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Surface coal mining operations and coal-fired thermal power plants in the state of Tamil Nadu based on Earth’s remote sensing data Открытые горные работы на месторождении угля и тепловые электростанции с угольной генерацией электроэнергии в штате Тамилнад по данным дистанционного мониторинга Земли из космоса

Maglinets, Yu.A. and Zenkov, I.V. and Trinh, L.H. and Yuronen, Yu.P. and Gilts, N.E. and Mironova, Zh.V. and Kondrashov, P.M. and Lunev, A.S. and Pavlova, P.L. and Kuzina, L.N. and Sizova, T.N. and Shtresler, K.А. and Cherepanov, E.V. and Shatrov, R.A. (2024) Surface coal mining operations and coal-fired thermal power plants in the state of Tamil Nadu based on Earth’s remote sensing data Открытые горные работы на месторождении угля и тепловые электростанции с угольной генерацией электроэнергии в штате Тамилнад по данным дистанционного мониторинга Земли из космоса. Ugol (11). pp. 129-132. ISSN 00415790

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The paper presents the results of studying technological and technical aspects of surface mining operations in a coal deposit in the State of Tamil Nadu in India. Remote sensing studies and analytical calculations revealed the number of mining and haulage machines working in the coal pits, as well as determined the annual volume of overburden excavation and coal mining. Satellite observations revealed a stable trend of surface coal mining in the surveyed state. © 2024 Ugol' Journal Edition, LLC. All rights reserved.

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Offices > Office of International Cooperation
Identification Number: 10.18796/0041-5790-2024-11-129-132
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/11465

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