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Journals peer-reviewed by Scopus
Nguyen, N.V. and Tran, T.V. and Luong, S.T. and Pham, T.M. and Nguyen, K.V. and Vu, T.D. and Nguyen, H.S. and To, N.V.
Facile Synthesis of a NiCo2O4 Nanoparticles Mesoporous Carbon Composite as Electrode Materials for Supercapacitor.
ChemistrySelect, 5 (23).
pp. 7060-7068.
ISSN 23656549
Duong, H.C. and Ansari, A.J. and Hailemariam, R.H. and Woo, Y.C. and Pham, T.M. and Ngo, L.T. and Dao, D.T. and Nghiem, L.D.
Membrane Distillation for Strategic Water Treatment Applications: Opportunities, Challenges, and Current Status.
Current Pollution Reports, 6 (3).
pp. 173-187.
ISSN 21986592
Bui, H.V. and Le, M.D. and Dinh, T.V. and Nguyen, T.X. and Pham, T.M. and Tran, H.N. and Pham, B.D. and Nguyen, B.T.T. and Nguyen, B.T. and Nguyen, H.D.
Optical and geometrical properties of cirrus clouds from lidar measurements above Hanoi, Vietnam.
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 13 (3): 34523.
ISSN 19313195
Duong, H.C. and Pham, T.M. and Luong, S.T. and Nguyen, K.V. and Nguyen, D.T. and Ansari, A.J. and Nghiem, L.D.
A novel application of membrane distillation to facilitate nickel recovery from electroplating wastewater.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26 (23).
pp. 23407-23415.
ISSN 9441344
Duong, H.C. and Ansari, A.J. and Nghiem, L.D. and Pham, T.M. and Pham, T.D.
Low Carbon Desalination by Innovative Membrane Materials and Processes.
Current Pollution Reports, 4 (4).
pp. 251-264.
ISSN 21986592