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New hybrid between SPEA/R with deep neural network: Application to predicting the multi-objective optimization of the stiffness parameter for powertrain mount systems

Dao, D.-N. and Guo, L.-X. (2020) New hybrid between SPEA/R with deep neural network: Application to predicting the multi-objective optimization of the stiffness parameter for powertrain mount systems. Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control, 39 (4). pp. 850-865. ISSN 14613484

New hybrid between SPEA-R with deep neural network- Application to predicting the multi-objective optimization of the stiffness parameter for powertrain mount systems..pdf

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In this study, a new methodology, hybrid Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm Reference Direction (SPEA/R) with Deep Neural Network (HDNN&SPEA/R), has been developed to achieve cost optimization of stiffness parameter for powertrain mount systems. This problem is formalized as a multi-objective optimization problem involving six optimization objectives: mean square acceleration of a rear engine mount, mean square displacement of a rear engine mount, mean square acceleration of a front left engine mount, mean square displacement of a front left engine mount, mean square acceleration of a front right engine mount, and mean square displacement of a front right engine mount. A hybrid HDNN&SPEA/R is proposed with the integration of genetic algorithm, deep neural network, and a Strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm based on reference direction for multi-objective SPEA/R. Several benchmark functions are tested, and results reveal that the HDNN&SPEA/R is more efficient than the typical deep neural network. stiffness parameter for powertrain mount systems optimization with HDNN&SPEA/R is simulated, respectively. It proved the potential of the HDNN&SPEA/R for stiffness parameter for powertrain mount systems optimization problem. © The Author(s) 2019.

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Faculties > Faculty of Control Engineering
Identification Number: 10.1177/1461348419868322
Uncontrolled Keywords: Deep neural networks; Engine mountings; Engines; Feedforward neural networks; Genetic algorithms; Machine learning; Powertrains; Stiffness; Extreme learning machine; Feed-forward artificial neural networks; Mount system; Mounting systems; Multi objective evolutionary algorithms; Multiobjective optimization
Additional Information: Language of original document: English. All Open Access, Gold.
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/8860

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