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Vu, C.M. and Nguyen, T.V. and Nguyen, L.T. and Choi, H.J.
Fabrication of adduct filled glass fiber/epoxy resin laminate composites and their physical characteristics.
Polymer Bulletin, 73 (5).
pp. 1373-1391.
ISSN 1700839
Bach, Q.-V. and Vu, C.M. and Vu, H.T. and Nguyen, D.D.
Suspension of poly(o-toluidine)-coated silica-based core–shell-structured composite in silicone oil: fabrication and rheological properties at different external electric field strengths.
Polymer Bulletin, 77 (7).
pp. 3563-3576.
ISSN 1700839
Vu, C.M. and Thi, H.V.
Enhanced mechanical properties and flame retardant of epoxy resin by using of GOPOS decorated MWCNTs.
Polymer Bulletin.
ISSN 1700839
(In Press)
Vu, C.M. and Bui, X.K. and Dinh, V.C. (2023) Simultaneous improvement impact strength and thermal stability of epoxy resin by using bio-silica and a thermoplastic. Polymer Bulletin. ISSN 01700839