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To, V.-T. and To, Q.-D. and Bonnet, G. and Le, B.-A. and Nguyen, T.-T.
Effective permeability of anisotropic porous materials containing periodically or randomly distributed cracks.
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 80: 103902.
ISSN 9977538
Van Vinh, P. and Van Chinh, N. and Tounsi, A. (2022) Static bending and buckling analysis of bi-directional functionally graded porous plates using an improved first-order shear deformation theory and FEM. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 96. ISSN 09977538
Van Thom, D. and Chinh, V.M. and Van Minh, P. and Anh Vu, N.D. (2024) Mechanical responses of nanoplates resting on viscoelastic foundations in multi-physical environments. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 106. ISSN 09977538