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Vibration analysis of beam and space frame systems with tuned mass dampers subjected to random loads

Nguyen, Chi Tho (2021) Vibration analysis of beam and space frame systems with tuned mass dampers subjected to random loads. Doctoral thesis, Le Quy Don Technical University.

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Thesis Statement and Contributions

1. Establishing an algorithm and a program to analyze the dynamic properties of beams and space frames with TMDs exposed to random loads using the finite element method. The computation program has been validated and found to be trustworthy.
2. The effect of TMDs (location, quantily, and TMDs features) on the dynamic properties of beam and space frame systems is being investigated. This allows for some insightful insights.
3. Diagnose natural frequencies of beams and space frames, as well as anticipate the best parameters of TMDs, are accomplished using an artificial intelligence model.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Specialization: Technique for special construction engineering
Specialization code:
Thesis advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tri Ta
Divisions: Institutes > Institute of Techniques for Special Engineering
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/10267

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