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Microwave Absorption Performance of Durian-Husk-Derived Carbon Nanomaterials

Dat, Tran Quang and Quang, Pham Xuan and Thanh, Nguyen Thi and Vi, Le Dinh and Long, Nguyen Nguyen and Huynh, Ngo Ngoc and Anh, Vu Tuan and Van Hoang, Nguyen and Tung, Nguyen Vu and Xuan, Chu Thi Anh (2024) Microwave Absorption Performance of Durian-Husk-Derived Carbon Nanomaterials. Solid State Phenomena, 368. 9 – 16. ISSN 10120394

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The present research focuses on the development of highly efficient and lightweight electromagnetic wave (EMW) absorbers to address the growing issue of electromagnetic pollution. We investigate the use of carbon derived from biomass, specifically durian husks, to create carbonbased microwave absorbers with enhanced performance. A two-step process involving carbonization followed by potassium hydroxide (KOH) activation was employed to synthesize porous carbon materials. The microwave absorption properties were then analyzed using a vector network analyzer across a frequency range from 2 to 18 GHz, with a focus on key parameters such as reflection loss and complex permittivity. The sample, which was 2.0 mm thick and had 15 carbon nanomaterials mixed in with paraffin wax, had an optimal reflection loss of-30.8 dB at 12.8 GHz with an effective absorption bandwidth of 9.0 GHz, highlighting its strong electromagnetic wave absorption performance. The porous structure and large specific surface area significantly contributed to the material’s ability to absorb electromagnetic radiation. These findings highlight the potential of durian husk-derived carbon material as a highly effective and lightweight EMW absorber for practical applications. © 2024 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, All Rights Reserved.

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Offices > Office of International Cooperation
Identification Number: 10.4028/p-SZEys7
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/11513

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