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Journals peer-reviewed by Scopus
Li, C. and Le, V. and Wang, X. and Hao, X. and Liu, X. and Kuang, C.
Resolution Enhancement and Background Suppression in Optical Super-Resolution Imaging for Biological Applications.
Laser and Photonics Reviews, 15 (1): 1900084.
ISSN 18638880
Le, V. and Wang, X. and Kuang, C. and Liu, X.
Resolution enhancement of confocal fluorescence microscopy via two illumination beams.
Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 122.
pp. 8-13.
ISSN 1438166
Le, V. and Wang, X. and Kuang, C. and Liu, X. (2018) Axial resolution enhancement for light sheet fluorescence microscopy via using the subtraction method. Optical Engineering, 57 (10): 103107. ISSN 913286
Le, V. and Wang, X. and Kuang, C. and Liu, X. (2018) Background suppression in confocal scanning fluorescence microscopy with superoscillations. Optics Communications, 426. pp. 541-546. ISSN 304018
Le, V.N. and Wang, X. and Kuang, C. and Liu, X. (2018) Effective improvement of subtraction method for light sheet fluorescence microscopy via tangent-function subtraction coefficient. In: 10th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics, 8 July 2018 through 11 July 2018.
Nhu, L. and Wang, X. and Liu, Y. and Kuang, C. and Liu, X.
Light sheet microscopy with high spatial resolution based on polarized structured illumination beam modulated by the phase mask.
Microscopy Research and Technique, 81 (9).
pp. 959-965.
ISSN 1059910X
Le, V. and Wang, X. and Kuang, C. and Liu, X. (2018) Resolution enhancement of confocal scanning microscopy using low-intensity imaging part of point spread function. Optical Engineering, 57 (5): 53106. ISSN 913286