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Defect-induced gas-sensing properties of a flexible sns sensor under uv illumination at room temperature

Hung, N.M. and Nguyen, C.V. and Arepalli, V.K. and Kim, J. and Chinh, N.D. and Nguyen, T.D. and Seo, D.-B. and Kim, E.-T. and Kim, C. and Kim, D. (2020) Defect-induced gas-sensing properties of a flexible sns sensor under uv illumination at room temperature. Sensors (Switzerland), 20 (19): 5701. pp. 1-17. ISSN 14248220

Defect-induced gas-sensing properties of a flexible sns sensor under uv illumination at room temperature..pdf

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Tin sulfide (SnS) is known for its effective gas-detecting ability at low temperatures. However, the development of a portable and flexible SnS sensor is hindered by its high resistance, low response, and long recovery time. Like other chalcogenides, the electronic and gas-sensing properties of SnS strongly depend on its surface defects. Therefore, understanding the effects of its surface defects on its electronic and gas-sensing properties is a key factor in developing low-temperature SnS gas sensors. Herein, using thin SnS films annealed at different temperatures, we demonstrate that SnS exhibits n-type semiconducting behavior upon the appearance of S vacancies. Furthermore, the presence of S vacancies imparts the n-type SnS sensor with better sensing performance under UV illumination at room temperature (25◦C) than that of a p-type SnS sensor. These results are thoroughly investigated using various experimental analysis techniques and theoretical calculations using density functional theory. In addition, n-type SnS deposited on a polyimide substrate can be used to fabricate high-stability flexible sensors, which can be further developed for real applications. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Faculties > Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Identification Number: 10.3390/s20195701
Uncontrolled Keywords: Chemical detection; Crystal symmetry; Density functional theory; Gas detectors; Gases; Inorganic compounds; IV-VI semiconductors; Layered semiconductors; Sulfur compounds; Surface defects; Temperature; Tin compounds; Experimental analysis; Gas sensing properties; Low temperatures; Polyimide substrate; Real applications; Semiconducting behavior; Sensing performance; Theoretical calculations; Semiconducting tin compounds
Additional Information: Language of original document: English. All Open Access, Gold, Green.
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/8917

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