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Experimental Investigation of the Muzzle Blast for the Amphibious Rifles when Shooting Underwater

Hung, N.V. and Doan, D.V. (2022) Experimental Investigation of the Muzzle Blast for the Amphibious Rifles when Shooting Underwater. Defence Science Journal, 72 (5). pp. 695-702.

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Designed for amphibious combat forces, the amphibious rifle is a revolutionary new kind of weapon. This firearm's design and the determination of the effect of shooting on the shooter are both dependent on the development of the underwater muzzle blast. In this work, an experiment to evaluate the muzzle blast overpressure and gas bubble characteristics of an amphibious rifle when shooting underwater is performed in order to better understand the weapon's capabilities. This inquiry is focused on the 5.56 mm amphibious rifle with 5.56x45 mm underwater ammunition. The results of the experiments indicated that the Rayleigh-Plesset equation may be used to describe and predict the size of gas bubbles. The experimental data may be utilized to compute the law of change of overpressure based on the experimental results. Also, it is a very important base for studying, designing, making, and mastering weapon technology, which are all very important steps in the development of weapon technology. © 2022, DESIDOC.

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Faculties > Faculty of Special Equipments
Identification Number: 10.14429/dsj.72.17367
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bubbles (in fluids), Amphibious rifle; Blast overpressure; Bubble characteristics; Combat forces; Experimental investigations; Gas bubble; Muzzle blast; Overpressure; Overpressure bubbles; Underwater shoot, Explosives
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/10641

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