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Thuy, H.V. and Anh, P.V. and Hoai, N.X. (2018) Automated large program repair based on big code. In: 9th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2018, 6 December 2018 through 7 December 2018.
Tai, L.D. and Thanh, N.V. and Thanh, T.M. (2022) Blockmarking: Hybrid model of blockchain and watermarking technique for copyright protection. In: Conference of 11th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2022, 1 December 2022 Through 3 December 2022, Hanoi.
Nguyen, X.H. and Bui, L.T. and Tran, C.T.
Clustering method using Pareto Corner Search Evolutionary algorithm for objective reduction in many-objective optimization problems.
In: 10th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2019, 4 December 2019 through 6 December 2019.
Van Pham, T. and Quang, N.T.N. and Thanh, T.M.
Deep learning approach for singer voice classification of Vietnamese popular music.
In: 10th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2019, 4 December 2019 through 6 December 2019.
Hong, N.M. and Thanh, N.C.
Distance-based mean filter for image denoising.
In: 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing, ICMLSC 2020, 17 January 2020 through 19 January 2020.
Pham, T.V. and Tran, N.N.Q. and Pham, H.M. and Nguyen, T.M. and Ta Minh, T.
Efficient Low-Latency Dynamic Licensing for Deep Neural Network Deployment on Edge Devices.
In: 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems, CIIS 2020, 13 November 2020 through 15 November 2020.
Pham, T.S. and Uy Nguyen, Q. and Nguyen, X.H.
Generating artificial attack data for intrusion detection using machine learning.
In: 5th Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2014, 4 December 2014 through 5 December 2014.
Nguyen Thi, H. and Phan, T.-T.-H. and Tran, C.T. (2023) Genetic Programming for Bee Audio Classification. In: 8th International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology, ICIIT 2023, 24 February 2023 Through 26 February 2023, Hybrid, Da Nang.
Trinh, B.A. and Trinh, T.T.A. and Vu, L. and Dao, H. and Nguyen, T. (2023) Improving Loss Function for a Deep Neural Network for Lesion Segmentation. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Dinh, T.H. and Van, T.P. and Thanh, T.M. and Thanh, H.N. and Hoang, A.P.
Large scale fashion search system with deep learning and quantization indexing.
In: 9th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2018, 6 December 2018 through 7 December 2018.
Vu, L. and Tra, D.V. and Nguyen, Q.U.
Learning from imbalanced data for encrypted traffic identification problem.
In: 7th Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2016, 8 December 2016 through 9 December 2016.
Thanh, H.L.E. and Van Tran, L. and Nguyen, T.H. and Nguyen, X.H.
Optimizing genetic algorithm in feature selection for named entity recognition.
In: 6th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2015, 3 December 2015 through 4 December 2015.
Chu, T.H. and Nguyen, Q.U. and Cao, V.L.
Semantics based substituting technique for reducing code bloat in genetic programming.
In: 9th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2018, 6 December 2018 through 7 December 2018.
Ho, K.G. and Vu, L. and Nguyen, N.H. and Nguyen, H.M.
Speed up querying encrypted data on outsourced database.
In: 2017 International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing, ICMLSC 2017, 13 January 2017 through 16 January 2017.
Van, N.P. and Ngo, L.T. and Van, H.V. (2015) Speedup of fuzzy Co-clustering algorithm for image segmentation on graphic processing unit. In: 6th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2015, 3 December 2015 through 4 December 2015.
Nguyen, T.T. and Vu, L.T. and Nguyen, A.T. and Nguyen, Q.U. and Nguyen, T.A.H. and Hai, L.D.
Unsupervised anomaly detection in online game.
In: 6th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2015, 3 December 2015 through 4 December 2015.
Viet, H.N. and Trang, L.L.T. and Nguyen Van, Q. and Nathan, S.
Using deep learning model for network scanning detection.
In: 4th International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies, ICFET 2018, Jointly with its Workshop the 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications, ICKEA 2018, 25 June 2018 through 27 June 2018.
Vu, L. and Bui, C.T. and Nguyen, Q.U.
A deep learning based method for handling imbalanced problem in network traffic classification.
In: 8th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2017, 7 December 2017 through 8 December 2017.
Dinh, T.T.H. and Vu, V.T. and Bui, L.T.
An ensemble multi-objective particle swarm optimization approach for exchange rates forecasting problem.
In: 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing, ICMLSC 2020, 17 January 2020 through 19 January 2020.
Van Nha, P. and Long, N.T. and Long, P.T. and Van Hai, P. (2018) A new assessment of cluster tendency ensemble approach for data clustering. In: 9th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2018, 6 December 2018 through 7 December 2018.
Nguyen, T.-N. and Nguyen, Q.-B. and Thanh-Nguyen
A novel signal constellation set for communication system using APSK signals of DVB-S2 standard with high nonlinearity.
In: 6th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2015, 3 December 2015 through 4 December 2015.
Kim, G.H. and Cong, M.T. and Hieu, M.N.
A study on batch verification scheme in outsourced encrypted database.
In: 10th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT 2019, 4 December 2019 through 6 December 2019.