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Number of items: 32.

Bui, X.S. and Pham, D.H. and Do, V.G. and Vo, V.B. (2021) Analysing the Sensitivity of the All-Ways Action Mechanism upon Impact on Target. In: 8th International Conference on Military Technologies, ICMT 2021, 8 June 2021 through 11 June 2021.

Do, V.M. and Bui, X.S. and Nguyen, V.H. (2021) Modeling and Simulation on the Rotating Band Engraving Process of 23 mm Projectile. Advances in Military Technology, 16 (2). pp. 333-343. ISSN 18022308

Duc, L.D. and Horak, V. and Thai, D.N. and Jehlickova, E. (2021) The Thermo-Chemical Model for Calculations in the Interior Ballistics. In: 8th International Conference on Military Technologies, ICMT 2021, 8 June 2021 through 11 June 2021.

Dung, N.T. and Minh, P.V. and Hung, H.M. and Tien, D.M. (2021) The Third-Order Shear Deformation Theory for Modeling the Static Bending and Dynamic Responses of Piezoelectric Bidirectional Functionally Graded Plates. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2021: 5520240. ISSN 16878434 Fulltext available

Ha, H.T. and Horák, A. and Bui, M.T. (2021) Contract metadata identification in czech scanned documents. In: 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, ICAART 2021, 4 February 2021 through 6 February 2021.

Hoang, X. and Le, V. and Pham, M. and Tran, L. (2021) Resolution-enhancement of confocal fluorescence microscopy by using two kinds of point spread functions. In: 8th IEEE International Conference on Communications and Electronics, ICCE 2020, 13 January 2021 through 15 January 2021.

Le, H.B. and Konečný, P. (2021) Effect of some Disturbance Factors on Falling Point Distribution of Unguided Rocket. Advances in Military Technology, 16 (2). pp. 199-217. ISSN 18022308

Le, V.D.T. and Nguyen, A.T. and Nguyen, L.H. and Dang, N.T. and Tran, N.D. and Han, J.-H. (2021) Effectiveness Analysis of Spin Motion in Reducing Dispersion of Sounding Rocket Flight due to Thrust Misalignment. International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 22 (5). pp. 1194-1208. ISSN 2093274X Fulltext available

Li, C. and Le, V. and Wang, X. and Hao, X. and Liu, X. and Kuang, C. (2021) Resolution Enhancement and Background Suppression in Optical Super-Resolution Imaging for Biological Applications. Laser and Photonics Reviews, 15 (1): 1900084. ISSN 18638880 Fulltext available

Nguyen, A.S. and Nguyen, V.D. and Nguyen, H.H. and Nguyen, T.T. (2021) A novel approach for determining a hit point based on estimating target movement and ballistic table. In: 6th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Theory and Applications, AETA 2019, 6 November 2019 through 8 November 2019.

Nguyen, A.T. and Tran, A.V. and Tang, Q.N. and Nguyen, L.H. and Ha, M.D. and Nguyen, T.T. (2021) An integrated simulation approach to study the propulsion mechanism of a biomimetic fishtail. In: 2nd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development, MMMS 2020, 12 November 2020 through 15 November 2020. Fulltext available

Nguyen, D.P. and Vo, V.B. and MacKo, M. and Dang, V.T. (2021) Research Technical Solution for Reducing Oscillations of Weapons Mounted on the Vehicle. In: 8th International Conference on Military Technologies, ICMT 2021, 8 June 2021 through 11 June 2021.

Nguyen, T.-T. and Le, M.-T. (2021) Optimization of internal burnishing operation for energy efficiency, machined quality, and noise emission. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 114 (7/8/20). pp. 2115-2139. ISSN 2683768 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.-T. and Le, M.-T. (2021) Optimization of the internal roller burnishing process for energy reduction and surface properties. Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 67 (4). pp. 167-179. ISSN 392480

Nguyen, T.T. and Mai, H.H. and Pham, T.V. and Nguyen, T.X. and Ta, V.D. (2021) High quality factor, protein-based microlasers from self-assembled microcracks. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54 (25): 255108. ISSN 223727 Fulltext available

Nguyen, T.V. and Pham, L.T. and Khuyen, B.X. and Duong, D.C. and Nghiem, L.H.T. and Nguyen, N.T. and Vu, D. and Hoa, D.Q. and Lam, V.D. and Nguyen, H.M. (2021) Effects of metallic underlayer on SERS performance of a metal film over nanosphere metasurface. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55 (2): 25101. ISSN 223727

Nguyen Thai, D. and Minh, P.V. and Phan Hoang, C. and Ta Duc, T. and Nguyen Thi Cam, N. and Nguyen Thi, D. (2021) Bending of Symmetric Sandwich FGM Beams with Shear Connectors. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021: 7596300. ISSN 1024123X

Thai, L.M. and Luat, D.T. and Phung, V.B. and Minh, P.V. and Thom, D.V. (2021) Finite element modeling of mechanical behaviors of piezoelectric nanoplates with flexoelectric effects. Archive of Applied Mechanics. ISSN 9391533 (In Press) Fulltext available

Thai Nguyen, D. and Horák, V. and The Nguyen, L. and Van Nguyen, D. and Do Duc, L. (2021) A Motion Model of a Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle: CFD Simulation. Advances in Military Technology, 16 (2). pp. 253-263. ISSN 18022308

Thang, D.T. and Belin, V.A. and van Doanh, T. (2021) Studies of the shaped charges effect with a hemispherical eccentric shape recess for the rocks destruction [ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ ДЕЙСТВИЯ КУМУЛЯТИВНЫХ ЗАРЯДОВ С ВЫЕМКОЙ ПОЛУСФЕРИЧЕСКОЙ ЭКСЦЕНТРИЧЕСКОЙ ФОРМЫ ДЛЯ РАЗРУШЕНИЯ ГОРНЫХ ПОРОД]. Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 13 (2). pp. 281-291. ISSN 19984502

Thieu, H. and Pham, M. and Le, V.N. (2021) Forest parameters inversion by mean coherence set from single-baseline PolInSAR data. Advances in Space Research, 68 (7). pp. 2804-2818. ISSN 2731177 Fulltext available

Tran, T.H. and Dinh, H.Q. and Chu, H.Q. and Duong, V.Q. and Pham, C. and Do, V.M. (2021) Effect of boattail angle on near-wake flow and drag of axisymmetric models: a numerical approach. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 35 (2). pp. 563-573. ISSN 1738494X Fulltext available

Van Dung, N. and Tho, N.C. and Ha, N.M. and Hieu, V.T. (2021) On the Finite Element Model of Rotating Functionally Graded Graphene Beams Resting on Elastic Foundation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021: 1586388. ISSN 1024123X Fulltext available

Van Vo, B. and Macko, M. and Nguyen, D.T. and Nguyen, P.D. and Nguyen, H.T. and Bui, T.T. (2021) Dynamic simulation analysis and optimization of firing rate of rocket launchers on wheeled vehicles. Advances in Military Technology, 16 (1). pp. 159-175. ISSN 18022308

Van Vo, B. and Van Ta, P. and Macko, M. (2021) Effect of Some Structural Parameters on Firing Stability of Shooter-Weapon System. Advances in Military Technology, 16 (2). pp. 235-251. ISSN 18022308

Vinh, P.V. and Dung, N.T. and Tho, N.C. and Thom, D.V. and Hoa, L.K. (2021) Modified single variable shear deformation plate theory for free vibration analysis of rectangular FGM plates. Structures, 29. pp. 1435-1444. ISSN 23520124 Fulltext available

Vitek, R. and Bui, X.S. and Do, V.M. (2021) Analysis of Interior Ballistics of 9x19 mm Luger Cartridge using Monte Carlo Method. In: 8th International Conference on Military Technologies, ICMT 2021, 8 June 2021 through 11 June 2021.

Vitek, R. and Bui, X.S. and Komenda, J. (2021) Strength of Pistol Frangible Bullet during Firing. In: 8th International Conference on Military Technologies, ICMT 2021, 8 June 2021 through 11 June 2021.

Vo, V.B. and Balla, J. and Dao, M.H. and Truong, T.H. and Nguyen, V.D. and Tran, V.T. (2021) Firing Stability of Automatic Grenade Launcher Mounted on Tripod. In: 8th International Conference on Military Technologies, ICMT 2021, 8 June 2021 through 11 June 2021.

Vo, V.B. and Konecny, P. and Nguyen, D.P. (2021) Effect of Shot Duration on the Firing Accuracy when Burst Fire of Unguided Rockets. In: 8th International Conference on Military Technologies, ICMT 2021, 8 June 2021 through 11 June 2021. Fulltext available

Vu, V.H. and Tu, B.Q. and Phung, Q.X. and Tran, V.T. and Hoang, N.N. and Pham, D.D. and Mai, T.A. and Tong, H.D. and Van Nguyen, M. and Nguyen, H.Q. and Nguyen, H.M. and Van Mai, H. and Duong, D.C. and Doan, Q.M. and Nguyen-Tran, T. (2021) Tailoring optical and resistance properties of the functional CuAlxOy semiconductor for applications as thermal infrared imagers. Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices, 6 (2). pp. 202-208. ISSN 24682284 Fulltext available

van Nguyen, T. and Nguyen, T.D. and van Pham, N. and Nguyen, T.-A. and van Ta, D. (2021) Monodisperse and size-tunable high-quality factor microsphere biolasers. Optics Letters, 46 (10). pp. 2517-2520. ISSN 1469592 Fulltext available

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