Technical University
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Number of items: 27.

Journals peer-reviewed by Scopus

Le, T.T. and Nguyen, T.V. and Nguyen, T.T.T. and Vu, K.D. and Le, T.V. and Nguyen, V.X. and Cao Xuan, T. and Vu, T.T.P. and Pham, V.-H. (2024) Alkali surface modification of titanium for biomedical implants. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry. ISSN 25728288

Nguyen, T.V. and Nguyen, H.M. and Nguyen, T.X. and Tien, T.Q. and Ta, V.D. (2024) Efficient fabrication of high quality SU-8 photoresist based microsphere lasers via emulsion. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 57 (31).

Van Tuan, P. and Nguyen, T.V. (2024) A Solution to Reduce Friction During Shutdown Process of Journal Bearings. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, 105 (3). pp. 389-399. ISSN 22500545

Nguyen, T.V. and Tekalgne, M. and Tran, C.V. and Nguyen, T.P. and Dao, V. and Le, Q.V. and Ahn, S.H. and Kim, S.Y. (2024) Synthesis of MoS2/WS2Nanoflower Heterostructures for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. International Journal of Energy Research, 2024. ISSN 0363907X

Thao, L.T. and Truong, P.V. and Bo, N.V. and The Son, L. and Tuan, N.V. and Tien Phat, D. and Quang Dat, N. and Ky, N.V. and Lan, N.T. and Nguyen, T.V. (2023) Augmenting electrochemical performance of nickel-rich NMC for lithium-ion batteries by combining material synthesis modification and redistribution of transition metal ion concentration. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 183: 111616. ISSN 00223697

Nguyen, T.V. and Le, T.D. and Le, Q.T. and Pham, H.T. and Nguyen, A.T. and Pham, L.T. and Dao, T.B. and Ly, C.Q. (2023) Characterization and Corrosion Resistance of the Twin-Wire Arc Spray Al-5Mg Alloy Coating Applied on a Carbon Steel Substrate. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology. ISSN 10599630

Nguyen, T.V. and Nguyen, T.D. and Mai, H.H. and Pham, N.V. and Ta, V.D. and Nguyen, T.-A. (2022) Biological miniature temperature sensor based on monodisperse microsphere lasers fabricated by soft microfluidic technology. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55 (40).

Nguyen, T.V. and Li, W. and Tuan Phan, V. (2022) Effect of Structural Parameters on Dynamic Characteristic of Fluid Pivot Journal Bearing. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C. ISSN 22500545

Nguyen, T.V. and Li, W. and Phan, V.T. (2022) Improving the floating efficiency for the pads in fluid pivot journal bearing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology. ISSN 13506501

Nguyen, T.V. and Pham, L.T. and Khuyen, B.X. and Duong, D.C. and Nghiem, L.H.T. and Nguyen, N.T. and Vu, D. and Hoa, D.Q. and Lam, V.D. and Nguyen, H.M. (2021) Effects of metallic underlayer on SERS performance of a metal film over nanosphere metasurface. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55 (2): 25101. ISSN 223727

Ta, V.D. and Nguyen, T.V. and Pham, Q.V. and Nguyen, T.V. (2020) Biocompatible microlasers based on polyvinyl alcohol microspheres. Optics Communications, 459: 124925. ISSN 304018 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.V. and Mai, H.H. and Nguyen, T.V. and Duong, D.C. and Ta, V.D. (2020) Egg white based biological microlasers. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53 (44): 445104. ISSN 223727 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.V. and Son, L.T. and Thuy, V.V. and Thao, V.D. and Hatsukano, M. and Higashimine, K. and Maenosono, S. and Chun, S.-E. and Thu, T.V. (2020) Facile synthesis of Mn-doped NiCo2O4 nanoparticles with enhanced electrochemical performance for a battery-type supercapacitor electrode. Dalton Transactions, 49 (20). pp. 6718-6729. ISSN 14779226 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.V. and Ta, V.D. (2020) High-quality factor, biological microsphere and microhemisphere lasers fabricated by a single solution process. Optics Communications, 465: 125647. ISSN 304018 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.V. and Nguyen, V.D. and Nguyen, T.T. and Khanh, P.C.P. and Nguyen, T.A. and Tran, D.-T. (2020) Motorsafe: An android application for motorcyclists using decision tree algorithm. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 14 (2). pp. 119-129. ISSN 18657923 Fulltext available

Dang, M.N. and Nguyen, T.H. and Nguyen, T.H. and Nguyen, T.V. and Thu, T.V. and Le, H. and Akabori, M. and Ito, N. and Nguyen, H.Y. and Nguyen, H.Y. and Le, T.L. and Le, T.L. and Nguyen, T.H. and Nguyen, V.T. and Phan, N.H. and Phan, N.H. (2020) One-pot synthesis of manganese oxide/graphene composites via a plasma-enhanced electrochemical exfoliation process for supercapacitors. Nanotechnology, 31 (34): 345401. ISSN 9574484 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.V. and Son, L.T. and Thao, P.M. and Son, L.T. and Phat, D.T. and Lan, N.T. and Nghia, N.V. and Thu, T.V. (2020) One-step solvothermal synthesis of mixed nickel–cobalt sulfides as high-performance supercapacitor electrode materials. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 831: 154921. ISSN 9258388 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.V. and Pham, N.V. and Mai, H.H. and Duong, D.C. and Le, H.H. and Sapienza, R. and Ta, V.-D. (2019) Protein-based microsphere biolasers fabricated by dehydration. Soft Matter, 15 (47). pp. 9721-9726. ISSN 1744683X Fulltext available

Duong, H.C. and Álvarez, I.R.C. and Nguyen, T.V. and Nghiem, L.D. (2018) Membrane distillation to regenerate different liquid desiccant solutions for air conditioning. Desalination, 443. pp. 137-142. ISSN 119164 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.A. and Nguyen, T.V. and Tran, D.T. and Nguyen, T.V. and Le, C.H. and Nguyen, V.B. and Le, H.Q. (2018) Microfluidic impedance biosensors for monitoring a single and multiple cancer cells in anticancer drug treatments. In: 6th International Conference on the Development of Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam, BME 2016, 27 June 2016 through 29 June 2016. Fulltext available

Thu, T.V. and Ko, P.J. and Nguyen, T.V. and Vinh, N.T. and Khai, D.M. and Lu, L.T. (2017) Green synthesis of reduced graphene oxide/Fe3O4/Ag ternary nanohybrid and its application as magnetically recoverable catalyst in the reduction of 4-nitrophenol. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 31 (11): e3781. ISSN 2682605 Fulltext available

Dang, L.T. and Dang, T.H. and Nguyen, T.T.T. and Nguyen, T.T. and Nguyen, H.M. and Nguyen, T.V. and Nguyen, H.Q. (2017) Thermoelectric Micro-Refrigerator Based on Bismuth/Antimony Telluride. Journal of Electronic Materials, 46 (6). pp. 3660-3666. ISSN 3615235 Fulltext available

Vu, C.M. and Nguyen, T.V. and Nguyen, L.T. and Choi, H.J. (2016) Fabrication of adduct filled glass fiber/epoxy resin laminate composites and their physical characteristics. Polymer Bulletin, 73 (5). pp. 1373-1391. ISSN 1700839 Fulltext available

Pham, C.V. and Madsuha, A.F. and Nguyen, T.V. and Krueger, M. (2016) Graphene-quantum dot hybrid materials on the road to optoelectronic applications. Synthetic Metals, 219. pp. 33-43. ISSN 3796779 Fulltext available

Pham, C.V. and Madsuha, A.F. and Nguyen, T.V. and Krueger, M. (2016) Reprint of “Graphene-quantum dot hybrid materials on the road to optoelectronic applications”. Synthetic Metals, 222. pp. 23-33. ISSN 3796779

Nguyen, T.Q. and Le Nhat, T.G. and Vu Ngoc, D. and Dang Thi, T.A. and Nguyen, H.T. and Hoang Thi, P. and Nguyen, H.H. and Cao, H.T. and Abbaspour Tehrani, K. and Nguyen, T.V. (2016) Synthesis of novel 2-aryl-3-benzoyl-1H-benzo[f]indole-4,9-diones using a domino reaction. Tetrahedron Letters, 57 (39). pp. 4352-4355. ISSN 404039 Fulltext available

Vu, C.M. and Nguyen, L.T. and Nguyen, T.V. and Choi, H.J. (2014) Effect of additive-added epoxy on mechanical and dielectric characteristics of glass fiber reinforced epoxy composites. Polymer (Korea), 38 (6). pp. 726-734. ISSN 0379153X

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