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Dinh, T.T.H. and Vu, V.T. and Bui, T.L.
A multi-objective ensemble learning approach based on the non-dominated sorting differential evolution for forecasting currency exchange rates.
In: 8th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, KSE 2016, 6 October 2016 through 8 October 2016.
Huong, D.T.T. and Van Truong, V. and Lam, B.T. (2016) Forecasting of consumer price index using the ensemble learning model with multi-objective evolutionary algorithms: Preliminary results. In: 8th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2015, 14 October 2015 through 16 October 2015.
Liu, B. and Pham, D.P. and Su, Q. and Gui, B. (2016) Deformation characteristics of subgrade graded gravel with different water contents. Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics, 37 (5). pp. 1365-1372. ISSN 10007598
Liu, B. and Su, Q. and Pham, D.-P. (2016) Influence of water content on strength and deformation properties of graded crushed stone under both static and dynamic stress conditions. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 21 (22). pp. 6827-6840. ISSN 10893032
Liu, B. and Su, Q. and Pham, D.P. and Bai, H. and Lamthi, H.H. (2016) Study of critical dynamic stress and deformation law of graded gravel under different moisture content. Tiedao Xuebao/Journal of the China Railway Society, 38 (6). pp. 100-107. ISSN 10018360
Minh, H.L. and Van, T.V. and Dinh, D.N. and Anh, T.T. (2016) Identification of land-cover features's phenology using multitemporal Sentinel-1 data: A case study in Hanoi, Vietnam. In: 37th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, ACRS 2016, 17 October 2016 through 21 October 2016.
Nguyen, T.T. and Vu, D.T. and Trinh, L.H. and Le Hang Nguyen, T. (2016) Spatial cluster and outlier identification of geochemical association of elements: A case study in juirui copper mining area [Elementlerin jeokimyasal birliklerinde uzamsal kÜme ve aykiri degerlerin Belirlenmesi: Juirui Bakir Madeni bÖlgesinden bir Örnek]. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 2016 (153). pp. 159-167. ISSN 264563
Trinh, L.H. and Tarasov, M.K. (2016) Evaluation of suspended matter concentrations in surface water of the trian water reservoir (viet nam) using the remote sensing data. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya 5: Geografiya, 2016-J (2). pp. 38-43. ISSN 5799414
Vu, V.-T. and Yao, L.-H. and Wei, Y.-J.
Laboratory investigation of axisymmetric single vacuum well point.
Journal of Central South University, 23 (3).
pp. 750-756.
ISSN 20952899