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Le, T.N. and Chin, W.-L. and Kao, W.-C.
Cross-layer design for primary user emulation attacks detection in mobile cognitive radio networks.
IEEE Communications Letters, 19 (5): 7031357.
pp. 799-802.
ISSN 10897798
Vien, Q.-T. and Nguyen, H.X. and Barn, B. and Tran, X.-N.
On the perspective transformation for efficient relay placement in wireless multicast networks.
IEEE Communications Letters, 19 (2): 7000520.
pp. 275-278.
ISSN 10897798
Tran, X.N. and Nguyen, X.-N. and Le, M.-T. and Ngo, V.-D. (2018) High-Rate Spatially Modulated Space Time Block Code. IEEE Communications Letters, 22 (12): 8478283. pp. 2595-2598. ISSN 10897798
Doan, Van-Sang and Huynh-The, Thien and Hoang, Van-Phuc and Nguyen, Duy-Thai (2021) MoDANet: Multi-task Deep Network for Joint Automatic Modulation Classification and Direction of Arrival Estimation. IEEE Communications Letters. p. 1. ISSN 1089-7798