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Number of items: 46.

Binh Pham, T. and Tu Nguyen, V. (2020) Effectiveness of tuned mass damper system for steel frame building. In: 23rd International Scientific Conference on Advance in Civil Engineering: Construction - The Formation of Living Environment, FORM 2020, 23 September 2020 through 26 September 2020. Fulltext available

Bui, A.K. and Nguyen, T.C. (2020) The temperature field in mass concrete with different placing temperatures. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 8 (2). pp. 94-100. ISSN 23321091

Bui, X.-N. and Cao, T.D. and Nguyen, L.Q. and Mai, B.X. and Trinh, L.H. and La, H.P. and Goyal, R. and Thai, T.A. and Pham, H.N. (2020) Assessment on maximum magnitude of natural and triggered earthquake when water is impounded in the mining pit: A case study in Nui Nho quarry, Vietnam based on gravity and magnetic data. Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 20 (1): ES1007. ISSN 16811208

Dhital, K. and Han, J.-H. and Nguyen, A.T. (2020) Aeroelastic analysis of airfoils at proximity with structural coupling. In: 49th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2020, 23 August 2020 through 26 August 2020.

Dinh, T.T.H. and Vu, V.T. and Bui, L.T. (2020) An ensemble multi-objective particle swarm optimization approach for exchange rates forecasting problem. In: 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing, ICMLSC 2020, 17 January 2020 through 19 January 2020. Fulltext available

Do, T.-M.-D. and Nguyen, T.-C. and Lam, T.-Q.-K. (2020) Investigating the effectiveness of insulation for walls of buildings in Vietnamese climatic condition. In: 23rd International Scientific Conference on Advance in Civil Engineering: Construction - The Formation of Living Environment, FORM 2020, 23 September 2020 through 26 September 2020. Fulltext available

Doan, T.N. and Van Thom, D. and Thanh, N.T. and Van Chuong, P. and Tho, N.C. and Ta, N.T. and Nguyen, H.N. (2020) Analysis of stress concentration phenomenon of cylinder laminated shells using higher-order shear deformation Quasi-3D theory. Composite Structures, 232: 111526. ISSN 2638223 Fulltext available

Duc Pham, T. and Duc Bui, N. and Tien Nguyen, T. and Chi Phan, H. (2020) Predicting the reduction of embankment pressure on the surface of the soft ground reinforced by sand drain with random forest regression. In: 23rd International Scientific Conference on Advance in Civil Engineering: Construction - The Formation of Living Environment, FORM 2020, 23 September 2020 through 26 September 2020. Fulltext available

Firsanov, V.V. and Doan, Q.H. and Nguyen, T.C. (2020) Stress and deformation state for the edge of a rectangular plate based on nonclassical theory [Stanje napona i deformacija u ivici pravougaone ploče prema neklasičnoj teoriji]. Structural Integrity and Life, 20 (1). pp. 15-19. ISSN 14513749

Ho, N.-T. and Nguyen, T.-C. and Bui, A.-K. and Huynh, T.-P. (2020) Temperature field in mass concrete at early-age: Experimental research and numerical simulation. International Journal on Emerging Technologies, 11 (3). pp. 936-941. ISSN 9758364

Hoa, L.K. and Vinh, P.V. and Duc, N.D. and Trung, N.T. and Son, L.T. and Thom, D.V. (2020) Bending and free vibration analyses of functionally graded material nanoplates via a novel nonlocal single variable shear deformation plate theory. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. ISSN 9544062 (In Press) Fulltext available

Hung, N.N. and Hang, L.M. and van Anh, T. and Hong Hai, L.V. (2020) Assessment the effect of atmospheric correction algorithms for monitoring PM10 concentration by using Landsat 8OLI data: A case study in Hanoi, Vietnam. Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 20 (5): ES5002. ISSN 16811208

Hung, N.N. and Hang, L.M. and van Anh, T. and Quan, D.V.V. and Pham, V.-M. (2020) Estimating PM10 concentrations in the main routes of Hanoi, Vietnam by using VNREDSAT-1 data. In: 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing: Progress of Remote Sensing Technology for Smart Future, ACRS 2019, 14 October 2019 through 18 October 2019.

Hung, T.L. and Sinh, M.D. and Zablotskii, V.R. (2020) The urban areas classification methodology according to multi-zone images of sentinel 2 and landsat 8 (On the example of the city of thanh hoa, vietnam). Geodezia i Kartografia, 956 (2). pp. 40-49. ISSN 167126

Huynh, T.-P. and Ho, N.-T. and Bui, P.-T. and Do, N.-D. and Nguyen, T.-C. (2020) Mechanical-thermal characteristics of foamed ultra-lightweight composites. Magazine of Civil Engineering, 98 (6): 2. ISSN 27128172

Le, T.-H. and Nguyen, H.-L. and Pham, B.T. and Nguyen, M.H. and Pham, C.-T. and Nguyen, N.-L. and Le, T.-T. and Ly, H.-B. (2020) Artificial intelligence-based model for the prediction of dynamic modulus of stone mastic asphalt. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10 (15): 5242. ISSN 20763417 Fulltext available

Le, T.-T. and Phan, H.C. (2020) Prediction of Ultimate Load of Rectangular CFST Columns Using Interpretable Machine Learning Method. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2020: 8855069. ISSN 16878086

Le, V.T. and Mai, D.S. (2020) Microstructural and mechanical characteristics of 308L stainless steel manufactured by gas metal arc welding-based additive manufacturing. Materials Letters, 271: 127791. ISSN 0167577X Fulltext available

Le, V.T. and Mai, D.S. and Hoang, Q.H. (2020) Effects of cooling conditions on the shape, microstructures, and material properties of SS308L thin walls built by wire arc additive manufacturing. Materials Letters, 280: 128580. ISSN 0167577X Fulltext available

Le, V.T. and Mai, D.S. and Hoang, Q.H. (2020) A study on wire and arc additive manufacturing of low-carbon steel components: process stability, microstructural and mechanical properties. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 42 (9): 480. ISSN 16785878 Fulltext available

Le Hung, Trinh and Zablotskii, V.R. and Nguyen, T.T.N. (2020) Determining the Concentration of Suspended Sediment in the Lower Đáy River (Northern Vietnam) Using MSI Sentinel 2 High Spatial Resolution Data. Izvestiya - Atmospheric and Ocean Physics, 56 (12). pp. 1645-1651. ISSN 14338

Mai, D.S. and Ngo, L.T. and Trinh, L.H. (2020) Approach the Interval Type-2 Fuzzy System and PSO Technique in Landcover Classification. In: 12th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, ACIIDS 2020, 23 March 2020 through 26 March 2020. Fulltext available

Mai, V.-C. and Nguyen, T.-C. and Dao, C.-B. (2020) Numerical simulation of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete frame structure under fire action. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 21 (5). pp. 797-804. ISSN 15630854 Fulltext available

Mai, V.-C. and Vu, N.-Q. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Pham, H. (2020) Ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete panel subjected to severe blast loading. Defence Science Journal, 70 (6). pp. 603-611. ISSN 0011748X Fulltext available

Minh, H.L. and Hoai, D.T. (2020) Assessment the impact of climate change on the degradation of mangrove forests using spot and vnredsat imagery: A case study in Dong Rui, Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam. In: 41st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, ACRS 2020, 9 November 2020 through 11 November 2020.

Minh, H.L. and Van, T.V. and Anh, T.T. (2020) Using dual-polarization sentinel-1A for mapping vegetation types in Daklak, Vietnam. In: 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing: Progress of Remote Sensing Technology for Smart Future, ACRS 2019, 14 October 2019 through 18 October 2019.

Ngoc, D.D. and Loisel, H. and Vantrepotte, V. and Xuan, H.C. and Minh, N.N. and Verpoorter, C. and Meriaux, X. and Minh, H.P.T. and Thi, H.L. and Hong, H.L.V. and Van, T.N. (2020) A simple empirical band-ratio algorithm to assess suspended particulate matter from remote sensing over coastal and inland waters of vietnam: Application to the VNREDSat-1/NAOMI sensor. Water (Switzerland), 12 (9): 2636. ISSN 20734441 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.-C. and Tang, V.-L. and Huynh, T.-P. (2020) An early-age evaluation of thermal cracking index of heavy concrete applying for airport pavement. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 64 (2). pp. 344-352. ISSN 5536626 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.C. and Nguyen, T.S. and Van Nguyen, Q. and Do, T.M.D. (2020) Finite element analysis of temperature and stress fields in the concrete mass with pipe-cooling. Structural Integrity and Life, 20 (2). pp. 131-135. ISSN 14513749

Nguyen, T.T.N. and Vu, M.N. and Tran, N.H. and Dao, N.H. and Pham, D.T. (2020) Stress induced permeability changes in brittle fractured porous rock. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 127: 104224. ISSN 13651609 Fulltext available

Nguyen, V.-T. and Vu, N.-Q. and Nguyen, X.-D. (2020) Application of seismic isolation for multi-story buildings in moderate seismicity areas like Vietnam. In: 1st International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials 2020, ICAPSM 2020, 13 August 2020 through 14 August 2020. Fulltext available

Nguyn, V.T. and Phm, T.B. and Nguyn, X.B. (2020) Refined second-order plastic-hinge dynamic analysis for planar steel frames. In: International Scientific Conference on Modelling and Methods of Structural Analysis 2019, MMSA 2019, 13 November 2019 through 15 November 2019. Fulltext available

TRUONG, T.H. and BIEN, N.N. and THO, P.D. and NGOC, V.M. and ANH, D.N. and TUAN, N.S. and HUNG, T.N. and NGA, N.T.T. (2020) Two-step homogenization of poroelastic properties of a limestone. Inzynieria Mineralna, 1 (1). pp. 31-39. ISSN 16404920 Fulltext available

Tang, V.-L. and Nguyen, T.-C. and Igorevich, B.B. and Pham, N.-A. and Huynh, T.-P. (2020) A combined experiment-simulation study on temperature regime of roller-compacted concrete applying for dam construction. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 6 (5). pp. 772-785. ISSN 21487847

Thanh Duong, H. and Chi Phan, H. and Le, T.-T. and Duc Bui, N. (2020) Optimization design of rectangular concrete-filled steel tube short columns with Balancing Composite Motion Optimization and data-driven model. Structures, 28. pp. 757-765. ISSN 23520124 Fulltext available

To, V.-T. and To, Q.-D. and Bonnet, G. and Le, B.-A. and Nguyen, T.-T. (2020) Effective permeability of anisotropic porous materials containing periodically or randomly distributed cracks. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 80: 103902. ISSN 9977538 Fulltext available

Tong, S.-S. and Pham, T.-L. and Nguyen, Q.L. and Le, T.T.H. and Trinh, L.H. and Cao, X.C. and Ahmad, A. and Tong, T.-H.-A. (2020) The study of land cover change using change vector approach integrated with unsupervised classification method: A case in duy tien (Vietnam). Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 13 (2). pp. 175-184. ISSN 20719388

Trinh, L.H. and Le, T.G. and Kieu, V.H. and Ly Tran, T.M. and Nguyen, T.T.N. (2020) Application of remote sensing technique for shoreline change detection in Ninh Binh and Nam Dinh provinces (Vietnam) during the period 1988 to 2018 based on water indices. Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 20 (2): 2020ES0006. ISSN 16811208

Trinh, L.H. and Vu, D.T. and Tran, X.B. and Pham, T.T. and Dao, K.H. (2020) Remote sensing method for land cover change monitoring using landsat multi-temporal data (Case study: Tuy duc and dak rap districts, dak nong province, central highlands of Vietnam) [ДИСТАНЦИОННЫЕ МЕТОДЫ В ИЗУЧЕНИИ ДИНАМИКИ РАСТИТЕЛЬНОГО ПОКРОВА ПО ДАННЫМ РАЗНОВРЕМЕННЫХ ИЗОБРАЖЕНИЙ LANDSAT (Hа примере территории районов Туи Дык и Дак Рап, Провинции Дак Нонг, Центральное нагорье Вьетнама)]. Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 12 (3). pp. 357-365. ISSN 19984502

Truong Vu, V. and Bui, L.T. and Nguyen, T.T. (2020) A Competitive Co-Evolutionary Approach for the Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms. IEEE Access, 8: 9043554. pp. 56927-56947. ISSN 21693536 Fulltext available

Trần, Trung Hiếu (2020) Nghiên cứu ứng xử của nút khung biên sử dụng bê tông cốt sợi thép tính năng siêu cao chịu tải trọng lặp. Doctoral thesis, Le Quy Don Technical University. Fulltext available

Van Long, L. and Van Hien, D. and Thanh, N.T. and Tho, N.C. and Do, V.T. (2020) Impact of Cold-Rolling and Heat Treatment on Mechanical Properties of Dual-Phase Treated Low Carbon Steel. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2020: 1674837. ISSN 16878434 Fulltext available

Vu, A.-T. and Matsumoto, T. and Kenda, K. (2020) Model vibration tests on piled raft and pile group foundations in dry sand. Geotechnical Engineering, 51 (2). pp. 95-102. ISSN 465828

Vu, A.-T. and Matsumoto, T. and Vu, V.-H. (2020) Study on effect of vertical load on performance of horizontallyloaded pile foundations through three-dimensional finite element analyses. In: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. Springer, pp. 47-54.

Xuan Truong, T. and Thanh Ha, T. and Thanh Nghi, L. and Nhu Hung, N. and Thi Thanh Nga, D. and Xuan Hoa, V. (2020) Developing a set of criteria for prioritising GHG emission reduction measures in metallurgical sector [Opracowanie zestawu kryteriów ustalania priorytetów środków redukcji emisji gazów cieplarnianych w sektorze metalurgicznym]. Inzynieria Mineralna, 1 (1). pp. 247-254. ISSN 16404920

van Anh, T. and Hang, L.M. and Duong, N.D. (2020) Determination of land cover change by multi-temporal radar imagery. In: 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing: Progress of Remote Sensing Technology for Smart Future, ACRS 2019, 14 October 2019 through 18 October 2019.

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