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Controlling a Discrete Soliton by a Weak Beam in Waveguide Arrays

Tran, T.X. and Nguyen-The, Q. (2016) Controlling a Discrete Soliton by a Weak Beam in Waveguide Arrays. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34 (17): 7509623. pp. 4105-4110. ISSN 7338724

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We investigate numerically and analytically the routing of a moderately confined discrete soliton by using a weak oblique control beam in nonlinear waveguide arrays. Our simulations show that a weak control beam can efficiently route a discrete soliton even when the input power of the weak control beam is less than 20% of the discrete soliton input power. The physical insight into the dragging of the discrete soliton toward the control beam is provided for the first time. The influence of several important parameters such as the initial phase of the weak control beam, peak amplitudes of discrete soliton and control beam, control beam width is investigated in detail. © 2016 IEEE.

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Faculties > Faculty of Radio-Electronic Engineering
Faculties > Faculty of Physical and Chemical Engineering
Identification Number: 10.1109/JLT.2016.2590562
Uncontrolled Keywords: Optical switches; Solitons; Waveguides; Control beams; Discrete soliton; Input power; Nonlinear Fiber-Optics; Nonlinear optical devices; Nonlinear waveguide arrays; Peak amplitude; Waveguide array; Nonlinear optics
Additional Information: Language of original document: English.
URI: http://eprints.lqdtu.edu.vn/id/eprint/9814

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