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Journals peer-reviewed by Scopus
Trinh, Le Hung and Zablotskii, V.R. and Zenkov, I.V. and Vu, D.T. and Dao, K.H. (2022) Relationship between the Land Surface Temperature and Land Cover Types, a Case Study in Hanoi City, Vietnam. Izvestiya - Atmospheric and Ocean Physics, 58 (9). pp. 1111-1120. ISSN 00014338
Trinh, Le Hung and Zablotskii, V.R. (2021) Combined Use of Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2A Images for Enhanced Spatial Resolution of Land Surface Temperature [Совместное использование изображений Landsat 8 и Sentinel 2A для улучшения пространственного разрешения температуры поверхности земли]. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Series Natural Sciences (6 (99)). pp. 45-63. ISSN 18123368
Le Hung, Trinh and Zablotskii, V.R. and Nguyen, T.T.N. (2020) Determining the Concentration of Suspended Sediment in the Lower Đáy River (Northern Vietnam) Using MSI Sentinel 2 High Spatial Resolution Data. Izvestiya - Atmospheric and Ocean Physics, 56 (12). pp. 1645-1651. ISSN 14338
Hung, T.L. and Sinh, M.D. and Zablotskii, V.R. (2020) The urban areas classification methodology according to multi-zone images of sentinel 2 and landsat 8 (On the example of the city of thanh hoa, vietnam). Geodezia i Kartografia, 956 (2). pp. 40-49. ISSN 167126
Trinh, L.H. and Zablotskii, V.R. and Le, T.G. and Dinh, T.T.H. and Le, T.T. and Trinh, T.T. and Nguyen, T.T.N. (2018) Estimation of suspended sediment concentration using VNREDSat – 1A multispectral data, a case study in Red River, Hanoi, Vietnam. Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 11 (3). pp. 49-60. ISSN 20719388
Trinh, L.H. and Zablotskii, V.R. and Dao, K.H. (2018) A study of the long-term dynamics of soil moisture in the bac binh district (binh thuan province, Vietnam) using landsat multispectral images [Изучение многолетней динамики влажности почвы района Бак Бинь (провинция Бинь Тхуан, Вьетнам) по данным многозональной спутниковой съёмки Landsat]. Sovremennye Problemy Distantsionnogo Zondirovaniya Zemli iz Kosmosa, 15 (7). pp. 89-101. ISSN 20707401
Trinh, L.H. and Zablotskii, V.R.
The Application of LANDSAT Multi-Temporal Thermal Infrared Data to Identify Coal Fire in the Khanh Hoa Coal Mine, Thai Nguyen province, Vietnam.
Izvestiya - Atmospheric and Ocean Physics, 53 (9).
pp. 1081-1087.
ISSN 14338