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Number of items: 30.


Anh, M.N. and Bien, D.X. (2021) Voice Recognition and Inverse Kinematics Control for a Redundant Manipulator Based on a Multilayer Artificial Intelligence Network. Journal of Robotics, 2021: 5805232. ISSN 16879600 Fulltext available

Nguyen, Q.D. and Milani, S. and Marzbani, H. and Jazar, R.N. (2021) Tire-Road Separation Time Reduction by an Adaptive PID Controller Utilizing Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles, 14 (4). ISSN 1946391X

Nguyen, T.H. and Nguyen, H.X. and Tran, T.N.-C. and Park, J.W. and Le, K.M. and Nguyen, V.Q. and Jeon, J.W. (2021) An Effective Method to Improve the Accuracy of a Vernier-Type Absolute Magnetic Encoder. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68 (8): 9115877. pp. 7330-7340. ISSN 2780046 Fulltext available

Phan, H.C. and Le, T.-T. and Bui, N.D. and Duong, H.T. and Pham, T.D. (2021) An empirical model for bending capacity of defected pipe combined with axial load. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 191: 104368. ISSN 3080161 Fulltext available

Thanh, P.T. and Tinh, T.X. and Nam, D.P. and Luat, D.S. and Quang, N.H. (2021) On finite-time output feedback sliding mode control of an elastic multi-motor system. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems, 12 (1). pp. 10-19. ISSN 20888694

Thong, D.Q. (2021) Synthesis of a high-precision missile homing system with an permissible stability margin of the normal acceleration stabilization system [Синтез высокоточной системы самонаведения ракет с допустимым запасом устойчивости системы стабилизации нормального ускорения]. Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie, 22 (7). pp. 365-373. ISSN 16846427

Tran, A.Q. and Nguyen, T.-A. and Doan, P.T. and Tran, D.-N. and Tran, D.-T. (2021) Parallel magnetic resonance imaging acceleration with a hybrid sensing approach. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 18 (3). pp. 2288-2302. ISSN 15471063 Fulltext available

Tran, H.M. and Le, D.T. and Nguyen, B.C. and Tran, N.X. and Kim, T. (2021) Secrecy Outage Performance of FD-NOMA Relay System with Multiple Non-Colluding Eavesdroppers. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. ISSN 189545 (In Press)

Trưởng, N.H. and Dao, D.-N. (2021) New hybrid approach HNSGA-III&SPEA/R: Application to optimization of powertrain mount system stiffness parameters. Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control. ISSN 14613484 (In Press) Fulltext available

Tuyen, Tran and Bang, Nguyen and Tuan, Nguyen and Trung, Dang (2021) Synthesis of Line of Sight Angle Coordinate Filter on the Basis of Interactive Multi-Model Evaluation Algorithm. Informatics and Automation, 20 (6). pp. 1333-1367. ISSN 2713-3192

Conference or Workshop Item

Belov, M.P. and Truong, D.D. and Khoa, T.D. (2021) Synthesis of PID Controller with Neural Network for Nonlinear Electric Drive Exoskeleton. In: 24th International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements, SCM 2021, 26 May 2021 through 28 May 2021.

Belov, M.P. and Truong, D.D. and Van Tuan, P. (2021) Self-Tuning PID Controller Using a Neural Network for Nonlinear Exoskeleton System. In: 2nd International Conference on Neural Networks and Neurotechnologies, NeuroNT 2021, 6/16/2021.

Belov, M.P. and Van Lanh, N. and Khoa, T.D. (2021) State Observer based Elman Recurrent Neural Network for Electric Drive of Optical-Mechanical Complexes. In: 2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ElConRus 2021, 26 January 2021 through 28 January 2021. Fulltext available

Duc Pham, T. and Duc Bui, N. and Trong Vu, Q. and Thanh Duong, H. and Chi Phan, H. (2021) Mitigating effect of embankment to adjacent pipe with CDM columns. In: 24th International Scientific Conference on Construction the Formation of Living Environment, FORM 2021, 22 April 2021 through 24 April 2021. Fulltext available

Dung, Bui Quoc and Tinh, Cao Huu and Thuc, Nguyen Cong and Dan, Do Manh (2021) The influence of trajectory design parameters on miss distance and survivability of anti-ship missiles. In: UNSPECIFIED. Fulltext available

Ha, N.M. and Thanh, P.T. and Van, N. and Popov, H.V. (2021) Selection of parameters for MSE retaining walls. In: 7th International Scientific Conference on Integration, Partnership and Innovation in Construction Science and Education, IPICSE 2020, 11 November 2020 through 14 November 2020.

Hoang, V.B. and Anh Nguyen, L. and Nguyen, P.V. and Truong, X.-T. (2021) A time-dependent motion planning system for mobile service robots in dynamic social environments. In: 2021 International Conference on System Science and Engineering, ICSSE 2021, 26 August 2021 through 28 August 2021.

Le, Hong Thai and Nguyen, Duy Thao and Truong, Xuan Tung (2021) Socially aware robot navigation framework in crowded and dynamic environments: A comparison of motion planning techniques. In: 8th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science, NICS 2021, 21 December 2021 through 22 December 2021, Hanoi.

Nguyen, C.X. and Pham, T.D. and Lukynov, A.D. and Tran, P.C. and Truong, Q.D. (2021) Design embedded control system based controller of the quasi time optimization approach for a magnetic levitation system. In: 16th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Dynamics of Technical Systems, DTS 2020, 11 September 2020 through 13 September 2020. Fulltext available

Nguyen, C.X. and Phan, H.N. and Hoang, L.D. and Tran, H.N. (2021) The design of a quasi-time optimal cascade controller for ball and beam system. In: 16th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Dynamics of Technical Systems, DTS 2020, 11 September 2020 through 13 September 2020. Fulltext available

Nguyen, C.X. and Tran, Th.Tr. and Pham, Th.X. and Le, K.M. (2021) Design of control laws for rotary inverted pendulum based on LQR and Lyapunov function. In: 16th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Dynamics of Technical Systems, DTS 2020, 11 September 2020 through 13 September 2020.

Nguyen, D.T. and Hoang, V.B. and Le, T.N. and Nguyen, T.H. and Truong, X.T. (2021) Social Hybrid Reciprocal Velocity Obstacle-Based Socially Aware Mobile Robot Navigation Framework. In: 7th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, INISCOM 2021, 22 April 2021 through 23 April 2021.

Nguyen, M.H. and Pham, X.P. (2021) Completing the proportional navigation rule with optimizational association funtion based on particle swarm optimization rule. In: 2nd International Scientific Conference on Metrological Support of Innovative Technologies, ICMSIT II-2021, 3 March 2021 through 6 March 2021.

Pham, Ngoc Anh and Nguyen, Lan Anh and Truong, Xuan Tung (2021) Socially aware robot navigation framework: Social activities recognition using deep learning techniques. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Trong, Nguyen Van and Fedorovich, Pashchenko Fedor and Tiep, Le Duc and Cong, Vu Chien (2021) Convolutional Neural Network for Convolution of Aerial Survey Images. In: 20th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture, and International Stability TECIS 2021, 14 September 2021through 17 September 2021, Moscow. Fulltext available

Truong, N.X. and Phuong, P.K. and Tien, V.H. (2021) Fast and Simple Method for Weapon Target Assignment in Air Defense Command and Control System. In: 7th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, INISCOM 2021, 22 April 2021 through 23 April 2021. Fulltext available

Van Hoa, C. and Tuan, V.A. and Sang, N.T. and Lai, N.T. and Tiep, P.D. (2021) Effect of Grain Size on Shear Strength of Coral Gravel Sand. In: 3rd International Conference on Sustainability in Civil Engineering, ICSCE 2020, 26 November 2020 through 27 November 2020.

Xuan, Chiem Nguyen and Le Tran, Thang (2021) Design of State Feedback Controller with Optimal Parameters Using Bat Algorithm for Reaction Wheel Pendulum. In: 2021 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2021, 14 October 2021 through 16 October 2021, Ho Chi Minh City.


Ngo, Van Toan (2021) Synthesis of programmatic landing control algorithms for small UAV. Doctoral thesis, Le Quy Don Technical University. Fulltext available

Nguyen, Thi Lan Anh (2021) Developing efficient localization and motion planning systems for a wheeled mobile robot in a dynamic environment. Doctoral thesis, Le Quy Don Technical University. Fulltext available

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