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Number of items: 2.
Xuan Truong, T. and Thanh Ha, T. and Thanh Nghi, L. and Nhu Hung, N. and Thi Thanh Nga, D. and Xuan Hoa, V. (2020) Developing a set of criteria for prioritising GHG emission reduction measures in metallurgical sector [Opracowanie zestawu kryteriów ustalania priorytetów środków redukcji emisji gazów cieplarnianych w sektorze metalurgicznym]. Inzynieria Mineralna, 1 (1). pp. 247-254. ISSN 16404920
TRUONG, T.H. and BIEN, N.N. and THO, P.D. and NGOC, V.M. and ANH, D.N. and TUAN, N.S. and HUNG, T.N. and NGA, N.T.T.
Two-step homogenization of poroelastic properties of a limestone.
Inzynieria Mineralna, 1 (1).
pp. 31-39.
ISSN 16404920