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Hoang, V.-P. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Nguyen, A.-T. and Pham, C.-K.
A low power AES-GCM authenticated encryption core in 65nm SOTB CMOS process.
In: 60th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS 2017, 6 August 2017 through 9 August 2017.
Nguyen, V.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Sai, V.-T. and Luong, T.-K. and Nguyen, M.-T. and Le Duc, H.
A new approach of stochastic computing for arithmetic functions in wideband RF transceivers.
In: 60th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS 2017, 6 August 2017 through 9 August 2017.
Nguyen, V.-T. and Luong, T.-K. and Popovici, E. and Trinh, Q.-K. and Zhang, R. and Nakashima, Y.
An Accurate and Compact Hyperbolic Tangent and Sigmoid Computation Based Stochastic Logic.
In: 2021 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS 2021, 9 August 2021 through 11 August 2021.