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Nguyen, V.Q. and Ngo, L.T. and Nguyen, L.M. and Nguyen, V.H. and Shone, N. (2024) Deep clustering hierarchical latent representation for anomaly-based cyber-attack detection. Knowledge-Based Systems, 301. ISSN 09507051
Pham, N.V. and Pham, L.T. and Pedrycz, W. and Ngo, L.T.
Feature-reduction fuzzy co-clustering approach for hyper-spectral image analysis.
Knowledge-Based Systems, 216: 106549.
ISSN 9507051
Truong, H.Q. and Ngo, L.T. and Pedrycz, W.
Granular Fuzzy Possibilistic C-Means Clustering approach to DNA microarray problem.
Knowledge-Based Systems, 133.
pp. 53-65.
ISSN 9507051
Pham, V.N. and Ngo, L.T. and Pedrycz, W.
Interval-valued fuzzy set approach to fuzzy co-clustering for data classification.
Knowledge-Based Systems, 107.
pp. 1-13.
ISSN 9507051
Tran, C.T. and Zhang, M. and Andreae, P. and Xue, B. and Bui, L.T.
An effective and efficient approach to classification with incomplete data.
Knowledge-Based Systems, 154.
pp. 1-16.
ISSN 9507051