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Researching on progressive collapse of a reinforced concrete monolithic frame under impact of blast loading and proposing some profitable solutions to resist progressive collapse

Phan, Thanh Trung (2021) Researching on progressive collapse of a reinforced concrete monolithic frame under impact of blast loading and proposing some profitable solutions to resist progressive collapse. Doctoral thesis, Le Quy Don Technical University.

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Thesis Statement and Contributions

1. Analysing and selecting mechanical models of materials and developing structural numerical models in ABAQUS application for studying the progressive collapse of 3D reinforced concrete frames under influence of blast loading.
2. Performing blast tests on concrete and reinforced concrete samples under the effect of contact blast loading and close-range blast loading. Results have been shown below: + Adjustment and additional parameters of HJC model for tested concrete models; + Using the parameters of modified HJC model to analyze the damage level of reinforced concrete structures under effect of blast loading by using ABAQUS software; + The experimental results are similar to numerical simulation results.
3. Thanks to the structural models and the adjusted material models, progressive collapse of the 3D reinforced concrete frames under influence of contact and range-close blast loading have analysed by using ABAQUS application. Proposing some progressive anti-collapse under explosive effect solutions for the structures.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Specialization: Technique for special construction engineering
Specialization code:
Thesis advisor: Prof. Drsc. Nguyen Van Hoi
Thesis advisor: Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Bao
Divisions: Institutes > Institute of Techniques for Special Engineering
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/10239

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