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Microfibers in laundry wastewater: Problem and solution

Le, L.-T. and Nguyen, K.-Q.N. and Nguyen, P.-T. and Duong, H.C. and Bui, X.-T. and Hoang, N.B. and Nghiem, L.D. (2022) Microfibers in laundry wastewater: Problem and solution. Science of the Total Environment, 852. ISSN 00489697

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Data corroborated in this study highlights laundry wastewater as a primary source of microfibers (MFs) in the aquatic environment. MFs can negatively impact the aquatic ecosystem via five possible pathways, namely, acting as carriers of other contaminats, physical damage to digestive systems of aquatic organisms, blocking the digestive tract, releasing toxic chemicals, and harbouring invasive and noxious plankton and bacteria. This review shows that small devices to capture MFs during household laundry activities are simple to use and affordable at household level in developed countries. However, these low cost and small devices are unrealiable and can only achieve up to 40 MF removal efficiency. In line filtration devices can achieve higher removal efficiency under well maintained condition but their performance is still limited compared to over 98 MF removal by large scale centralized wastewater treatment. These results infer that effort to increase sanitation coverage to ensure adequate wastewater treatment prior to environmental discharge is likely to be more cost effective than those small devices for capturing MFs. This review also shows that natural fabrics would entail significantly less environmental consequences than synthetic materials. Contribution from the fashion industry to increase the share of natural frabics in the current textile market can also reduce the loading of plastic MFs in the environment. © 2022

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Institutes > Institute of Techniques for Special Engineering
Identification Number: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158412
Uncontrolled Keywords: Aquatic ecosystems; Cost effectiveness; Efficiency; Microplastic; Textile industry; Textiles, Laundry activities; Laundry wastewaters; Micro-fiber; Microplastic fiber; Microplastics; Natural fabric; Primary sources; Problems and Solutions; Removal efficiencies; Small devices, Wastewater treatment
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/10539

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