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Number of items: 12.


Ilyasov, V.V. and Holodova, O.M. and Ershov, I.V. and Pham, D.K. and Nguen, V.Ch. and Pluc, H.V. and Popova, I.G. and Zhdanova, T.P. and Prutsakova, N.V. and Mardasova, I.V. and Ashkanov, A.V. (2018) Physics of surface carbon ceramics by laser nanostructuring with 5d-metal componentry. In: 9th International Conference on Beam Technologies and Laser Application, BTLA 2018, 17 September 2018 through 19 September 2018.


Minh Hong, N. (2019) Improvement of Quality of Missile Guidance Through Compensation for Errors of Nose Cone. In: International Conference on Applied Physics, Power and Material Science 2018, ICAPPM 2018, 5 December 2018 through 6 December 2018. Fulltext available

Ngoc Dien, N. and Van Toan, N. (2019) Optimizationof UAV landing taking into consideration of limitation on control on the basis of solution of the boundary value problem by the parameter continuation. In: International Conference on Applied Physics, Power and Material Science 2018, ICAPPM 2018, 5 December 2018 through 6 December 2018.


Nguyen, V.-T. and Vu, N.-Q. and Nguyen, X.-D. (2020) Application of seismic isolation for multi-story buildings in moderate seismicity areas like Vietnam. In: 1st International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials 2020, ICAPSM 2020, 13 August 2020 through 14 August 2020. Fulltext available

Nguyn, V.T. and Phm, T.B. and Nguyn, X.B. (2020) Refined second-order plastic-hinge dynamic analysis for planar steel frames. In: International Scientific Conference on Modelling and Methods of Structural Analysis 2019, MMSA 2019, 13 November 2019 through 15 November 2019. Fulltext available


Nguyen, M.H. and Pham, X.P. (2021) Completing the proportional navigation rule with optimizational association funtion based on particle swarm optimization rule. In: 2nd International Scientific Conference on Metrological Support of Innovative Technologies, ICMSIT II-2021, 3 March 2021 through 6 March 2021.

Nguyen, V.-T. and Danlos, A. and Paridaens, R. and Ravelet, F. and Deligant, M. and Khelladi, S. and Bakir, F. (2021) Experimental study of a centrifugal compressor with two successive and counter-rotating impellers. In: UNSPECIFIED. Fulltext available

Lyapin, Alexandr and Murgul, Vera and Beskopylny, A.N. and Porksheyan, V.M. and Komakhidze, M.G. and Sukhinov, A.I. and Chetverushkin, B.N. and Avetisyan, A.I. and Kalyaev, I.A. and Tishkin, V.F. and Shananin, A.A. and Yakobovskiy, M.V. and Pasetti, M. and Pitel, J. and Dvornikov, O.V. and Melikyan, V.Sh. and Nawabi, Z. and Zoryan, Ye. and Ubar, R. and Dolgov, V.V. and Korochentsev, D.A. and Pavlov, I.V. and Sobol, B.V. and Pozharsky, D.A. and Lukyanov, A.D. and Lukyanov, E.A. and Chistyakov, A.E. and Studennikova, S.G. and Krivoruchko, A.V. and Misyura, V.V. and Revyakina, E.A. and Ventsov, N.N. and Belova, Yu.V. and Lyakhnitskaya, O.V. and Tipaeva, E.R. and Vereskun, V. and Benin, A. and Ilyin, I.V. and Kolesnikov, V. and Potjanajaruwit, P. and Chelokhyan, A. and Surinskiy, D. and Kalinina, O. and Guda, A. and Vatin, N. and Artiukh, V. and Gravit, M. and Edigarian, A. and Kaplyuk, M. and Kravchenko, M. and Shepilova, E. and Ovcharenko, S. and Galiev, I. and Meskhi, B. and Polushkin, O. and Shvedova, S. and Lebedenko, V. and Mozgovoy, A. and Tamarkin, M. and Zakovorotny, V. and Varavka, V. and Marchuk, V. and Minkin, M. and Aizikovich, S. and Bereza, A. and Bordachev, E. and Brzhozovsky, B. and Burlakova, V. and Veselov, G. and Kolesnikov, A. and Kostoglotov, A. and Lebedev, V. and King, Gillespie Larks and Anh, Nguyen Dong and Prokopenko, N. and Soloviev, A. and Sevostyanov, I. and Tung, Pham Dinh and Khakhanov, V. and Nasser, Kekhtarnavas and Egiazarian, K. and Karapetyan, G. and Mladenovic, V. and Petkovic, M. and Najafabadi, Tooraj Abbasian and Khaled, Hamouda and Chungguan, Liu and Popovic, Z. and Manakov, A. and Kudriavtcev, S. and Bieliatynskyi, A. and Jovanovski, M. and Ognjenovic, S. and Vukićević, M. and Vlasevskii, S. and Borodinecs, A. and Garifullin, M. and Dimitrov, V. and Appathurai, Ahilan and Saračević, Muzafer H. and Hasan, Ali M. and Tezer, Murat and Jalab, Hamid A. and Liao, Huchang and Basmaci, Gultekin and Uyumaz, Ahmet and Witalis, Kozubal Janusz and Anysz, Hubert and Ageev, E. and Akhverdiev, K. and Andreev, V. and Antipas, Imad R. and Bertram, Torsten and Bezuglov, D. and Cherkesova, L. and Chukarin, A. and Eliseev, S. and Eremeev, V. and Flek, M. and Galushkin, N. and Gillespie, LaRoux K. and Kureychik, V. and Kuznetzov, G. and Miroshnichenko, I. and Mukutadze, Murman A. and Mokrozub, V. and Ogar, P. and Ougolnitsky, G. and Popov, V. and Sidorov, V. and Solovyev, A. and Verner, I. and Yazyev, B. (2021) Preface. In: Intelligent Information Technology and Mathematical Modeling 2021, IITMM 2021, 31 May 2021through 6 June 2021, Divnomorskoe.

Nguyen, L.H. and Firsanov, V.V. (2021) Stress state analysis of laminated shells with piezoelectric layers based on the refined theory. In: 19th International Conference on Aviation and Cosmonautics, AviaSpace 2020, 23 November 2020 through 27 November 2020. Fulltext available


Tran, V.T. and Korikov, A.M. and Tran, D.K. (2022) Synthesis of an algorithm for automatic control of the quadcopter position using the control force estimation method. In: 17th International Conference on Electronic Devices and Control Systems 2021, EDCS 2021, 17 November 2021 Through 19 November 2021, Virtual, Online.

Tran, V.T. and Korikov, A.M. and Nguyen, T.T. (2022) Synthesizing of a sliding control law for a hydraulic automatic stabilization system. In: 17th International Conference on Electronic Devices and Control Systems 2021, EDCS 2021, 17 November 2021 Through 19 November 2021, Virtual, Online.


Dinh, V.-S. and Chu, H.-Q. and Nguyen, T.-K. and Le, D.-A. and Le, N.-B. and Nguyen, A.-T. and Kim, K.-Y. and Dinh, C.-T. (2024) Flow analysis through center body of ducted fan to electric motor cooling. In: UNSPECIFIED.

This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 12:44:22 2025 +07.