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Indirect method usage of distance and error measurement by single optical cameras

Tuan Bui, M. and Doskocil, R. and Krivanek, V. and Hien Ha, T. and Bergeon, Y. and Kutilek, P. (2018) Indirect method usage of distance and error measurement by single optical cameras. Advances in Military Technology, 13 (2). pp. 209-221. ISSN 18022308

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In this paper, we proposed an indirect method to measure the distance of an object accurately by single visual cameras using triangulation. The object can be seen as the third point of a triangle with two known sides and one known angle. Distance to object can be determined indirectly on the base of known sides and angle, rather than being measured directly. It would be very useful in case there is no line of sight to object (inaccessible) or an obstacle interrupts it. Furthermore, the results show that the measured distance using the indirect method has a lower measurement error than the one using the direct method. This method establishes a basis for the implementation of the position algorithm into the navigation subsystem of swarm robots and will be very helpful especially in robot cooperation. © 2018, University of Defence. All rights reserved.

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Faculties > Faculty of Special Equipments
Identification Number: 10.3849/aimt.01221
Additional Information: Language of original document: English. All Open Access, Gold, Green.
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/9602

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