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Number of items: 36.


Cao, V.H. and Dinh, T.H. and Nguyen, T.T. and Nguyen, K.H. and Pham, D.K. and Nguyen, X.H. and Nguyen, N.A. and Nguyen, T.-A. (2021) Flexible and low-cost FPGA-based multichannel analyzer for handheld measurement devices. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1018: 165808. ISSN 1689002 Fulltext available

Cong Nguyen, N. and Thi Nguyen, H. and Cong Duong, H. and Chen, S.-S. and Quang Le, H. and Cong Duong, C. and Thuy Trang, L. and Chen, C.-K. and Dan Nguyen, P. and Thanh Bui, X. and Guo, W. and Hao Ngo, H. (2021) A breakthrough dynamic-osmotic membrane bioreactor/nanofiltration hybrid system for real municipal wastewater treatment and reuse. Bioresource Technology, 342: 125930. ISSN 9608524


Duc Chinh, N. and Haneul, Y. and Minh Hieu, N. and Manh Hung, N. and Duc Quang, N. and Kim, C. and Kim, D. (2021) pn-Heterojunction of the SWCNT/ZnO nanocomposite for temperature dependent reaction with hydrogen. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 584. pp. 582-591. ISSN 219797 Fulltext available

Dung, N.T. and Duong, L.T. and Hoa, N.T. and Huy, N.N. (2021) Effect of environmental factors on the degradation of organic dyes by electro-fenton using carbon felt cathode. Philippine Journal of Science, 150 (5). pp. 973-983. ISSN 317683 Fulltext available

Dung, N.T. and Hue, T.T. and Thao, V.D. and Huy, N.N. (2021) Preparation of Mn2O3/MIL-100(Fe) composite and its mechanism for enhancing the photocatalytic removal of rhodamine B in water. RSC Advances, 11 (46). pp. 28496-28507. ISSN 20462069 Fulltext available

Dung, N.T. and Thao, V.D. and Huy, N.N. (2021) Decomposition of glyphosate in water by peroxymonosulfate activated with CuCoFe-LDH material. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, 59 (6). pp. 813-822. ISSN 25728288 Fulltext available

Dung, N.T. and Van Hiep, N. and Nguyen, M.B. and Thao, V.D. and Huy, N.N. (2021) Photocatalytic removal of Rhodamine B in water using g-C3N4/MIL-53(Fe) material under LED visible light with persulfate activation. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 38 (10). pp. 2034-2046. ISSN 2561115 Fulltext available

Duong, H.C. and Cao, H.T. and Hoang, N.B. and Nghiem, L.D. (2021) Reverse osmosis treatment of condensate from ammonium nitrate production: Insights into membrane performance. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9 (6): 106457. ISSN 22133437 Fulltext available

Duong, H.C. and Nghiem, L.D. and Ansari, A.J. and Vu, T.D. and Nguyen, K.M. (2021) Assessment of pilot direct contact membrane distillation regeneration of lithium chloride solution in liquid desiccant air-conditioning systems using computer simulation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. ISSN 9441344 (In Press) Fulltext available

Duong, H.C. and Tran, L.T.T. and Vu, M.T. and Nguyen, D. and Tran, N.T.V. and Nghiem, L.D. (2021) A new perspective on small-scale treatment systems for arsenic affected groundwater. Environmental Technology and Innovation, 23: 101780. ISSN 23521864 Fulltext available

Duong, X.B. and Chu, A.M. and Le, C.H. and Nguyen, T.A. and Vu, M.D. and Le, A. (2021) Comparison of the efficiency of numerical algorithms for solving the inverse kinematics problem of redundant serial-link robots. In: 2nd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development, MMMS 2020, 12 November 2020 through 15 November 2020. Fulltext available


Huan, P.V. and Thong, N.D. and Thuy, V.T.P. and Toan, L.V. and Kien, N.D.T. and Tuan, T.Q. and Pham, V.-H. (2021) Microstructure and Red Luminescence of ZnO Nanoparticles/Nanofibers Synthesized by Electrospinning Followed by Thermal Annealing. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 88 (4). pp. 870-874. ISSN 219037

Hung, N.M. and Hung, C.M. and Duy, N.V. and Hoa, N.D. and Hong, H.S. and Dang, T.K. and Viet, N.N. and Thong, L.V. and Phuoc, P.H. and Van Hieu, N. (2021) Significantly enhanced NO2 gas-sensing performance of nanojunction-networked SnO2 nanowires by pulsed UV-radiation. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 327: 112759. ISSN 9244247

Hung, P. and Le, T.V. and Vo, P.L. and Duong, H.C. and Rahman, M.M. (2021) Vulnerability assessment of water resources using GIS, remote sensing and SWAT model–a case study: the upper part of Dong Nai river basin, Vietnam. International Journal of River Basin Management. ISSN 15715124 (In Press)

Hung, P.T. and Hoat, P.D. and Nguyen, T.-A. and Van Thin, P. and Hien, V.X. and Lim, H.-J. and Lee, S. and Lee, J.-H. and Heo, Y.-W. (2021) Growth and NO2 sensing properties of Cs2SnI6 thin film. Materials Research Bulletin: 111628. ISSN 255408 (In Press) Fulltext available


Le-Nhat-Thuy, G. and Dang Thi, T.A. and Hoang Thi, P. and Nguyen Thi, Q.G. and Nguyen, H.-T. and Vu Ngoc, D. and Nguyen, T.-A. and Van Nguyen, T. (2021) Multicomponent synthesis of novel 3-benzoyl-4h-benzo[g]chromene-5,10-dione derivatives. Tetrahedron Letters, 75: 153215. ISSN 404039 Fulltext available


My, C.A. and Le, C.H. and Duong, X.B. and Bohez, E.L.J. and Vu, M.D. and Nguyen, T.A. and Nguyen, V.C. and Parkianather, M. (2021) A generalization approach for the kinematic modelling of the rotational axes of five-axis cnc centers. In: 2nd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development, MMMS 2020, 12 November 2020 through 15 November 2020.

My, C.A. and Le, C.H. and Duong, X.B. and Bohez, E.L.J. and Vu, M.D. and Nguyen, T.A. and Nguyen, V.C. and Parkianather, M. and Hoang, C.D. (2021) Real time inverse kinematics of five-axis cnc centers. In: 2nd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development, MMMS 2020, 12 November 2020 through 15 November 2020.


Nguyen, T.-T. and Bui, X.-T. and Ngo, H.H. and Nguyen, T.-T.-D. and Nguyen, K.-Q. and Nguyen, H.-H. and Huynh, K.-P.-H. and Némery, J. and Fujioka, T. and Duong, C.H. and Dang, B.-T. and Varjani, S. (2021) Nutrient recovery and microalgae biomass production from urine by membrane photobioreactor at low biomass retention times. Science of the Total Environment, 785: 147423. ISSN 489697 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.N. and Nguyen, T.T. and Nghiem, T.H.L. and Nguyen, D.T. and Tran, T.T.H. and Vu, D. and Nguyen, T.B.N. and Nguyen, T.M.H. and Nguyen, V.T. and Nguyen, M.H. (2021) Optical properties of doxorubicin hydrochloride load and release on silica nanoparticle platform. Molecules, 26 (13): 3968. ISSN 14203049 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.T. and Mai, H.H. and Pham, T.V. and Nguyen, T.X. and Ta, V.D. (2021) High quality factor, protein-based microlasers from self-assembled microcracks. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54 (25): 255108. ISSN 223727 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.V. and Pham, L.T. and Khuyen, B.X. and Duong, D.C. and Nghiem, L.H.T. and Nguyen, N.T. and Vu, D. and Hoa, D.Q. and Lam, V.D. and Nguyen, H.M. (2021) Effects of metallic underlayer on SERS performance of a metal film over nanosphere metasurface. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55 (2): 25101. ISSN 223727


Pham, N.V.T. and Nguyen, K.T. and Pham, T.V. and Pham, P.X. (2021) Experimental and Numerical Investigations into Evaporation Rates of Some Fuels Utilized in Aviation Gas Turbine Engines. In: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, pp. 434-440. Fulltext available

Pham, P.X. and Pham, N.V.T. and Pham, T.V. and Nguyen, V.H. and Nguyen, K.T. (2021) Ignition delays of biodiesel-diesel blends: Investigations into the role of physical and chemical processes. Fuel, 303: 121251. ISSN 162361 Fulltext available

Pham, Thao Xuan and Pham, Minh Tuan and Cao, Hai Thuong and Nguyen, Bich Ngoc and Nguyen, Quang Ha and Trang, Bui Thuy (2021) Study on the synthesis of 1,3,5-triazinane derivatives on copper-ferrite nanoparticles catalyst. In: 5th International Conference on Chemical Engineering, Food and Biotechnology, ICCFB 2021, 4 November 2021 through 5 November 2021, Ho Chi Minh City.

Phat, D.T. and Thao, P.M. and Van Nghia, N. and Son, L.T. and Thu, T.V. and Lan, N.T. and Quyen, N.Q. and Van Ky, N. and Van Nguyen, T. (2021) Morphology controlled synthesis of battery-type NiCo2O4 supported on nickel foam for high performance hybrid supercapacitors. Journal of Energy Storage, 33: 102030. ISSN 2352152X Fulltext available


Quyen, N.Q. and Van Nguyen, T. and Thang, H.H. and Thao, P.M. and Van Nghia, N. (2021) Carbon coated NaLi0.2Mn0.8O2 as a superb cathode material for sodium ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 866: 158950. ISSN 9258388 Fulltext available


Thuy, P.T. and Trung, L.H. and Linh, N.M. (2021) Experimental Measurements of Wave Transformation on Coral Reefs. In: 3rd International Conference on Sustainability in Civil Engineering, ICSCE 2020, 26 November 2020 through 27 November 2020.

To, N.V. and Nguyen, K.V. and Nguyen, H.S. and Luong, S.T. and Doan, P.T. and Nguyen, T.H.T. and Ngo, Q.Q. and Nguyen, N.V. (2021) P2-type layered structure Na1.0Li0.2Mn0.7Ti0.1O2 as a superb electrochemical performance cathode material for sodium-ion batteries. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 880: 114834. ISSN 15726657 Fulltext available

Tran, A.Q. and Nguyen, T.-A. and Doan, P.T. and Tran, D.-N. and Tran, D.-T. (2021) Parallel magnetic resonance imaging acceleration with a hybrid sensing approach. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 18 (3). pp. 2288-2302. ISSN 15471063 Fulltext available

Tran, Hung N. and Dinh-V-Trung and Bui, Hai V. and Pham, Bang D. and Thanh-Bao-Nguyen, T. (2021) Modeling Radio Recombination in MWC 349A. I. Saturation Properties. The Astrophysical Journal, 921 (2). p. 136. ISSN 0004-637X

Trang, B.T. and Thuong, C.H. and Thao, P.X. and Mac, D.H. and Grée, R. (2021) A New Approach for the Synthesis of Sotolon in Racemic and Enantioenriched Forms. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, 59 (1). pp. 42-46. ISSN 25728288 Fulltext available


Vu, C.M. and Thi, H.V. (2021) Enhanced mechanical properties and flame retardant of epoxy resin by using of GOPOS decorated MWCNTs. Polymer Bulletin. ISSN 1700839 (In Press) Fulltext available

Vu, M.D. and My, C.A. and Nguyen, T.N. and Le, A. and Ta, M.T. and Duong, X.B. and Nguyen, T.A. and Le, C.H. and Chu, D.H. (2021) A conceptual digital twin for cost-effective development of a welding robotic system for smart manufacturing. In: 2nd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development, MMMS 2020, 12 November 2020 through 15 November 2020, Nha Trang.

Vu, V.H. and Tu, B.Q. and Phung, Q.X. and Tran, V.T. and Hoang, N.N. and Pham, D.D. and Mai, T.A. and Tong, H.D. and Van Nguyen, M. and Nguyen, H.Q. and Nguyen, H.M. and Van Mai, H. and Duong, D.C. and Doan, Q.M. and Nguyen-Tran, T. (2021) Tailoring optical and resistance properties of the functional CuAlxOy semiconductor for applications as thermal infrared imagers. Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices, 6 (2). pp. 202-208. ISSN 24682284 Fulltext available

van Nguyen, T. and Nguyen, T.D. and van Pham, N. and Nguyen, T.-A. and van Ta, D. (2021) Monodisperse and size-tunable high-quality factor microsphere biolasers. Optics Letters, 46 (10). pp. 2517-2520. ISSN 1469592 Fulltext available

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