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Journals peer-reviewed by Scopus
Hoang, V.-P. and Dao, V.-L. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Tran, X.N. and Ishibashi, K. (2023) An Energy Efficient, Long Range Sensor System for Real-Time Environment Monitoring. In: Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, pp. 823-830.
Dinh, V.-N. and Bui, N.-M. and Nguyen, V.-T. and John, D. and Lin, L.-Y. and Trinh, Q.-K. (2023) NUTS-BSNN: A non-uniform time-step binarized spiking neural network with energy-efficient in-memory computing macro. Neurocomputing, 560: 126838. ISSN 09252312
Duong, Q.-M. and Trinh, Q.-K. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Dao, D.-H. and Luong, D.-M. and Hoang, V.-P. and Lin, L. and Deepu, J. (2023) A low-power charge-based integrate-and-fire circuit for binarized-spiking neural network. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications. ISSN 0098-9886
Dinh, V.-N. and Bui, N.-M. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Duong, Q.-M. and Trinh, Q.-K. (2022) FBW-SNN: A Fully Binarized Weights-Spiking Neural Networks for Edge-AI Applications. In: Conference of 2022 IEEE International Conference on IC Design and Technology, ICICDT 2022, 21 September 2022 Through 23 September 2022, Hanoi.
Nguyen, V.-T. and Pham, T. and Luu, T.-H. and Nguyen, T.-L. and Nguyen, H.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Tran, X.-N. and Nguyen, V.-H. and Nguyen, V.-H. (2022) High-Efficient DC-DC Converter Based on Hybrid SI-SC Topology for Portable Devices. In: Conference of 2022 IEEE International Conference on IC Design and Technology, ICICDT 2022, 21 September 2022 Through 23 September 2022, Hanoi.
Dinh, V.-N. and Bui, N.-M. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Nguyen, K.-S. and Duong, Q.-M. and Trinh, Q.-K. (2022) A Study on Adversarial Attacks and Defense Method on Binarized Neural Network. In: Conference of 15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2022, 20 October 2022 Through 22 October 2022, Hanoi.
Nguyen, V.-T. and Luong, T.-K. and Popovici, E. and Trinh, Q.-K. and Zhang, R. and Nakashima, Y.
An Accurate and Compact Hyperbolic Tangent and Sigmoid Computation Based Stochastic Logic.
In: 2021 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS 2021, 9 August 2021 through 11 August 2021.
Nguyen, V.-T. and Danlos, A. and Paridaens, R. and Ravelet, F. and Deligant, M. and Khelladi, S. and Bakir, F.
Experimental study of a centrifugal compressor with two successive and counter-rotating impellers.
Trinh, Q.-K. and Tran, T.-H.-T. and Dang, T.-B. and Nguyen, V.-T.
An Optimized Pilot-Assisted Channel Estimation Method for Low-Dispersive Channels.
In: 7th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, INISCOM 2021, 22 April 2021 through 23 April 2021.
Nguyen, V.-T. and Nguyen, X.-D.
Seismic responses of multi-story building isolated by Lead-Rubber Bearings considering effects of the vertical stiffness and buckling behaviors.
In: 7th International Scientific Conference on Integration, Partnership and Innovation in Construction Science and Education, IPICSE 2020, 11 November 2020 through 14 November 2020.
Mai, V.-C. and Luu, X.-B. and Nguyen, V.-T.
Ultra high-performance fiber reinforced concrete panel subjected to high velocity impact.
Magazine of Civil Engineering, 107 (7).
ISSN 27128172
Nguyen, V.-T. and Vu, N.-Q. and Nguyen, X.-D.
Application of seismic isolation for multi-story buildings in moderate seismicity areas like Vietnam.
In: 1st International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials 2020, ICAPSM 2020, 13 August 2020 through 14 August 2020.
Trinh, Q.-K. and Duong, Q.-M. and Dao, T.-N. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Nguyen, H.-P.
Feasibility and Design Trade-Offs of Neural Network Accelerators Implemented on Reconfigurable Hardware.
In: 6th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, INISCOM 2020, 24 August 2020 through 28 August 2020.
Nguyen, T.-L. and Takahashi, S. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Sato, Y. and Ishibashi, K.
Rf energy harvesting using cross-coupled rectifier and dtmos on sotb with phase effect of paired rf inputs.
ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications, 18 (2).
pp. 170-178.
ISSN 16859545
Mai, V.-C. and Vu, N.-Q. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Pham, H.
Ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete panel subjected to severe blast loading.
Defence Science Journal, 70 (6).
pp. 603-611.
ISSN 0011748X
Luong, T.-K. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Nguyen, A.-T. and Popovici, E.
Efficient architectures and implementation of arithmetic functions approximation based stochastic computing.
In: 30th IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, ASAP 2019, 15 July 2019 through 17 July 2019.
Nguyen, V.-T. and Luong, T.-K. and Le Duc, H. and Hoang, V.-P.
An efficient hardware implementation of activation functions using stochastic computing for deep neural networks.
In: 12th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-Core Systems-on-Chip, MCSoC 2018, 12 September 2018 through 14 September 2018.
Dao, V.-L. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Hoang, V.-P.
Low power ECC implementation on ASIC.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology, ICTA 2016, 12 December 2016 through 13 December 2016.
Hoang, V.-P. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Nguyen, A.-T. and Pham, C.-K.
A low power AES-GCM authenticated encryption core in 65nm SOTB CMOS process.
In: 60th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS 2017, 6 August 2017 through 9 August 2017.
Nguyen, V.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Sai, V.-T. and Luong, T.-K. and Nguyen, M.-T. and Le Duc, H.
A new approach of stochastic computing for arithmetic functions in wideband RF transceivers.
In: 60th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS 2017, 6 August 2017 through 9 August 2017.
Nguyen, V.-T. and Dao, V.-L. and Phan, T.-T.-D.
Hardware implementation of cyclic codes error correction on FPGA.
In: 3rd National Foundation for Science and Technology Development Conference on Information and Computer Science, NICS 2016, 14 September 2016 through 16 September 2016.
Nguyen, X.-N. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Pham, N.-N. and Le, M.-T. and Tran, X.-N. and Ngo, V.-D.
High throughput modified MMSE hardware detector for high-rate spatial modulation systems.
In: 6th IEEE International Conference on Communications and Electronics, IEEE ICCE 2016, 27 July 2016 through 29 July 2016.