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Generation of 1D Jackiw–Rebbi states and trivial localized states from simple input beams in interfaced binary waveguide arrays

Tran, Truong X. and Nguyen, Thau X. (2025) Generation of 1D Jackiw–Rebbi states and trivial localized states from simple input beams in interfaced binary waveguide arrays. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 472. ISSN 01672789

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- We systematically investigate the generation of one-dimensional (1D) Jackiw–Rebbi (JR) states and 1D trivial localized states in interfaced binary waveguide arrays in both the linear and nonlinear regimes of Kerr type, respectively, from phase-modified and conventional Gaussian input beams; or even from two-point input beams. Our results show that Gaussian input beams and simple two-point input beams can efficiently generate JR states and trivial localized states with the conversion efficiency reaching around 90 and 70, respectively. Right after launching these input beams into the interfaced BWAs, the re-distribution of the beam takes place where most energy of the beams is self-adjusted towards the right profiles of the JR states or trivial localized states, and only one small part of the input beam energy is lost as the weak radiation emitted towards two edges of the interfaced binary waveguide arrays. © 2025

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Offices > Office of International Cooperation
Identification Number: 10.1016/j.physd.2025.134541
Uncontrolled Keywords: Equations of state; Gaussian beams; Gaussian distribution; Nonlinear equations; Optical Kerr effect; Binary waveguide array; Dirac's equation; Gaussian inputs; Kerr nonlinearity; Kerrnonlinearities; Localized state; One-dimensional; One-dimensional jackiw–rebbi state; Simple++; Waveguide array; Solitons
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/11521

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