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Baharin, R.H.B.M. and Yamada, Y. and Kamardin, K.B. and DInh, N.Q. and Michishita, N.
Input resistances of small normal-mode helical antennas in dielectric materials.
In: 2017 IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC 2017, 13 November 2017 through 16 November 2017.
Dao, V.-L. and Hoang, V.-P.
A smart delivery system using Internet of Things.
In: 7th International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Design, and Verification, ICDV 2017, 5 October 2017 through 6 October 2017, Hanoi.
Dao, V.-L. and Nguyen, V.-D. and Nguyen, H.-D. and Hoang, V.-P.
Hardware implementation of MFCC feature extraction for speech recognition on FPGA.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology, ICTA 2016, 12 December 2016 through 13 December 2016.
Dao, V.-L. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Hoang, V.-P.
Low power ECC implementation on ASIC.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology, ICTA 2016, 12 December 2016 through 13 December 2016.
Dao, V.-L. and Nguyen, X.-T. and Hoang, V.-P.
An energy-efficient smart monitoring system using zigbee wireless sensor network.
In: 4th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science, NICS 2017, 24 November 2017 through 25 November 2017.
Dinh Ha, D. and Stempitsky, V. and Trung, T.T.
Verilog-A based compact model of the silicon hall element.
In: 7th International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Design, and Verification, ICDV 2017, 5 October 2017 through 6 October 2017.
Dung, D.T. and Dinh, N.Q. and Yamada, Y. and Michishita, N. and Anh, H.Q.
Electric characteristics of very small normal-mode helical antenna in human body conditions.
In: 10th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2017, 18 October 2017 through 20 October 2017.
Hoang, V.-P. and Nguyen, V.-T. and Nguyen, A.-T. and Pham, C.-K.
A low power AES-GCM authenticated encryption core in 65nm SOTB CMOS process.
In: 60th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS 2017, 6 August 2017 through 9 August 2017.
Le, D.T. and Hamada, L. and Watanabe, S. and Onishi, T.
A Fast Estimation Technique for Evaluating the Specific Absorption Rate of Multiple-Antenna Transmitting Devices.
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 65 (4): 7857731.
pp. 1947-1957.
ISSN 0018926X
Nguyen, A.H. and Guillemette, T. and Lambert, A.J. and Pickering, M.R. and Garratt, M.A. (2017) Increasing feasibility of the field-programmable gate array implementation of an iterative image registration using a kernel-warping algorithm. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 26 (5): 53010. ISSN 10179909
Nguyen, A.T. and Han, J.-H. and Nguyen, A.T. (2017) Application of artificial neural networks to predict dynamic responses of wing structures due to atmospheric turbulence. International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 18 (3). pp. 474-484. ISSN 2093274X
Nguyen, T. and Nguyen, T.-N. and Nguyen, Q.-B. (2017) Automatic phase compensation in MIMO-STBC systems with nonlinear distortion incurred by high power amplifiers. In: 10th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2017, 18 October 2017 through 20 October 2017.
Nguyen, T. and Nguyen, T.-N. and Nguyen, Q.-B. (2017) Performance of a phase estimation method under different nonlinearities incurred by high power amplifiers in MIMO-STBC systems. In: 4th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science, NICS 2017, 24 November 2017 through 25 November 2017.
Nguyen, T.-B. and Nguyen, T.-D. and Le, M.-T. and Ngo, V.-D. (2017) Efficiency zero-forcing detectors based on group detection for massive MIMO systems. In: 10th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2017, 18 October 2017 through 20 October 2017.
Phu, T.T. and Dang, T.H. and Tran, T.D. and Voznak, M. (2017) Security-reliability analysis of noma-based multi-hop relay networks in presence of an active eavesdropper with imperfect eavesdropping CSI. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 15 (4 Spec). pp. 591-597. ISSN 13361376
Quan, D.T. and Hiep, P.T. and Kobayashi, T. and Takabayashi, K. and Kohno, R.
Proposal methods for performance analysis of WBANs based on CSMA/CA.
In: 11th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, ISMICT 2017, 6 February 2017 through 8 February 2017.
Quan, D.T. and Hiep, P.T. and Kohno, R. (2017) Performance Analysis Method for IEEE 802.15.6 Based WBANs with Adaptive BCH Code Rates. Wireless Personal Communications, 94 (3). pp. 605-619. ISSN 9296212
Ta, M.V. and Manh, L.D. and Hoang, N.H.
Study of injection locking effect in terahertz resonant tunneling diode oscillators.
In: 10th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2017, 18 October 2017 through 20 October 2017.
Thanh, H.L.T. and Tran, X.N.
Repeated index modulation for OFDM with space and frequency diversity.
In: 10th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2017, 18 October 2017 through 20 October 2017.
Tran, P.N. and Trinh, K.D.
Adaptive Matched Field Processing for Source Localization Using Improved Diagonal Loading Algorithm.
Acoustics Australia, 45 (2).
pp. 325-330.
ISSN 8146039
Tran, T.-N. and Pham, V.-B. and Nguyen, H.-M.
The asynchronous cooperative amplify-and-forward relay network with partial feedback to improve the system performance.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology, ICTA 2016, 12 December 2016 through 13 December 2016.
Tran, V.-N. and Le, H.-N.
Reconfigurable Complex Filtering Methods for PAPR Reduction of OFDM Signals with Low Computational Complexity.
In: 4th International Conference on Engineering and Telecommunication, En and T 2017, 29 November 2017 through 30 November 2017.
Tran, X.T. and Pham, C.K. and Uchiyama, K. and Matsuoka, T. and Nguyen, N.-B. and Hoang, V.-P. and Pham, N.-N. and Pham, L. (2017) Preface. In: 7th International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Design, and Verification, ICDV 2017, 5 October 2017 through 6 October 2017, Hanoi.
Tuan, N.A. and Nghia, P.X.
Improved LDPC iterative decoding algorithm based on the reliable extrinsic information and its histogram.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology, ICTA 2016, 12 December 2016 through 13 December 2016.
Tuan, N.T. and Yamada, Y. and Dung, D.T. and Dinh, N.Q. and Michishita, N. (2017) Simulation accuracy of normal-mode helical antenna used in human body. In: 21st International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2016, 24 October 2016 through 28 October 2016.
Vu, V.T. and Tran, D.-T. and Phan, T.H.
Data embedding in audio signal using multiple bit marking layers method.
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76 (9).
pp. 11391-11406.
ISSN 13807501