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A WSN and LoRa Hybrid Multimedia Transmission Protocol for Scalar Data and Image Transmission †

Ta, Q.H. and Ta, V.K. and Nguyen, T.T. and Oh, H. (2024) A WSN and LoRa Hybrid Multimedia Transmission Protocol for Scalar Data and Image Transmission †. Sensors, 24 (24).

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The proposed protocol features reliable and fast image transmission while periodically transmitting scalar data without interruption by allowing two networks, a LoRa network and a wireless sensor network, with different transmission characteristics to cooperate. It adopts the RT-LoRa protocol for periodic scalar data transmission and uses a WSN-based pipelined transmission method that leverages single-hop message transmission of a LoRa network for image transmission. Thus, it can not only eliminate the control message overhead for time synchronization, slot scheduling, and path establishment for pipelined image transmission in WSNs but also eliminate interferences within WSNs, such as data collisions and data and message collisions, during pipelined image transmission, thereby enabling high reliability and fast transmission. According to experimental results obtained inside a university building, the proposed protocol achieved an image transfer rate of approximately 96 without packet loss, transmitted one 24 KB image in approximately 0.3 s, and achieved an image transfer rate of 100 under the tolerance of one image packet loss. These results indicate a speedup of about 25 compared to a recent pipelined protocol while ensuring near-perfect image transmission quality. © 2024 by the authors.

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Offices > Office of International Cooperation
Identification Number: 10.3390/s24248165
Uncontrolled Keywords: Delay tolerant networks; Image communication systems; Internet protocols; Picture archiving and communication systems; Wireless sensor networks, End to end; End-to-end image transmission delay; Hybrid network; Image transfer; Lora network; Pipelined transmission; Scalar data; Sensors network; Transmission delays; Wireless sensor, Packet loss
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/11481

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