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Number of items: 77.

Journals peer-reviewed by Scopus

Huu, H.D. and Bui, N.-M. and Hoang, V.-P. and Quy, T.B. and Van, H.C. (2024) Bearing Fault Classification Based on Residual Component of Motor Current Signal and Machine Learning. In: International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Networks, ICISN 2024, 22 March 2024 Through 23 March 2024, Hanoi.

Tran, T.-H. and Hoang, V.-P. and Le, D.-H. and Hoang, T.-T. and Pham, C.-K. (2024) An Efficient Hiding Countermeasure with Xilinx MMCM Primitive in Spread Mode. In: 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2024, 19 May 2024 Through 22 May 2024, Singapore.

Thi Yen, H. and Tiep, V.T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Trinh, Q.-K. and Nguyen, H.-D. and Tuyen, N.T. and Sun, G. (2024) Radar-based contactless heart beat detection with a modified Pan-Tompkins algorithm. Biomedical physics & engineering express, 11 (1). ISSN 20571976

Nguyen, D.-T. and Le, T.-H. and Doan, V.-S. and Hoang, V.-P. (2024) UNet-rootMUSIC: A high accuracy direction of arrival estimation method under array imperfection. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 173.

Huu, H.D. and Quy, T.B. and Bui, N.-M. and Van, V.P. and Thi, T.D. and Hoang, V.-P. (2023) Bearing Fault Classification Using Spectral Portrait of Motor Current Signals and Machine Learning. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Tran, T.-H. and Le, A.-T. and Hoang, T.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Pham, C.-K. (2023) Dynamic Gold Code-Based Chaotic Clock for Cryptographic Designs to Counter Power Analysis Attacks. In: Conference of 33rd Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, GLSVLSI 2023, 5 June 2023 Through 7 June 2023, Knoxville.

Huynh-The, T. and Pham, Q.-V. and Nguyen, T.-V. and Da Costa, D.B. and Hoang, V.-P. (2023) An Efficient Deep Network for Modulation Classification in Impaired MIMO-OFDM Systems. In: 22nd IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, SSP 2023, 2 July 2023 Through 5 July 2023, Hanoi.

Hoang, V.-P. and Dao, V.-L. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Tran, X.N. and Ishibashi, K. (2023) An Energy Efficient, Long Range Sensor System for Real-Time Environment Monitoring. In: Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, pp. 823-830.

Huynh-The, T. and Pham, Q.-V. and Vu, T.-H. and Da Costa, D.B. and Hoang, V.-P. (2023) Intelligent Spectrum Sensing with ConvNet for 5G and LTE Signals Identification. In: 22nd IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, SSP 2023, 2 July 2023 Through 5 July 2023, Hanoi.

Hoang, V.-P. and Do, N.-T. and Hoang, T.-T. and Pham, C.-K. (2023) Revealing Secret Key from Low Success Rate Deep Learning-Based Side Channel Attacks. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Yen, H.T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Trinh, Q.-K. and Doan, V.S. and Sun, G. (2023) Sleep Apnea Patient Monitoring Using Continuous-wave Radar. In: 22nd IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, SSP 2023, 2 July 2023 Through 5 July 2023, Hanoi.

Dam, D.-T. and Tran, T.-H. and Hoang, V.-P. and Pham, C.-K. and Hoang, T.-T. (2023) A Survey of Post-Quantum Cryptography: Start of a New Race. Cryptography, 7 (3): 40. ISSN 2410387X

Nguyen, D.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Doan, V.-S. (2023) UFCNet: U-shaped Fully Connected Network for Improving Direction of Arrival Estimation Accuracy in Electronic Intelligence Systems. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Duong, Q.-M. and Trinh, Q.-K. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Dao, D.-H. and Luong, D.-M. and Hoang, V.-P. and Lin, L. and Deepu, J. (2023) A low-power charge-based integrate-and-fire circuit for binarized-spiking neural network. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications. ISSN 0098-9886

Do, N.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Doan, V.S. (2023) A novel non-profiled side channel attack based on multi-output regression neural network. Journal of Cryptographic Engineering. ISSN 21908508

Nguyen, D.-T. and Le, T.-H. and Hoang, V.-P. and Doan, V.-S. and Thai, D.-T. (2022) Combining U-Net Auto-encoder and MUSIC Algorithm for Improving DOA Estimation Accuracy under Defects of Antenna Array. In: Conference of 15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2022, 20 October 2022 Through 22 October 2022, Hanoi.

Nguyen, V.-T. and Pham, T. and Luu, T.-H. and Nguyen, T.-L. and Nguyen, H.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Tran, X.-N. and Nguyen, V.-H. and Nguyen, V.-H. (2022) High-Efficient DC-DC Converter Based on Hybrid SI-SC Topology for Portable Devices. In: Conference of 2022 IEEE International Conference on IC Design and Technology, ICICDT 2022, 21 September 2022 Through 23 September 2022, Hanoi.

Dol, N.-T. and Le, P.-C. and Hoang, V.-P. and Doan, V.-S. and Nguyen, H.G. and Pham, C.-K. (2022) MO-DLSCA: Deep Learning Based Non-profiled Side Channel Analysis Using Multi-output Neural Networks. In: Conference of 15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2022, 20 October 2022 Through 22 October 2022, Hanoi.

Trinh, Q.-K. and Duong, Q.-M. and Do, X.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Vu, H.-G. and Dinh, V.-N. and Dao, X.-U. (2022) A Novel In-memory Matching Circuit Based on Non-volatile Resistive Memory. In: Conference of 2022 IEEE International Conference on IC Design and Technology, ICICDT 2022, 21 September 2022 Through 23 September 2022, Hanoi.

Do, N.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Doan, V.S. and Pham, C.-K. (2022) On the performance of non-profiled side channel attacks based on deep learning techniques. IET Information Security.

Do, N.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Sang Doan, V. (2022) Performance Analysis of Non-profiled Side Channel Attack Based on Multi-layer Perceptron Using Significant Hamming Weight Labeling. In: 8th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, INISCOM 2022, 21 April 2022 Through 22 April 2022, Virtual, Online.

Doan, V.-S. and Huynh-The, T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Vesely, J. (2022) Phase-difference measurement-based angle of arrival estimation using long-baseline interferometer. IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation.

Yen, H.T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Son, N.H. and Kien Trinh, Q. and Tran, X.N. and Ishibashi, K. and Sun, G. (2022) Real-Time Medical Radar-based Vital Sign Monitoring System Implemented with Signal Quality Classification Algorithm. In: Conference of 15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2022, 20 October 2022 Through 22 October 2022, Hanoi.

Tran, V.-T. and Trinh, Q.-K. and Hoang, V.-P. (2022) A robust Euclidean metric based ID extraction method using RO-PUFs in FPGA. Integration, 82. pp. 37-47. ISSN 1679260 Fulltext available

Tran, N.Q. and Nguyen, H.Q. and Hoang, V.-P. (2021) Combined VMD-GSO Based Points of Interest Selection Method for Profiled Side Channel Attacks. In: 7th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, INISCOM 2021, 22 April 2021 through 23 April 2021.

Tran, X.N. and Hoang, V.-P. and Nguyen, B.C. (2021) Combining RF energy harvesting and cooperative communications for low-power wide-area systems. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 139: 153909. ISSN 14348411 Fulltext available

Duong, T.Q. and Hoang, V.-P. and Pham, C.-K. (2021) Convergence of 5G Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity of Networked Societies for the Cities of Tomorrow. Mobile Networks and Applications. ISSN 1383469X (In Press)

Hoang, V.-P. and Nguyen, Q.P. and Nguyen, V.T. and Nguyen, T.T. and Tran, X.N. (2021) A Design of CMOS PUF Based on Ring Oscillator and Time-to-Digital Converter. In: 7th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, INISCOM 2021, 22 April 2021 through 23 April 2021.

Hoang, V.-P. and Ta, V.-T. (2021) Fully digital background calibration of channel mismatches in time-interleaved ADCs using recursive least square algorithm. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 130: 153574. ISSN 14348411

Vu, N.-A. and Le, H.-N. and Tran, T.-H.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Trinh, Q.-K. (2021) A LUT-based LNA Nonlinear Distortion Compensation Scheme in Direct-Sampling Receivers. In: 8th IEEE International Conference on Communications and Electronics, ICCE 2020, 13 January 2021 through 15 January 2021. Fulltext available

Le, H. and Doan, V.-S. and Le, D.P. and Huynh-The, T. and Hoang, V.-P. (2021) Micro-motion Target Classification Based on FMCW Radar Using Extended Residual Neural Network. In: 7th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, INISCOM 2021, 22 April 2021 through 23 April 2021.

Vo, N.-S. and Hoang, V.-P. and Vien, Q.-T. (2021) Preface. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, 379. ISSN 18678211

Le, D.H. and Dinh, T.K.P. and Hoang, V.-P. and Nguyen, D.M. (2020) All-digital background calibration of gain and timing mismatches in time-interleaved ADCs using adaptive noise canceller. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 114: 152999. ISSN 14348411 Fulltext available

Doan, V.-S. and Huynh-The, T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Kim, D.-S. (2020) Convolutional Neural Network-Based DOA Estimation Using Non-uniform Linear Array for Multipath Channels. In: 6th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, INISCOM 2020, 24 August 2020 through 28 August 2020. Fulltext available

Do, N.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. (2020) An Efficient Side Channel Attack Technique with Improved Correlation Power Analysis. In: 6th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, INISCOM 2020, 24 August 2020 through 28 August 2020.

Duc, C.K. and Dao, T.T. and Tien, A.B. and Hoang, V.-P. (2020) An IoT node with organic pressure sensor for structural health monitoring system. In: 2020 International Conference on Green and Human Information Technology, ICGHIT 2020, 5 February 2020 through 7 February 2020. Fulltext available

Le, D.H. and Hoang, V.-P. and Nguyen, M.H. and Nguyen, H.M. and Nguyen, D.M. (2020) Linearization of RF Power Amplifiers in Wideband Communication Systems by Adaptive Indirect Learning Using RPEM Algorithm. Mobile Networks and Applications, 25 (5). pp. 1988-1997. ISSN 1383469X Fulltext available

Dong, P.-K. and Nguyen, H.K. and Hoang, V.-P. and Tran, X.-T. (2020) Low-Power Implementation of a High-Throughput Multi-core AES Encryption Architecture. In: 16th IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, APCCAS 2020, 8 December 2020 through 10 December 2020. Fulltext available

Van, L.-D. and Dang, K.N. and Verbauwhede, I. and Hoang, V.-P. (2020) MESSAGE from TPC CO-CHAIR. Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, APCCAS 2020: 9301649.

Le, H. and Doan, V.-S. and Le, D.P. and Nguyen, H.-H. and Huynh-The, T. and Le-Ha, K. and Hoang, V.-P. (2020) Micro-doppler-radar-based UAV detection using inception-residual neural network. In: 13th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2020, 8 October 2020 through 10 October 2020. Fulltext available

Do, N.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Doan, V.-S. (2020) Performance Analysis of Non-Profiled Side Channel Attacks Based on Convolutional Neural Networks. In: 16th IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, APCCAS 2020, 8 December 2020 through 10 December 2020. Fulltext available

Vo, N.-S. and Hoang, V.-P. (2020) Preface. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, 334. ISSN 18678211

Ta, V.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. (2020) Sequential all-digital background calibration for channel mismatches in time-interleaved ADC. In: 4th International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering, RICE 2019, 8 August 2019 through 9 August 2019.

Hoang, V.-P. and Dao, V.-L. and Dang, V.-B. (2020) Temperature beat sensor for energy efficient, long range smart monitoring systems. In: 2020 International Conference on Green and Human Information Technology, ICGHIT 2020, 5 February 2020 through 7 February 2020. Fulltext available

Ta, V.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Pham, V.-P. and Pham, C.-K. (2020) An improved all-digital background calibration technique for channel mismatches in high speed time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters. Electronics (Switzerland), 9 (1): 73. ISSN 20799292 Fulltext available

Hoang, V.-P. and Nguyen, M.-H. and Do, T.Q. and Le, D.-N. and Bui, D.D. (2020) A long range, energy efficient Internet of Things based drought monitoring system. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 10 (2). pp. 1278-1287. ISSN 20888708 Fulltext available

Nguyen, X.-T. and Hoang, T.-T. and Inoue, K. and Bui, N.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Pham, C.-K. (2019) A 1.2-v 90-MHz bitmap index creation accelerator with 0.27-nW standby power on 65-nm silicon-on-thin-box (SOTB) CMOS. In: 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2019, 26 May 2019 through 29 May 2019. Fulltext available

Vu, N.-A. and Le, H.-N. and Tran, T.-H.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Trinh, Q.-K. (2019) Adaptive Distortion Inversion Technique for LNA's Nonlinearity Compensation in Direct RF Digitization Receivers. In: 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2019, 17 October 2019 through 19 October 2019. Fulltext available

Thi, Y.H. and Ta, V.-T. and Manh, D.Q. and Hoang, V.-P. (2019) Background calibration of multiple channel mismatches in time-interleaved ADCs. In: 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Signal Processing, Telecommunications and Computing, SigTelCom 2019, 21 March 2019 through 22 March 2019. Fulltext available

Ishibashi, K. and Manyvone, D. and Itoh, M. and Dao, V.-L. and Hoang, V.-P. (2019) Beat sensors for smart environment monitoring systems. In: 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Signal Processing, Telecommunications and Computing, SigTelCom 2019, 21 March 2019 through 22 March 2019. Fulltext available

Tran, V.-T. and Trinh, Q.-K. and Hoang, V.-P. (2019) Enhanced id authentication scheme using fpga-based ring oscillator puf. In: 13th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-Core Systems-on-Chip, MCSoC 2019, 1 October 2019 through 4 October 2019. Fulltext available

Ta, V.-T. and Thi, Y.H. and Le Duc, H. and Hoang, V.-P. (2019) Fully Digital Background Calibration Technique for Channel Mismatches in TIADCs. In: 5th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science, NICS 2018, 23 November 2018 through 24 November 2018. Fulltext available

Ngo, X.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Duc, H.L. (2019) Hardware Trojan Threat and Its Countermeasures. In: 5th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science, NICS 2018, 23 November 2018 through 24 November 2018. Fulltext available

Hoang, T.-T. and Tran, T.-H. and Hoang, V.-P. and Tran, X.-N. and Pham, C.-K. (2019) Hardware trojan detection techniques using side-channel analysis. In: 6th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science, NICS 2019, 12 December 2019 through 13 December 2019. Fulltext available

Le Duc, H. and Nguyen, M.H. and Hoang, V.-P. and Nguyen, H.M. and Nguyen, D.M. (2019) Linearizing RF power amplifiers using adaptive RPEM algorithm. In: 5th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, INISCOM 2019, 19 August 2019 through 19 August 2019.

Hosaka, T. and Hoang, T.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Le, D.-H. and Inoue, K. and Pham, C.-K. (2019) Live demonstration: Real-time auto-exposure histogram equalization video-system using frequent items counter. In: 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2019, 26 May 2019 through 29 May 2019. Fulltext available

Duong, T.Q. and Tran, X.-N. and Ha, D.-B. and Karagiannidis, G.K. and Quoc Bao, V.N. and Hoang, V.-P. (2019) Message from the SIGTELCOM'19 general TPC chairs. Proceedings - 2019 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Signal Processing, Telecommunications and Computing, SigTelCom 2019: 8696097. X-XI.

Duc, C.K. and Hoang, V.-P. and Nguyen, D.T. and Dao, T.T. (2019) A low-cost, flexible pressure capacitor sensor using polyurethane for wireless vehicle detection. Polymers, 11 (8): 1247. ISSN 20734360 Fulltext available

Dao, M.-H. and Hoang, V.-P. and Dao, V.-L. and Tran, X.-T. (2018) An Energy Efficient AES Encryption Core for Hardware Security Implementation in IoT Systems. In: 11th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2018, 18 October 2018 through 20 October 2018. Fulltext available

Le Duc, H. and Hoang, V.-P. and Nguyen, D.-M. and Pham, C.-K. (2018) Hardware Implementation of Background Calibration Technique for TIADCs with Signals in Any Nyquist Bands. In: 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2018, 27 May 2018 through 30 May 2018. Fulltext available

Kise, K. and Hoang, V.-P. (2018) Message from Program Chairs. Proceedings - 2018 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-Core Systems-on-Chip, MCSoC 2018: 8540199. Fulltext available

Nguyen, V.-T. and Luong, T.-K. and Le Duc, H. and Hoang, V.-P. (2018) An efficient hardware implementation of activation functions using stochastic computing for deep neural networks. In: 12th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-Core Systems-on-Chip, MCSoC 2018, 12 September 2018 through 14 September 2018. Fulltext available

Hoang, V.-P. and Dao, V.-L. and Pham, C.-K. (2017) Design of ultra-low power AES encryption cores with silicon demonstration in SOTB CMOS process. Electronics Letters, 53 (23). pp. 1512-1514. ISSN 135194 Fulltext available

Dao, V.-L. and Nguyen, V.-D. and Nguyen, H.-D. and Hoang, V.-P. (2017) Hardware implementation of MFCC feature extraction for speech recognition on FPGA. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology, ICTA 2016, 12 December 2016 through 13 December 2016. Fulltext available

Dao, V.-L. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. (2017) Low power ECC implementation on ASIC. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology, ICTA 2016, 12 December 2016 through 13 December 2016. Fulltext available

Tran, X.T. and Pham, C.K. and Uchiyama, K. and Matsuoka, T. and Nguyen, N.-B. and Hoang, V.-P. and Pham, N.-N. and Pham, L. (2017) Preface. In: 7th International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Design, and Verification, ICDV 2017, 5 October 2017 through 6 October 2017, Hanoi.

Dao, V.-L. and Nguyen, X.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. (2017) An energy-efficient smart monitoring system using zigbee wireless sensor network. In: 4th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science, NICS 2017, 24 November 2017 through 25 November 2017. Fulltext available

Hoang, V.-P. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Nguyen, A.-T. and Pham, C.-K. (2017) A low power AES-GCM authenticated encryption core in 65nm SOTB CMOS process. In: 60th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS 2017, 6 August 2017 through 9 August 2017. Fulltext available

Nguyen, V.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Sai, V.-T. and Luong, T.-K. and Nguyen, M.-T. and Le Duc, H. (2017) A new approach of stochastic computing for arithmetic functions in wideband RF transceivers. In: 60th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS 2017, 6 August 2017 through 9 August 2017. Fulltext available

Dao, V.-L. and Hoang, V.-P. (2017) A smart delivery system using Internet of Things. In: 7th International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Design, and Verification, ICDV 2017, 5 October 2017 through 6 October 2017, Hanoi. Fulltext available

Dao, V.-L. and Nguyen, A.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. and Tran, T.-A. (2016) An ASIC implementation of low area AES encryption core for wireless networks. In: International Conference on Computing, Management and Telecommunications, ComManTel 2015, 28 December 2015 through 30 December 2015. Fulltext available

Dao, V.-L. and Hoang, V.-P. and Nguyen, A.-T. and Le, Q.-M. (2016) A compact, low power AES core on 180nm CMOS process. In: 2016 IEEE Joint Conference on International Conference on IC Design and Technology, ICICDT 2016 and Solid State Systems Symposium, 4S 2016, 27 June 2016 through 29 June 2016. Fulltext available

Hoang, V.-P. and Phan, T.-T.-D. and Dao, V.-L. and Pham, C.-K. (2016) A compact, ultra-low power AES-CCM IP core for wireless body area networks. In: 24th Annual IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SoC 2016, 26 September 2016 through 28 September 2016. Fulltext available

Phan, T.-T.-D. and Hoang, V.-P. and Dao, V.-L. (2016) An efficient FPGA implementation of AES-CCM authenticated encryption IP core. In: 3rd National Foundation for Science and Technology Development Conference on Information and Computer Science, NICS 2016, 14 September 2016 through 16 September 2016. Fulltext available

Sai, V.-T. and Hoang, V.-P. (2016) An optimized implementation of logarithm hardware generator for digital signal processing. In: 6th IEEE International Conference on Communications and Electronics, IEEE ICCE 2016, 27 July 2016 through 29 July 2016. Fulltext available

Hoang, V.-P. and Dao, V.-L. and Pham, C.-K. (2016) An ultra-low power AES encryption core in 65nm SOTB CMOS process. In: 13th International SoC Design Conference, ISOCC 2016, 23 October 2016 through 26 October 2016. Fulltext available

Hoang, V.-P. and Do, X.-T. and Pham, C.-K. (2013) An efficient ASIC implementation of logarithm approximation for HDR image processing. In: 2013 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2013, 16 October 2013 through 18 October 2013, Ho Chi Minh. Fulltext available

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