Technical University
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Number of items: 29.


Bui, M. and Xiao, D. and Rahman, M. (2023) Sensorless Control and Inductances Estimation of IPMSMs using FPGA and High bandwidth Current Measurement. IEEE Access, 11. pp. 67322-67329. ISSN 21693536

Chiem, N.X. and Thang, L.T. (2023) Synthesis of Hybrid Fuzzy Logic Law for Stable Control of Magnetic Levitation System. Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC), 4 (2). pp. 141-148. ISSN 27155056

Chiem, N.X. and Thang, L.T. (2023) Synthesis of LQR Controller Based on BAT Algorithm for Furuta Pendulum Stabilization. Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC), 4 (5). pp. 662-669. ISSN 27155056

Nguyen, C.X. and Tran, S.V. and Phan, H.N. (2023) Control Law Synthesis for Flexible Joint Manipulator Based on Synergetic Control Theory Синтез законов управления для гибкого шарнирного манипулятора на основе синергетической теории управления. Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie, 24 (8). pp. 395-402. ISSN 16846427

Nguyen, T.-D. and Bui, A.-T. and Nguyen, N.-K. and Bui, T.-D. and Dinh, N.-Q. and Pham, T.-D. (2023) A Novel Hybrid DC–CC–Based Reactive Power Compensation Scheme to Improve Power Quality of A Electric Grid Considering the Efficiency of Asynchronous Induction Motors. SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, 10 (8). pp. 156-169. ISSN 23488549

Nguyen, T.-D. and Dinh, N.-Q. and Nguyen, N.-K. and Bui, T.-D. and Bui, A.-T. and Pham, T.-D. (2023) A New Optimizing Approach to Minimize Power Losses of an Electric Power Grid Containing Major Loads of Huge Power 3-Phase Induction Machines – A Practical Case Study in Vietnam. SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 10 (5). pp. 36-47. ISSN 23488379

Nguyen, T.H. and Nguyen, T.T. and Minh Le, K. and Tran, H.N. and Jeon, J.W. (2023) An Adaptive Backstepping Sliding-Mode Control for Improving Position Tracking of a Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor With a Nonlinear Disturbance Observer. IEEE Access, 11. pp. 19173-19185. ISSN 21693536

Tat Tuan, N. and Hoa Tien, V. and Van Minh, D.Â. and Thi Thu Trang, N. (2023) Synthesis of Algorithm to Change Guidance Law for Air-to-Air Missiles Intercept Separating Targets. Advances in Military Technology, 18 (2). pp. 225-240. ISSN 18022308

Thang, L.T. and Van Son, T. and Khoa, T.D. and Chiem, N.X. (2023) Synthesis of sliding mode control for flexible-joint manipulators based on serial invariant manifolds. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 12 (1). pp. 98-108. ISSN 20893191

Tran, D.-T. and Ha, N.T.T. and Hai, L.Q. and Tran, D.-N. and Shankar, A. (2023) Shear complex modulus imaging utilizing frequency combination in the least mean square/algebraic Helmholtz inversion. Multimedia Tools and Applications. ISSN 13807501

Conference or Workshop Item

Anh, B.T. and Thanh Quan, D. and Quoc, D.D. and Thanh Hiep, P. (2023) Optimizing Transmission Power for Uplink Data in Cell-Free Wireless Body Area Networks. In: 22nd IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, SSP 2023, 2 July 2023 Through 5 July 2023, Hanoi.

Chiem, N.X. and Sao, C.V. (2023) Design depth controller for autonomous underwater vehicle using virtual system and diffeomorphism. In: 17th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Dynamics of Technical Systems, DTS 2021, 9 September 2021 Through 11 September 2021, Rostov-on-Don.

Chiem, N.X. and Thang, L.T. (2023) Synthesis of inverted wedge-balanced stable nonlinear controller based on synergetic control theory. In: 17th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Dynamics of Technical Systems, DTS 2021, 9 September 2021 Through 11 September 2021, Rostov-on-Don.

Chiem, N.X. and Thang, L.T. and Dinh, N.C. (2023) Synthesis of stable control law for ball and beam system robust to disturbances based on synergetic control theory. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2023, 27 November 2023 Through 29 November 2023, Hanoi.

Dang, M.H. and Do, V.-B. and Dinh, N.C. and Anh, N.L. and Thang, D.N. and Truong, X.-T. (2023) Multi-Objective Deep Reinforcement Learning with Priority-based Socially Aware Mobile Robot Navigation Frameworks. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2023, 27 November 2023 Through 29 November 2023, Hanoi.

Dang, M.H. and Do, V.-B. and Tan, T.C. and Nguyen, L.A. and Truong, X.-T. (2023) A Synthetic Crowd Generation Framework for Socially Aware Robot Navigation. In: International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Network, ICISN 2023, 18 March 2023 Through 19 March 2023, Hanoi.

Dang, T.H. and Thi, H.T. and Van, D.D. (2023) Classification of Fetal Status from Cardiotocogram Data by Using Machine Learning. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2023, 27 November 2023 Through 29 November 2023, Hanoi.

Dinh, M.C. and Tien, N.T. and Tuyen, T.M. and Xuan, N.V. and Anh, P.T.Q. and Bay, H.V. and Truong, X.T. (2023) Socially Aware Robot Navigation Framework: Automatic Detecting and Autonomously Approaching People in Unknown Dynamic Social Environments. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2023, 27 November 2023 Through 29 November 2023, Hanoi.

Hiep, N.S. and Hai, L.Q. and Nghia, T.D. and Tan, T.D. (2023) Evaluating the Improvement in Shear Wave Speed Estimation Affected by Reflections in Tissue. In: International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Network, ICISN 2023, 18 March 2023 Through 19 March 2023, Hanoi.

Kien, N.P. and Long, N.V. and Ngoc, D.T.A. and Phuong, D.T.M. and Hanh, N.H. and Trang, N.M. and Hien, P.T. and Binh, D.T. and Cuong, N.M. and Vu, T.A. (2023) Evaluation System for Straight Punch Training: A Preliminary Study. In: International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Network, ICISN 2023, 18 March 2023 Through 19 March 2023, Hanoi.

Luu, T.H. and Nguyen, V.C. and Vu, D.T. and Nguyen, T.L. (2023) Adaptive finite time extended state observer for varying rope length tower cranes. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2023, 27 November 2023 Through 29 November 2023, Hanoi.

Nguyen, V.T. and Truong, D.K. and Pham, T.D. (2023) A new supervised learning algorithm with the adaptive decay time for the spike neural network. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2023, 27 November 2023 Through 29 November 2023, Hanoi.

Phu, D.N. and Tran, A.Q. and Tran, N.Q. and Dang, T.H. (2023) The classification of optical coherence tomography images using machine learning for macular hole and diabetic macular edema diagnoses. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2023, 27 November 2023 Through 29 November 2023, Hanoi.

Thuan, P.V. and Tuyen, N.T. and Quang, T.N. and Huu, T.T. (2023) External Device Control Program Based on EEG Data Analysis from Emotiv Epoc. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2023, 27 November 2023 Through 29 November 2023, Hanoi.

Thuy, H.D. and Thi, H.T. and Do Van, D. (2023) Detecting Imbalance of Patients with Vestibular Diagnosis Using Support Vector Machine. In: International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Network, ICISN 2023, 18 March 2023 Through 19 March 2023, Hanoi.

Trinh, M.T. and Nguyen, V.T. (2023) An Observer-Based Distributed Nonlinear Model Predictive Fault-Tolerant Control for Leader-Following Formation Tracking Control. In: 2023 International Conference on System Science and Engineering, ICSSE 2023, 27 August 2023 Through 28 August 2023, Virtual, Ho Chi Minh City.

Truong, D.D. and Khanh, N.D. and Van Muon, H. (2023) Sliding Control Algorithm with a Neural Network for Exoskeleton Electric Drive System. In: 4th International Conference on Neural Networks and Neurotechnologies, NeuroNT 2023, Conference Date: 16 June 2023, St. Petersburg.

Truong, N.X. and Phuong, P.K. and Phuc, H.V. and Tien, V.H. (2023) Q-Learning Based Multiple Agent Reinforcement Learning Model for Air Target Threat Assessment. In: International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Network, ICISN 2023, 18 March 2023 Through 19 March 2023, Hanoi.

Tung, T.X. and Trung, N.L. and Mallick, M. and Duc-Tan, T. and Bao, V.N.Q. and Nam, N.H. (2023) MESSAGE OF THE TPC CO-CHAIRS. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2023, 27 November 2023 Through 29 November 2023, Hanoi.

This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 15:26:04 2025 +07.