Technical University
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Number of items: 28.

Journals peer-reviewed by Scopus

Nguyen, A.T. and Pham, T.D. and Le, V.D.T. and Vu, Q.T. and Han, J.-H. and Kim, S.-W. (2025) Mass-spring system modelling for biplane membrane flapping wings 弹簧质点系统建模的薄膜双翼扑翼. Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao, 41 (9).

Nguyen, H.L. and Pham, T.D. and Tran, T.T. and Tran, H.S. (2024) An Algorithm of Delay-Time Calculation for the Man-Portable Air-Defense Missile Laser Fuze. Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, 56 (4). pp. 811-821. ISSN 19907710

Pham-Duy, H. and Nguyen-Tien, D. and Nguyen-Ngoc, T. and Tran-Viet, D.-N. and Nguyen-Dinh, T. and Pham, T.D. and Tran-Huy, H. (2024) A Broadband MS-Based Circularly Polarized Antenna Array Using Sequential-Phase Feeding Network. Micromachines, 15 (8). ISSN 2072666X

Pham, T.D. and Nguyen, H.N. and Nguyen, T.H. and Van Toan, D. (2024) Dynamic Performance Analysis of a 15 MW Floating Offshore Wind Turbine in the Ninh Thuan Offshore Area, Vietnam. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 395. pp. 2813-2825. ISSN 23662557

Vu, N.A. and Pham, T.D. and Tran, T.T. and Pham, Q.-H. (2023) Third-order isogeometric analysis for vibration characteristics of FGP plates in the thermal environment supported by Kerr foundation. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 45. ISSN 2214157X

Nguyen, V.T. and Truong, D.K. and Pham, T.D. (2023) A new supervised learning algorithm with the adaptive decay time for the spike neural network. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2023, 27 November 2023 Through 29 November 2023, Hanoi.

Nguyen, L.A. and Ngo, T.D. and Pham, T.D. and Truong, X.T. (2022) AN EFFICIENT NAVIGATION SYSTEM FOR AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS IN DYNAMIC SOCIAL ENVIRONMENTS. International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 37 (1). pp. 97-106. ISSN 08268185

Phan, H.C. and Bui, N.D. and Pham, T.D. and Duong, H.T. (2022) Predicting Capacity of Defected Pipe Under Bending Moment with Data-Driven Model. In: International Conference on Modern Mechanics and Applications, ICOMMA 2020, 2 December 2020 through 4 December 2020. Fulltext available

Pham, T.D. and Nguyen, A.T. and Le, V.D.T. and Nguyen, T.K. (2022) Trajectory analyses of uncontrolled circular parachutes in random spatial wind fields. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. ISSN 1738494X

Bui, N.D. and Phan, H.C. and Pham, T.D. and Dhar, A.S. (2022) A hierarchical system to predict behavior of soil and cantilever sheet wall by data-driven models. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering. ISSN 20952430

Nguyen, C.X. and Pham, T.D. and Lukynov, A.D. and Tran, P.C. and Truong, Q.D. (2021) Design embedded control system based controller of the quasi time optimization approach for a magnetic levitation system. In: 16th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Dynamics of Technical Systems, DTS 2020, 11 September 2020 through 13 September 2020. Fulltext available

Phan, H.C. and Le, T.-T. and Bui, N.D. and Duong, H.T. and Pham, T.D. (2021) An empirical model for bending capacity of defected pipe combined with axial load. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 191: 104368. ISSN 3080161 Fulltext available

Pham, T.D. and Pham, T.T. and Phan, M.N. and Ngo, T.M.V. and Dang, V.D. and Vu, C.M. (2020) Adsorption characteristics of anionic surfactant onto laterite soil with differently charged surfaces and application for cationic dye removal. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 301: 112456. ISSN 1677322 Fulltext available

Do, N.T. and Pham, T.D. and Son, N.H. and Ngo, T.D. and Truong, X.T. (2020) Deep reinforcement learning based socially aware mobile robot navigation framework. In: 7th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science, NICS 2020, 26 November 2020 through 27 November 2020. Fulltext available

Nguyen, L.A. and Pham, T.D. and Ngo, T.D. and Truong, X.T. (2020) A Proactive Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Autonomous Mobile Robots in Dynamic Social Environments. In: 17th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots, UR 2020, 22 June 2020 through 26 June 2020. Fulltext available

Nguyen, C.X. and Lukianov, A.D. and Pham, T.D. and Nguyen, A.D. (2020) Synthesis of a nonlinear control law with efficiency energy for the self-balancing two wheeled vehicle. In: 2nd International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving in Technical Systems, E3STS 2019, 16 June 2020 through 17 June 2020. Fulltext available

Le, V.D.T. and Nguyen, A.T. and Phung, V.B. and Pham, T.D. and Han, J.-H. (2020) The beam modelling of the hawkmoth wing structure. In: Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication X 2020, 27 April 2020 through 8 May 2020. Fulltext available

Pham, T.D. and Do, T.U. and Pham, T.T. and Nguyen, T.A.H. and Nguyen, T.K.T. and Vu, N.D. and Le, T.S. and Vu, C.M. and Kobayashi, M. (2019) Adsorption of poly(styrenesulfonate) onto different-sized alumina particles: characteristics and mechanisms. Colloid and Polymer Science, 297 (1). pp. 13-22. ISSN 0303402X

Nguyen, C.X. and Phan, H.N. and Lukianov, A.D. and Pham, T.D. and Nguyen, T.T. and Nguyen, H.T. (2019) Design of an embedded control system based on the quasi-time optimal control law when limiting the control signal for the ball and beam system. In: 15th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Dynamics of Technical System, DTS 2019, 11 September 2019 through 13 September 2019. Fulltext available

Nguyen, A.T. and Pham, T.D. and Vu, Q.T. (2019) Flapping flight in the wake of a leading insect. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 33 (7). pp. 3277-3288. ISSN 1738494X Fulltext available

Pham, T.D. and Pham, Q.H. and Phan, V.D. and Nguyen, H.N. and Do, V.T. (2019) Free vibration analysis of functionally graded shells using an edge-based smoothed finite element method. Symmetry, 11 (5): 684. ISSN 20738994

Nguyen, A.T. and Tran, N.D. and Vu, T.T. and Pham, T.D. and Vu, Q.T. and Han, J.-H. (2019) A Neural-network-based Approach to Study the Energy-optimal Hovering Wing Kinematics of a Bionic Hawkmoth Model. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 16 (5). pp. 904-915. ISSN 16726529 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.M.T. and Do, T.P.T. and Hoang, T.S. and Nguyen, N.V. and Pham, H.D. and Nguyen, T.D. and Pham, T.N.M. and Le, T.S. and Pham, T.D. (2018) Adsorption of anionic surfactants onto alumina: Characteristics, mechanisms, and application for heavy metal removal. International Journal of Polymer Science, 2018: 2830286. ISSN 16879422 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.D. and Le, H.B. and Dong, T.O. and Pham, T.D. (2018) Determination of Fluoroquinolones in Pharmaceutical Formulations by Extractive Spectrophotometric Methods Using Ion-Pair Complex Formation with Bromothymol Blue. Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, 2018: 8436948. ISSN 20908865 Fulltext available

Duong, H.C. and Ansari, A.J. and Nghiem, L.D. and Pham, T.M. and Pham, T.D. (2018) Low Carbon Desalination by Innovative Membrane Materials and Processes. Current Pollution Reports, 4 (4). pp. 251-264. ISSN 21986592 Fulltext available

Dao, T.H. and Tran, T.T. and Nguyen, V.R. and Pham, T.N.M. and Vu, C.M. and Pham, T.D. (2018) Removal of antibiotic from aqueous solution using synthesized TiO2 nanoparticles: characteristics and mechanisms. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77 (10): 359. ISSN 18666280

Pham, T.D. and Vu, C.M. and Choi, H.J. (2017) Enhanced fracture toughness and mechanical properties of epoxy resin with rice husk-based nano-silica. Polymer Science - Series A, 59 (3). pp. 437-444. ISSN 0965545X Fulltext available

Dang, T.H. and Pham, T.D. and Tran, H.L. and Le Van, Q. (2016) Using dimension reduction with feature selection to enhance accuracy of tumor classification. In: 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, BME-HUST 2016, 5 October 2016 through 6 October 2016. Fulltext available

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