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Design of Fresnel acoustic reflector for sub-wavelength broadband sound diffusion

He, M. and Luo, W.-Z. and Trinh, V.-H. and Lei, L. and Xia, L. and Li, D. (2024) Design of Fresnel acoustic reflector for sub-wavelength broadband sound diffusion. Materials and Design, 238. ISSN 02641275

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Sound diffusion performance is considered as an important issue in building acoustics. A well-diffused sound field can effectively enhance the human listening experience. In this context, inspired by Fresnel lenses in optics, we design a sub-wavelength acoustic metasurface (termed “Fresnel acoustic reflector”) to achieve broadband uniform diffuse reflections. To this end, an optimization strategy that combines Monte-Carlo search and other derivative-free algorithms is proposed to ensure, as far as possible, a global optimum for the objective function when dealing with the multi-peak problem encountered in complex sound fields. Numerical simulations show that the average normalized diffusion coefficient of the designed Fresnel reflector can reach up to 0.6 in the sub-wavelength frequency range 500–3400 Hz, which exhibits a better broadband diffusion performance compared to the traditional Schroeder diffusers. The simulated sound pressure field is also verified by experimental measurements. From a general perspective, the proposed optimization strategy and simulation framework can benefit the design of interior components in building acoustics. © 2024 The Author(s)

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Faculties > Faculty of Vehicle and Energy Engineering
Identification Number: 10.1016/j.matdes.2024.112736
Uncontrolled Keywords: Acoustic field measurement; Acoustic fields; Monte Carlo methods; Reflection, Acoustic metasurface; Acoustic reflectors; Diffuse reflection; Fresnel; Fresnel acoustic reflector; Metasurface; Monte-carlo search; Parametric optimization; Sub-wavelength; Sub-wavelength scale; Wavelength scale, Diffusion
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/11144

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