISSN 13303651
Nguyen, T.-T. and Nguyen, T.-A. and Trinh, Q.-H. and Le, X.-B. (2021) Multi-performance optimization of multi-roller burnishing process in sustainable lubrication condition. Materials and Manufacturing Processes. ISSN 10426914 (In Press)
Nguyen, T.-T. and Duong, Q.-D. and Mia, M.
Multi-response optimization of the actively driven rotary turning for energy efficiency, carbon emissions, and machining quality.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 235 (13).
pp. 2155-2173.
ISSN 9544054
Nguyen, T.-T. and Bui, X.-T. and Ngo, H.H. and Nguyen, T.-T.-D. and Nguyen, K.-Q. and Nguyen, H.-H. and Huynh, K.-P.-H. and Némery, J. and Fujioka, T. and Duong, C.H. and Dang, B.-T. and Varjani, S.
Nutrient recovery and microalgae biomass production from urine by membrane photobioreactor at low biomass retention times.
Science of the Total Environment, 785: 147423.
ISSN 489697
Nguyen, T.-T. and Le, C.-H.
Optimization of compressed air assisted-turning-burnishing process for improving machining quality, energy reduction and cost-effectiveness.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 235 (6/7/20).
pp. 1179-1196.
ISSN 9544054
Nguyen, T.-T. and Le, M.-T.
Optimization of internal burnishing operation for energy efficiency, machined quality, and noise emission.
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 114 (7/8/20).
pp. 2115-2139.
ISSN 2683768
Nguyen, T.-T. and Le, M.-T. (2021) Optimization of the internal roller burnishing process for energy reduction and surface properties. Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 67 (4). pp. 167-179. ISSN 392480
Nguyen-Sy, T. and Vu, M.-N. and Tran-Le, A.-D. and Tran, B.-V. and Nguyen, T.-T.-N. and Nguyen, T.-T.
Studying petrophysical properties of micritic limestones using machine learning methods.
Journal of Applied Geophysics, 184: 104226.
ISSN 9269851
Nguyen, T.-T.
An energy-efficient optimization of the hard turning using rotary tool.
Neural Computing and Applications, 33 (7).
pp. 2621-2644.
ISSN 9410643
Nguyen, H.-H. and Nguyen, T.-T. and Tran, C.-M. and Phung, K.-P. and Nguyen, Q.-T.
A novel translation estimation for essential matrix based stereo visual odometry.
In: 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, IMCOM 2021, 4 January 2021 through 6 January 2021.
To, V.-T. and To, Q.-D. and Bonnet, G. and Le, B.-A. and Nguyen, T.-T.
Effective permeability of anisotropic porous materials containing periodically or randomly distributed cracks.
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 80: 103902.
ISSN 9977538
Nguyen, T.-T. and Pham, V.-T. (2020) Effects of process parameters in gas tungsten arc welding of thin titanium plates. Scientia Iranica, 27 (3). pp. 1313-1323. ISSN 10263098
Nguyen, T.-T. and Mia, M. and Dang, X.-P. and Le, C.-H. and Packianather, M.S.
Green machining for the dry milling process of stainless steel 304.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 234 (5).
pp. 881-899.
ISSN 9544054
Nguyen, T.-T. and Mia, M.
Modeling and evaluation of energy efficiency of new hybrid turning-burnishing process in terms of surface properties.
Energies, 13 (18): 184929.
ISSN 19961073
Nguyen, T.-T. and Tran, V.-T. and Mia, M.
Multi-response optimization of electrical discharge drilling process of SS304 for energy efficiency, product quality, and productivity.
Materials, 13 (13): 2897.
ISSN 19961944
Nguyen, T.-T. and Cao, L.-H. and Nguyen, T.-A. and Dang, X.-P.
Multi-response optimization of the roller burnishing process in terms of energy consumption and product quality.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 245: 119328.
ISSN 9596526
Nguyen, T.-T. and Vu, T.-C. and Duong, Q.-D.
Multi-responses optimization of finishing honing process for surface quality and production rate.
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 42 (11): 604.
ISSN 16785878
Nguyen, T.-T. and Nguyen, T.-A. and Trinh, Q.-H.
Optimization of Milling Parameters for Energy Savings and Surface Quality.
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 45 (11).
pp. 9111-9125.
ISSN 2193567X
Nguyen, T.-T. and Cao, L.-H. (2020) Optimization of the Burnishing Process for Energy Responses and Surface Properties. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 21 (6). pp. 1143-1152. ISSN 22347593
Nguyen, T.-T. and Duong, Q.-D. and Mia, M.
Sustainability-based optimization of the rotary turning of the hardened steel.
Metals, 10 (7): 939.
pp. 1-22.
ISSN 20754701
Nguyen, T.-T. and Cao, L.-H. and Dang, X.-P. and Nguyen, T.-A. and Trinh, Q.-H.
Multi-objective optimization of the flat burnishing process for energy efficiency and surface characteristics.
Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 34 (16).
pp. 1888-1901.
ISSN 10426914
Nguyen, T.-T. and Duong, Q.-D.
Optimization of WEDM process of mould material using Kriging model to improve technological performances.
Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, 44 (6): 154.
ISSN 2562499
Nguyen, T.-T. and Le, X.-B. (2019) Optimization of roller burnishing process using Kriging model to improve surface properties. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 233 (12). pp. 2264-2282. ISSN 9544054
Nguyen, T.-T. and Pham, Q.-H. and Dang, X.-P. and Doan, T.-K. and Le, X.-H.
Optimization parameters of milling process of mould material for decreasing machining power and surface roughness criteria.
Tehnicki Vjesnik, 26 (5).
pp. 1297-1304.
ISSN 13303651
Nguyen, T.-T. (2019) Prediction and optimization of machining energy, surface roughness, and production rate in SKD61 milling. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 136. pp. 525-544. ISSN 2632241
Nguyen, H.-N. and Nguyen, T.-Y. and Van Tran, K. and Tran, T.T. and Nguyen, T.-T. and Phan, V.-D. and Van Do, T. (2019) A finite element model for dynamic analysis of triple-layer composite plates with layers connected by shear connectors subjected to moving load. Materials, 12 (4): 598. ISSN 19961944
Tran, N.-H. and Nguyen, T.-T.-N. and Do, D.-P. and Nguyen, T.-T. and Cao, C.-Q. (2018) Extend Convergence-Confinement Method for deep tunnels in poroelastic anisotropic medium. In: 6th International Scientific Conference on Integration, Partnership and Innovation in Construction Science and Education, IPICSE 2018, 14 November 2018 through 16 November 2018.
Nguyen, T.-T. and Le, X.-B. (2018) Optimization of interior roller burnishing process for improving surface quality. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 33 (11). pp. 1233-1241. ISSN 10426914
Park, H.-S. and Nguyen, T.-T.
Development of a new staking process for an automotive part.
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 89 (1/4/20).
pp. 1053-1068.
ISSN 2683768
Park, H.-S. and Nguyen, T.-T. (2016) Multi-objective optimization of turning process for hardened material based on hybrid approach. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Park, H.-S. and Nguyen, T.-T. and Dang, X.-P. (2016) Multi-objective optimization of turning process of hardened material for energy efficiency. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 17 (12). pp. 1623-1631. ISSN 22347593