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Mimicking the nonlinear dynamics of optical fibers with waveguide arrays: Towards a spatiotemporal supercontinuum generation

Tran, T.X. and Biancalana, F. (2013) Mimicking the nonlinear dynamics of optical fibers with waveguide arrays: Towards a spatiotemporal supercontinuum generation. Optics Express, 21 (15). pp. 17539-17546. ISSN 10944087

Mimicking the nonlinear dynamics of optical fibers with waveguide arrays Towards a spatiotemporal supercontinuum generation.PDF

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We numerically demonstrate the formation of the spatiotemporal version of the so-called diffractive resonant radiation generated in waveguide arrays with Kerr nonlinearity when a long pulse is launched into the system. The phase matching condition for the diffractive resonant radiation that we have found earlier for CW beams also works well in the spatiotemporal case. By introducing a linear potential, one can introduce a continuous shift of the central wavenumber of a linear pulse, whereas in the nonlinear case one can demonstrate that the soliton self-wavenumber shift can be compensated by the emission of diffractive resonant radiation, in a very similar fashion as it is done in optical fibers. This work paves the way for designing unique optical devices that generate spectrally broad supercontinua with a controllable directionality by taking advantage of the combined physics of optical fibers and waveguide arrays. © 2013 Optical Society of America.

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Faculties > Faculty of Physical and Chemical Engineering
Identification Number: 10.1364/OE.21.017539
Uncontrolled Keywords: Solitons; Supercontinuum generation; Waveguides; Kerr nonlinearity; Linear potential; Linear pulse; Phase matching conditions; Resonant radiation; Supercontinua; Wave numbers; Waveguide array; Optical fibers; article; computer simulation; equipment; equipment design; equipment failure; fiber optics; light; nonlinear system; radiation scattering; spatiotemporal analysis; surface plasmon resonance; theoretical model; device failure analysis; devices; fiber optics; surface plasmon resonance; Computer Simulation; Equipment Design; Equipment Failure Analysis; Fiber Optic Technology; Light; Models, Theoretical; Nonlinear Dynamics; Scattering, Radiation; Spatio-Temporal Analysis; Surface Plasmon Resonance; Computer Simulation; Equipment Design; Equipment Failure Analysis; Fiber Optic Technology; Light; Models, Theoretical; Nonlinear Dynamics; Scattering, Radiation; Spatio-Temporal Analysis; Surface Plasmon Resonance
Additional Information: Language of original document: English. All Open Access, Gold, Green.
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/10059

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