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Deep Transfer Learning for IoT Attack Detection

Vu, L. and Nguyen, Q.U. and Nguyen, D.N. and Hoang, D.T. and Dutkiewicz, E. (2020) Deep Transfer Learning for IoT Attack Detection. IEEE Access, 8: 9110582. pp. 107335-107344. ISSN 21693536

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The digital revolution has substantially changed our lives in which Internet-of-Things (IoT) plays a prominent role. The rapid development of IoT to most corners of life, however, leads to various emerging cybersecurity threats. Therefore, detecting and preventing potential attacks in IoT networks have recently attracted paramount interest from both academia and industry. Among various attack detection approaches, machine learning-based methods, especially deep learning, have demonstrated great potential thanks to their early detecting capability. However, these machine learning techniques only work well when a huge volume of data from IoT devices with label information can be collected. Nevertheless, the labeling process is usually time consuming and expensive, thus, it may not be able to adapt with quick evolving IoT attacks in reality. In this paper, we propose a novel deep transfer learning (DTL) method that allows to learn from data collected from multiple IoT devices in which not all of them are labeled. Specifically, we develop a DTL model based on two AutoEncoders (AEs). The first AE (AE1) is trained on the source datasets (source domains) in the supervised mode using the label information and the second AE (AE2) is trained on the target datasets (target domains) in an unsupervised manner without label information. The transfer learning process attempts to force the latent representation (the bottleneck layer) of AE2 similarly to the latent representation of AE1. After that, the latent representation of AE2 is used to detect attacks in the incoming samples in the target domain. We carry out intensive experiments on nine recent IoT datasets to evaluate the performance of the proposed model. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed DTL model significantly improves the accuracy in detecting IoT attacks compared to the baseline deep learning technique and two recent DTL approaches. © 2013 IEEE.

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Faculties > Faculty of Information Technology
Identification Number: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3000476
Uncontrolled Keywords: Deep learning; Learning algorithms; Learning systems; Transfer learning; Attack detection; Digital revolution; Internet of Things (IOT); Label information; Learning techniques; Machine learning techniques; Potential attack; Various attacks; Internet of things
Additional Information: Language of original document: English. All Open Access, Gold, Green.
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/9143

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