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Hiep, P.T.
Statistical method for performance analysis of WBAN in time-saturation.
Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2014 (1): 221.
ISSN 16871472
Hiep, P.T. and Hoang, N.H. (2014) Maximizing throughput of cluster-based WBAN with IEEE 802.15.6CSMA/CA. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 9 (5). pp. 391-401. ISSN 19750080
Hiep, P.T. and Kohno, R.
Control superframe for high throughput of cluster-based WBAN with CSMA/CA.
In: 2014 25th IEEE Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communication, IEEE PIMRC 2014, 2 September 2014 through 5 September 2014.
Hiep, P.T. and Kohno, R.
Performance analysis of water-filling for outdated CSI multIPle hops MIMO relay systems.
In: 2014 25th IEEE Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communication, IEEE PIMRC 2014, 2 September 2014 through 5 September 2014.
Hiep, P.T. and Kohno, R.
Water-filling for full-duplex multiple-hop MIMO relay system.
Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2014 (1): 174.
ISSN 16871472
Hoang, Q.T. and Tran, X.N.
Improved cross-layer cooperative MAC protocol for wireless ad hoc networks.
In: 2014 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, APSIPA 2014, 9 December 2014 through 12 December 2014.
Huong, N.T. and Trung, L.T. and Dinh, N.Q.
Proposal of two ultra-wide band antennas for UWB-MIMO.
In: 2013 3rd World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, WICT 2013, 15 December 2013 through 18 December 2013.
Le, D.T. and Dinh, N.Q. and Karasawa, Y.
A new scheme to enhance bandwidth of printed dipole for wideband applications.
IEICE Transactions on Communications, E97-B (4).
pp. 773-782.
ISSN 9168516
Le, M.-T. and Ngo, V.-D. and Mai, H.-A. and Tran, X.N. and Di Renzo, M.
Spatially modulated orthogonal space-time block codes with non-vanishing determinants.
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 62 (1): 6679361.
pp. 85-99.
ISSN 906778
Nguyen, T.P. and Le, M.T. and Ngo, V.-D. and Tran, X.N. and Choi, H.-W.
Spatial modulation for high-rate transmission systems.
In: 2014 79th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC 2014-Spring, 18 May 2014 through 21 May 2014.
Pham, V.-B. and Sheng, W.-X.
No-zero-entry space-time block codes over time-selective fading channels for MIMO systems.
Wireless Personal Communications, 75 (1).
pp. 35-47.
ISSN 9296212
Pham, V.B.
Symbol error rate performance analysis for generalized coordinate interleaved orthogonal designs over Nakagami- m fading channels.
Wireless Personal Communications, 77 (4).
pp. 3081-3091.
ISSN 9296212
Thanh, T.M. and Hiep, P.T. and Tam, T.M. and Tanaka, K.
Robust semi-blind video watermarking based on frame-patch matching.
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 68 (10).
pp. 1007-1015.
ISSN 14348411
Vu, D.H. and Pham, V.B. and Tran, X.N. and Ta, C.H.
Design of two way relay network using space-time block coded network coding and linear detection.
In: 2014 79th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC 2014-Spring, 18 May 2014 through 21 May 2014.