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Investigation of cyclotron-phonon resonance in monolayer molybdenum disulfide

Binh, N.V.Q. and Hoi, B.D. and Thuan, D.V. and Hieu, N.N. and Nguyen, C.V. and Phuc, H.V. and Tien, T.S. and Nhan, N.T.T. and Hien, N.D. and Anh, N.N. and Dung, L.T. and Phuong, L.T.T. (2019) Investigation of cyclotron-phonon resonance in monolayer molybdenum disulfide. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 125. pp. 74-79. ISSN 223697

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Transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers recently have attracted much attention motivated by their exotic physical properties. In this paper, we theoretically investigate the optical absorption in the monolayer MoS2 which is subjected to a uniform static magnetic field and an electromagnetic wave. The magneto-optical absorption power (MOAP) is calculated using the projection operator technique in the linear response scheme, taking account of the electron–optical phonon interaction at high temperature. Both phonon emission and phonon absorption processes are included. The cyclotron–phonon resonance (CPR) is observed in the photon energy dependence of the MOAP. Numerical analyses show that the photon energy satisfying CPR condition depends linearly on the strength of magnetic field, which is similar to that in conventional low-dimensional semiconductors but different from that in graphene. The increase of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of CPR peaks with increasing magnetic field shows a similar behaviour to that in graphene. In addition, FWHM increases slightly with temperature, which is different from that in graphene where the FWHM is temperature independent. Our investigation provides basic information about the magneto-optical properties of the monolayer MoS2 that are useful for further experiments and applications. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Faculties > Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Identification Number: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2018.10.007
Uncontrolled Keywords: Cyclotron resonance; Cyclotrons; Electromagnetic waves; Full width at half maximum; Graphene; Layered semiconductors; Light absorption; Magnetic fields; Monolayers; Optical properties; Phonons; Photons; Resonance; Sulfur compounds; Transition metals; Cyclotron-phonon resonances; Low-Dimensional Semiconductors; Magnetooptical properties; Molybdenum disulfide; Optical phonon interaction; Phonon interactions; Projection operator technique; Transition metal dichalcogenides; Molybdenum compounds
Additional Information: Language of original document: English.
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/9389

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