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Number of items: 18.


Bach, Q.-V. and Vu, C.M. and Vu, H.T. and Nguyen, D.D. (2019) Enhancing mode I and II interlaminar fracture toughness of carbon fiber-filled epoxy-based composites using both rice husk silica and silk fibroin electrospun nanofibers. High Performance Polymers, 31 (9/10/2). pp. 1195-1203. ISSN 9540083 Fulltext available

Bui, H.V. and Le, M.D. and Dinh, T.V. and Nguyen, T.X. and Pham, T.M. and Tran, H.N. and Pham, B.D. and Nguyen, B.T.T. and Nguyen, B.T. and Nguyen, H.D. (2019) Optical and geometrical properties of cirrus clouds from lidar measurements above Hanoi, Vietnam. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 13 (3): 34523. ISSN 19313195 Fulltext available

Duong, H.C. and Ansari, A.J. and Nghiem, L.D. and Cao, H.T. and Vu, T.D. and Nguyen, T.P. (2019) Membrane Processes for the Regeneration of Liquid Desiccant Solution for Air Conditioning. Current Pollution Reports, 5 (4). pp. 308-318. ISSN 21986592 Fulltext available

Duong, H.C. and Pham, T.M. and Luong, S.T. and Nguyen, K.V. and Nguyen, D.T. and Ansari, A.J. and Nghiem, L.D. (2019) A novel application of membrane distillation to facilitate nickel recovery from electroplating wastewater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26 (23). pp. 23407-23415. ISSN 9441344 Fulltext available

Duong, H.C. and Tran, T.L. and Ansari, A.J. and Cao, H.T. and Vu, T.D. and Do, K.-U. (2019) Advances in Membrane Materials and Processes for Desalination of Brackish Water. Current Pollution Reports, 5 (4). pp. 319-336. ISSN 21986592 Fulltext available

Duong, H.T. and Kadokami, K. and Trinh, H.T. and Phan, T.Q. and Le, G.T. and Nguyen, D.T. and Nguyen, T.T. and Nguyen, D.T. (2019) Target screening analysis of 970 semi-volatile organic compounds adsorbed on atmospheric particulate matter in Hanoi, Vietnam. Chemosphere, 219. pp. 784-795. ISSN 456535 Fulltext available

Kwon, S.H. and Park, I.H. and Vu, C.M. and Choi, H.J. (2019) Fabrication and electro-responsive electrorheological characteristics of rice husk-based nanosilica suspension. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 95. pp. 432-437. ISSN 18761070 Fulltext available

Nguyen, B.-N. and Cao, H.-T. (2019) Copper-Catalyzed Decarboxylative C(sp2)-C(sp3) and C(sp)-C(sp3) Coupling of Substituted Cinnamic Acids and 3-Phenyl Propiolic Acid with N-Tosyl Oxaziridines. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2019 (34). pp. 5912-5915. ISSN 1434193X Fulltext available

Nguyen, D.D. and Vu, C.M. and Vu, H.T. and Choi, H.J. (2019) Micron-size white bamboo fibril-based silane cellulose aerogel: Fabrication and oil absorbent characteristics. Materials, 12 (9): 1407. ISSN 19961944 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.V. and Pham, N.V. and Mai, H.H. and Duong, D.C. and Le, H.H. and Sapienza, R. and Ta, V.-D. (2019) Protein-based microsphere biolasers fabricated by dehydration. Soft Matter, 15 (47). pp. 9721-9726. ISSN 1744683X Fulltext available

Pham, T.D. and Do, T.U. and Pham, T.T. and Nguyen, T.A.H. and Nguyen, T.K.T. and Vu, N.D. and Le, T.S. and Vu, C.M. and Kobayashi, M. (2019) Adsorption of poly(styrenesulfonate) onto different-sized alumina particles: characteristics and mechanisms. Colloid and Polymer Science, 297 (1). pp. 13-22. ISSN 0303402X

Thao, V.D. and Giang, B.L. and Thu, T.V. (2019) Free-standing polypyrrole/polyaniline composite film fabricated by interfacial polymerization at the vapor/liquid interface for enhanced hexavalent chromium adsorption. RSC Advances, 9 (10). pp. 5445-5452. ISSN 20462069

Thu, T.V. and Van Nguyen, T. and Le, X.D. and Le, T.S. and Van Thuy, V. and Huy, T.Q. and Truong, Q.D. (2019) Graphene-MnFe2O4-polypyrrole ternary hybrids with synergistic effect for supercapacitor electrode. Electrochimica Acta, 314. pp. 151-160. ISSN 134686

Tran, T.X. (2019) Extreme robustness of Jackiw–Rebbi states in binary waveguide arrays under strong disturbance. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 36 (9). pp. 2559-2563. ISSN 7403224 Fulltext available

Tran, T.X. (2019) Switching a Dirac soliton by a weak signal in binary waveguide arrays with varying propagation mismatch. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 36 (8). pp. 2001-2006. ISSN 7403224 Fulltext available

Tran, T.X. and Nguyen, H.M. and Duong, D.C. (2019) Jackiw-Rebbi states in interfaced binary waveguide arrays with Kerr nonlinearity. Physical Review A, 100 (5): 53849. ISSN 24699926 Fulltext available

Van Duy, L. and Hanh, N.H. and Son, D.N. and Hung, P.T. and Hung, C.M. and Van Duy, N. and Hoa, N.D. and Van Hieu, N. and Ke, F. (2019) Facile Hydrothermal Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Porous ZnO Nanosheets for Highly Sensitive Ethanol Sensor. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2019: 4867909. ISSN 16874110 Fulltext available

Van Hoang, N. and Hung, C.M. and Hoa, N.D. and Van Duy, N. and Park, I. and Van Hieu, N. (2019) Excellent detection of H2S gas at ppb concentrations using ZnFe2O4 nanofibers loaded with reduced graphene oxide. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 282. pp. 876-884. ISSN 9254005

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